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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
National Implications: Historical View of Black School
This examination by Drs. James E. Ginn, J D Gregory Jr., Henry North, and Leola Robinson dependent on the examinations done by Raymond J. Lockett and George M. Vincent in Louisiana and Mississippi separately. As with Lockett’s and Vincent’s investigates, the creators of the examination in investigation needed to layout the social, financial, and political profile of the Black educational committee individuals, this time in Texas. As the writers emphasize, they were not intending for a full replication of the Lockett and Vincent articles. Rather, their primary object is to outline any potential patterns with respect to picking Black school individuals. Utilizing a similar survey contrived by Lockett for his Louisiana Black educational committee part study, with simply minor changes to suit those in Texas, Ginn et. al had the option to review 79% of the Black educational committee individuals in Texas, as recorded operating at a profit Elected Officials: A National Roster. Fundamentally, the examination brought about a count of the individual attributes, inspirational elements, and perspectives on social changes of those at present chosen African-American educational committee individuals. Additionally in the decision was a disclosure of which parts give the greatest money related and moral help for Black electorates in addition to the techniques of these Black individuals in executing social change. Sufficiently genuine, Dr. Ginn et. al’s paper was fruitful in its expect to create a profile however it neglected to express any patterns corresponding to the ends made by Lockett and Vincent, aside from with the inspirational factors in regards to bid. As Dr. Ginn et. al’s paper uncovers, Texan Black educational committee individuals regard the improvement of the educational system as the highest explanation behind looking for office, dissimilar to Louisianan Black educational committee individuals who recorded that as just the second most significant explanation. For the Blacks in Louisiana, the renown that accompanies the workplace is the essential motivation to be in the educational committee. Those in Mississippi, then again, feel that the improvement of the African-American race is what makes a difference. With different perspectives revealed by the exploration, however, this examination and diverge from the consequences of the Louisiana and Mississippi results was absent. In any case, beside that undeniable slight, there were different pieces of the examination that must be called to consideration. The creators of â€Å"National Implications†¦Ã¢â‚¬ neglected to introduce the tables of the review result and give a palatable portrayal of the outcomes. They cherished utilizing the word â€Å"likely†, which will in general debilitate the establishment of their outcomes. The initial two sections under the heading â€Å"Results of the Study-Personal Characteristics†referenced the word â€Å"likely†multiple times in fifteen sentences. Referencing precise figures would have been exceptional for it could have cemented the cases of the creators. Something else that I can study with the paper is the authors’ suspicion that their perusers are as of now very much aware of what is written in their sources’ works. They have neglected to depict in any event insignificantly what their sources are discussing. One glaring model is where they notice that â€Å"Tyres Hillway and Nunnery and Kimbrough recorded a few favorable circumstances of the mail questionnaire†yet neglected to list what these points of interest are. It would have been exceptional if their endnotes in any event contained a depiction of the discoveries of their references. However, regardless of these exploration results goofs, the article had the option to give some helpful bits of knowledge. As I would like to think, the article had the capability of being significant for the individuals who needs to investigate mapping out inclinations in educational committee individuals †dark or white. Dr. Ginn et. al’s exploration can be the beginning stage of setting down reasons with regards to why educational committee individuals are chosen into their position. Maybe the most significant thing that can be gotten from the said research is the diamonds about the African-Americans. The exploration utilized sources and factors that were valid in 1985 and previously. Around then, the jobs of Black Americans are as yet outlined and everybody was still basically acclimating to the mix of the races. However, as evident as the outcomes might be in the time the examination was transmitted, I can say that circumstances are different tremendously. The article by Dr. Ginn et. al caused me to acknowledge exactly how dynamic America has become. A great deal of endeavors have been done to guarantee that the nation give equivalent chances to both African-Americans and Caucasians. Though previously, Blacks are as yet being â€Å"pushed†to run for political power and advance the government assistance of their race, today it is now to regular to have the African-Americans spoke to in political office. There are as yet the intermittent oppressive comments and acts, however these are not, at this point acknowledged and are currently denounced. Likewise, nearly everybody is currently composed to the incorporation of blacks and whites. Indeed, we have gone to a time where separations is something we don't endure. The African-Americans’ are demonstrating that they are reasonable pioneers and are fit for holding a significant position. Also, in spite of the confinements of â€Å"National Implications: Historical View of Black School Board Members of the State of Texas Until 1985†, it was significant in causing me to understand that occasions have truly changed†¦for great.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Technology in Special Education Classrooms
Odabasi, H. F. , Kuzu, A. , Girgin, C. , Cuhadar, C. , Kiyici, M. , and Tanyeri, T. (2009). Impressions of Hearing Impaired Students on Daily and Instructional PDA Use. Universal Journal of Special Education , 24 (1), 11. I might want to start by saying, â€Å"Whatever it takes to show my understudies, I will do! †Whether I have to make print outs of everything canvassed in class, to messaging them, to wearing a receiver, and so forth. The requirement for innovation in the homeroom is quickly expanding with the evolving times. I will show secondary school science even still I will join innovation into my study hall in any capacity conceivable, regardless of whether it is with PCs or number crunchers. As per this article there is a â€Å"list of advantages of executing these advancements for exceptional understudies as follows. He keeps up that utilizing these advancements: †¢Maximizes autonomy in scholastic and business assignments, †¢Increases support in study hall conversations, †¢Helps understudies access friends, tutors and good examples, †¢Helps them self-advocate, Provides them with access to the full scope of instructive choices, †¢Helps them take an interest in various encounters not in any case conceivable, †¢Provides them with the chance to prevail in work-based learning encounters, †¢Secures elevated levels of free living, †¢Prepares them for changes to school and vocations, †¢Gives them the chance to work one next to the other with peers, †¢Hel ps them enter cutting edge profession fields, †¢Encourages them to take an interest in network and recreational activities†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). As indicated by Odabasi, et. al, â€Å"Aksan characterizes correspondence as the transmission of data, thoughts, feelings and aims starting with one spot then onto the next or from on individual to another through crude or develop indicators†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). A typical language is fundamental all together for one individual to speak with another. Odabasi, et. al expresses that â€Å"hearing impeded kids follow similar procedures followed by their hearing friends during learning. In any case, due to their debilitation, their language obtaining, understanding appreciation, and composed creation are later acknowledged in contrast with their unblemished peers†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). The quick increment in the interest for â€Å"portable data innovation devices†is rapidly becoming wild (Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). Be that as it may, the interest has been the main thrust for the deluge of phones, individual computerized colleagues (PDA’s), and GPRS accessible available today. I state if the creation of these gadgets is going to assist understudies with incapacities, at that point so be it and welcome them on. As indicated by Odabasi, et. al, â€Å"Mobile learning gives an inspirational upgrade, offers simplicity of capacity and conveyability, adds to improved composed work, builds information on PCs, offers a scope of helpful capacities, and is promptly accessible at all times†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). Inside the requirement for â€Å"Mobile learning†additionally comes â€Å"Mobile advancements that can be utilized at whatever point there is a requirement for learning, bolster singular learning, give joint effort and correspondence all over, suit to individuals’ specific information and expertise level, continue continuous access to data assets, and oblige to every day correspondence needs†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). Understudies will have the option to contact instructors and access their work outside the study hall with â€Å"Mobile Technology†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). Odabasi, et. al says â€Å"PDA’s have two essential purposes in versatile learning †to give continued individual access to ICT, through which instructors may create recognition with applicable ideas and rehearses; and to give access to the ventures and expert advancement materials†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, and Tanyeri, 2009). Taking everything into account, I will utilize innovation in my study hall. Be that as it may, I will have a constrained choice and accessibility of projects, as I will show secondary school arithmetic. I do accept that it would profit more understudies to have more access to material relating to their classes, regardless of which classes they might be.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Chest Pain Symptoms and Panic Disorder
Chest Pain Symptoms and Panic Disorder Panic Disorder Symptoms Print Chest Pain From Heart Problems and Panic Disorder By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Updated on October 21, 2019 Istockphoto.com/Stock Photo ©Daisy-Daisy More in Panic Disorder Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Typical vs. Atypical Pain Pain With Heart Problems Pain With Panic Disorder Mitral Valve/Panic Disorder Heart Disease/Panic Disorder View All Back To Top About 40 percent of people with panic disorder experience pain in their chest. Chest pain symptoms are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders, DSM-5. under the symptoms associated with a panic attack. Whether or not you have panic disorder, pain in the chest area sounds an alarm. The first thought, and rightfully so, is that you are experiencing a possible heart attack or other cardiac event. This possibility sends many people to the nearest emergency room for help. But, often chest pain symptoms associated with panic disorder are not related to the heart and are not, generally, considered serious. Typical vs. Atypical Chest Pain Professionals have divided chest pain under the headings of “typical†and “atypical.†Typical chest pain is thought to be more likely related to a cardiac event. Atypical chest pain, on the other hand, is thought to decrease the likelihood that the pain has cardiac origins. But, defining what is “typical†and what is “atypical†is not set by clear boundaries. And, although atypical chest pain reduces the likelihood of heart trouble, some people do, indeed, have atypical chest pain with a heart attack or other cardiac episode. This may be even more common in women, as heart disease in women often has different symptoms than heart disease in men. The following provides a general overview of what is usually considered the characteristics of typical chest pain indicative of heart trouble and atypical chest pain often associated with panic disorder. It is not intended to serve as a tool for self-diagnosis. All chest pain should be evaluated by a physician for proper diagnosis. Keep this in mind even if youve had a panic disorder related chest pain in the past. People with panic disorder may have heart disease just as those who do not have panic disorder, and, as noted later on, may be even more likely to develop heart disease Typical Chest Pain Associated With Heart Problems Typical symptoms of heart-related chest pain include: Escalating chest pain reaching maximum severity after a few minutesConstant pain, pressure, or achingPain in the substernal area (beneath the breastbone) or left chest areaPain that travels or radiates from the chest to other areas, such as one or both arms, the shoulders or the jawPain that is brought on by exertion (although unstable angina may bring about pain without exertion) Atypical Chest Pain Associated With Panic Disorder Atypical chest pain may include: Sharp or stabbing chest pain (note that sharp or stabbing chest pain can also be a symptom of serious conditions such as pulmonary embolism)Chest pain that is fleetingPain that is localized to a small areaPain that occurs without exertionChest Pain that accompanies anxiety or a panic attackPain that is relieved or worsened when you change positionsPain that can be reproduced or worsened by pressing over the area of pain Mitral Valve Prolapse and Panic Disorder Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a fairly common disorder, affecting approximately four to five percent of the general adult population. Basically, MVP involves an abnormal heart valve that “prolapses†or flops backward, allowing blood to leak back through the valve opening. Many people with MVP have no symptoms. Some may have complaints of fatigue, heart palpitations, chest pain, anxiety, and migraine headaches. For the majority of people, MVP causes no lasting negative effects and does not interfere with any life functions. Research has shown some evidence of a correlation between MVP and panic disorder. Much of this research suggests that MVP occurs more frequently in those with panic disorder or other anxiety disorders. There is some controversy, however, as to whether or not this connection actually exists. Future studies will, hopefully, give us a more definitive answer. Heart Disease and Panic Disorder There have been several studies that have attempted to show a correlation between anxiety disorders and heart disease. A recent study by the Women’s Health Initiative of postmenopausal women suggested that those who reported a full-blown panic attack within six months of being interviewed had a three-fold risk of having a heart attack, heart-related death or stroke over the next five years. This study also found that those who reported panic attacks were nearly twice as likely to die from any cause in the five years following the study. But, this study, like others that have attempted to show a correlation between panic disorder and heart disease, has not provided the final answer. The participants of this study answered two screening questions about experiencing a sudden attack of feeling frightened, anxious, or extremely uncomfortable and sudden episode of rapid or irregular heartbeats. This led to interviewers asking these participants questions about twelve panic attack symptoms within the past six months. Some symptoms associated with panic attacks are very similar to cardiac problems but are unrelated to heart function. The participants of this study who reported these panic attack symptoms within the past six months were not distinguished between a single panic attack, a few panic attacks or recurring panic attacks indicative of panic disorder. It is possible that some of those who answered positive to the screening questions about panic attacks may have actually been experiencing an undiagnosed heart problem. It is difficult, at best, to prove a correlation between heart disease and panic attacks. Statistically, people with panic disorder have higher incidences of smoking, alcohol use, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood pressure, and increased cholesterol. These are known risk factors for heart disease. Whether or not you have panic disorder, most professionals will agree: Reduce your known risk factors and reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Bottom Line Its clear that panic disorder is associated with chest pain, but less clear whether those with panic disorder are more likely to suffer from heart disease. Symptoms of chest pain related to panic attacks versus that related to heart attacks can differ in general, but among individual people, there is much overlap. At the same time, we know that seeking immediate medical care can make a difference for those who have cardiac-related chest pain. Until we know more, those living with panic disorder should seek medical attention immediately for chest pain. This may lead to unnecessary emergency room visits at times but pales in comparison to the risk of missing heart attack related pain by dismissing it as a panic attack. Medical care for those with heart attacks has improved dramatically in recent years but relies on people getting to that care in time. Whether you have panic disorder or not, check out how to survive a heart attack in those first hours.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Impact Of Erp On Organization Performance And Management Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1445 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? The Information Technology has changed dramatically the performance of todays organizations to increase efficiency and effectiveness from last ten years. It is used all over the world through organizations from developed and developing countries to improve performance. This study examined the impact of ERP on organizational performance and management efficiency with respect to increase/decrease in income/ profit, growth rate, no of customer in bank and no of employees Vs ERP expenses of Pakistani manufacturing and banking sectors over period of 2000-2010. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Impact Of Erp On Organization Performance And Management Finance Essay" essay for you Create order The secondary data was collected from literature review and financial statement of 10 companies, 05 in manufacturing sector (05 multination in local market) and 05 in banking sector(05 local). The data was tested by applying statistical/financial techniques. The conclusion of research is that ERP has positive impact on organizational performance of all the organizations but the banking sector performance outstrips the performance of manufacturing sector Key words: Enterprise Resource Planning, Information Systems and Organization Performance Introduction Information systems (IS), known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. ERP systems are packaged business software systems, capable of sharing common data, and accessing information in a real time. ERP applications include supply chain management (SCM), customer relationship management (CRM), product lifecycle management (PLM), E-procurement, and financial management (FM) (Barthorpe, Chien, Shih, 2004; Tsai, Fan, Hung, and Liu, 2006; Cheng, Tsao, Tsai, and Tu, 2007). ERP systems can integrate the business processes of a company, and help organizations obtain a competitive advantage (Lee, Moon, and Lee, 2006; Ip and Chen, 2004). Companies which implement ERP systems gain many advantages, including improving productivity, gaining competitive advantage, satisfying customer demand, and increasing their rapid response capabilities. Tsai, Lin, Chen, and Hung (2007) also indicated that implementing ERP systems can bring benefits for companies, for example reducing cycle time, improv ing flow efficiency, and rapidly generating financial information. ERP systems enable managers to control the whole business and accelerate decision making. Companies implement ERP system to become efficient as well as integrate and modernize the business (OMahony and Doran, 2008) Financial sector is the major user and large investor in use of ERP. In Pakistan banking sector is also progressing rapidly with growth of local and multinational banks (Mahmood 2006). Many local banks are working in private sectors and started their operations since 1992 (SBP Report, 2005). It was year 1965 when computer was introduced first time in banks in Pakistan. The main commercial banks in private sectors i.e Allied Bank, Muslim Commercial Bank started acquiring computer to regulate their banking work since that year (Hussain, 2003, Akhtar 2006a, 2006b). The most recent automated banking systems like Misys, Sibel and Fidility etc have been installed in many of the Pakistani Banks (Kazmi 2004, 2005; Khan, 2005; Shaukat et.al, 2009). ERP provides many manufacturing based advantage to different organization to be the world-class manufacturer. In 1957 Packages Ltd was the first manufacturing company in Pakistan which introduced computers. After that many other companies started using of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) software (an integrated IT software system comprised of several modules that share a central database, designed to automate business process across the enterprise (Thomas and Michael, 2001)) has increased. E.R.P software packages such as SAP, Oracle etc. are being commonly used in many manufacturing industries(Rizvi, 2005; Shahid, 2005) According to Wheelen and Hunger (2000) the organization performance is an accumulated end result of organizational process and activity. These are measured by organizations working and activity. The organizational management manages the organizational performance, control and customer value, as it impact reputation of organization. Commonly organizational work measures include organization effectiveness, productivity/efficiency and industry ranking (Wetherbe et.al.1999). Efficiency is defined as minimum utilization of resources and getting maximum output and effectiveness is how well job gets done (Robbin and Coulter, 2003). Literature review Huq and Martin (2006) argued that ERP is a one management strategy that creates change via process performance improvements. Subramoniam, Tounsi, and Krishnankutty (2009) examined the role of BPR in implementing ERP systems and found that all organizations which implement ERP systems should select their own approach based on organizational needs and constraints. Furthermore, Sumner (1999) examined the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs) and ERP system performance, and identified the CSFs as management support, re-design of business processes, training and re-skilling, re-design of business processes, external consultants, management structure, discipline and standardization, effective communications, maintaining excellent staffing, and avoiding attempts at software modification. Competitive pressure and systems compatibility in business process significantly explain the success of ERP system (Elbertsen and Reekum, 2008). ERP was found to save costs (Huang et al.,2009; Kang et al., 2008; Loh et al., 2006; Wieder et al., 2006), facilitate business processes (Gattiker Goodhue, 2005), and provide better information management (Federici, 2009). Operational aspects like lead time can also be shortened by utilizing ERP systems (Cotteleer Bendoly, 2006; Gupta et al., 2004; Kang et al., 2008). According to Velcu (2007), faster fulfilment of customer orders can be achieved using ERP systems. Gupta et al. (2004) and Matolcsy et al. (2005) also agree that ERP systems provide more customer satisfaction by reducing time of Provide services. In the end, it could be said that previous research suggest that a mixed result exists when analyzing the effect of IT on business performance where some studies supported a positive relation while others suggested that companies adopting ERP did not perform financially better than non-adopting companies (Nicolaou, 2004). It can be also said that the effect of IT on business performance differs from country to country (Pilat, 2004) and should be considered when measuring business performance gains due to ERP adoption Significance of Study The banking and manufacturing industries of Pakistan constitute a major portion of Pakistans economy and have experienced continuous structural and technological changes in different regimes. The manufacturing and banking industries are the major users of IT products and ERP. The both sectors i.e. manufacturing and banking have managed, to some extent, the pace with new technologies for their growth and performance increase. This study is therefore a modest yet significant attempt to explore the importance of the role which ERP currently is playing in the organizations and its impact on organizational performance i.e efficiency minimum utilization of resources and getting maximum output and effectiveness how well the job is gets done Robbins and Coulter (2003), of Pakistani banking and manufacturing industries, over time period of 1994-2004. Various studies have been undertaken to measure the impact of ERP on organizational performance of business organizations using different performance indicators which are considered key factors. These variables include income, customer satisfaction, supplier/customer links, company image, job interest of employees, stake holders confidence and interoffice after implementation of ERP and have concluded that ERP ultimately has positive impact. Limitations of the study This study uses secondary data (Financial Statement 2000 to 2010) , Growth Rate, No of Employee etc of 5 Local Pakistani Banks and 5 Local Manufacturing Companies to examine the Organization performance and Management efficacy with ERP experience. Investigation only uses the limited samples to examine the relationship between Performance and ERP system. Pakistani Banks Name of Standard ERP 1. Allied Bank Ltd. Unibank Swift 2. Bank Of Punjab Unibank Swift 3. First Women Bank Ltd. Unibank Swift 4. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. Unibank Swift 5. National Bank Ltd. Unibank Swift Pakistani Manufacturing Companies Name of Standard ERP 1. Atlas Honda Ltd. SAP(ERP) Germany 2. Pakistan Tobacco Co 1. Atl1. Atlas Honda Ltd.as Honda Ltd. SAP(ERP) System 3. Lakson Tobacco SAP(ERP) System 4. Indus Motors Ltd SAP(ERP) System 5. Packages Ltd SAP(ERP) System Conclusion The literature review and secondary data established that ERP play an important role in growth and uplift of todays organizations and a countrys development. ERP is a major source of change and revolution in the working of organizations now a day. It is also established through data analysis that ERP is the important management tool. It occupies a key role in modern science and technology. It is having a pervasive impact on effect every sphere of life and is having great presence in all industries, in service, as well as, in manufacturing. ERP is being used in all functional areas of the organizations to increase their performance and it is now playing more important role in the organizations than labor and capital do. Over the time the use of ERP has increased rapidly in all the organizations There are different Unibank Soft, ERPs i.e SAP, Orcle Microsoft Dynamic etc in the organizations to help managers to perform their tasks efficiency and effectively as per their level. The organizations are using ERP to achieve new goals and processes and perform the things that were not already done. In one line we say that employees efficiency increase because of implementation of ERP in local baking and manufacturing sector since 1990s. ERP investments have positive impacts on the performance of the organizations and management efficiency
Monday, May 11, 2020
Drug Addiction Has Become An Epidemic - 1352 Words
Throughout history, people have died from many different causes. Whether it be an accident, disease, murder or plain old age there is no stopping death, however according to the CDC, everyday 44 people in the U.S. die from overdose of prescription painkillers and many more become addicted (CDC). Opioid overdose covering a range of drugs – from morphine and heroin to painkillers such as oxycodone – claim nearly 70,000 lives each year ( UN health agency). With a constantly increasing rate, drug addiction has become an epidemic. Opiates are now the common choice of drug and is accumulating deaths by the thousands. Heroin, which is derived from the poppy plant and is the recreational form of morphine, is leading the statistics in deaths among opiates and has evolved from a drug choice of â€Å"bums†to the drug choice of CEO’s and soccer moms. The world is in the middle of a drug revolution and it is by no means bloodless. Heroin in extended use can cause seve re physical and psychological harm to the user which may include infectious disease (HIV, Hepatitis B and C), collapsed veins, liver and kidney disease, abscesses, and insomnia. Addiction is now worst among teenagers in high school than any other group of individuals. Every time an addict decides to cook up and inject heroin they are destroying a part of their life as well as the people around them. The process of becoming an addict is not difficult one, all it takes is one simple life mistake, it all starts with the personShow MoreRelatedPrescription Pain Medications Are Supposed To Improve The1225 Words  | 5 Pagesand well-being of an individual. Oxycontin, an opioid drug, is meant to help people manage their pain symptoms; however, many people are unaware that there is a danger of abuse of receiving drugs prescribed by their physicians. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Choice We Make through a Decision of Our Will Free Essays
We cannot let the world’s wounds destroy our spirits. We cannot let our hurts and betrayals destroy our capacity for growth and caring. That there will be Judgment and, perhaps, Justice, is necessary. We will write a custom essay sample on A Choice We Make through a Decision of Our Will or any similar topic only for you Order Now That the violence be confronted and, if possible, contained is essential. But, most important is our capacity to nurture a loving heart, to affirm and not to curse, to forgive even when we cannot completely forget. †– Glenn H. Turner Some Questions to ask: How do you respond when you are wounded? How do you feel toward the person who has hurt you? How long do you carry your anger and how does that re-sentment (feeling it again and again) continue to hurt you? Can you forgive and break the cycle? Can you understand the other? What does forgiveness mean to you? It is not uncommon for Christians to have questions about forgiveness. Forgiveness does not come easy for most of us. Our natural instinct is to recoil in self-protection when we’ve been injured. We don’t naturally overflow with mercy, grace and forgiveness when we’ve been wronged Is forgiveness a conscious choice, a physical ct involving the will, or is it a feeling, an emotional state of being? The Bible offers insight and answers to these and many more questions about forgiveness. We’ll take a look at the most frequently asked questions and find out what the Bible says about forgiveness. Is forgiveness a conscious choice, or an emotional state? I believe forgiveness is a choice we make through a decision of our will, motivated by obedience to God and his command to forgive. The Bible instructs us to forgive as the Lord forgave us: Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one nother. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV) How do we forgive when we don’t feel like it? How do we translate the decision to forgive into a change of heart? We forgive by faith, out of obedience. Since forgiveness goes against our nature, we must forgive by faith, whether we feel like it or not. We must trust God to do the work in us that needs to be done so that the forgiveness will be complete. I believe God honors our commitment to obey Him and our desire to please him when we choose to forgive. He completes the work in his time. We must continue to forgive (our Job), by faith, until the work of forgiveness (the Lord’s Job), is done in our hearts. Philippians 1:6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (NLT) How will we know if we have truly forgiven? Lewis B. Smedes wrote in his book, Forgive and Forget, â€Å"When you release the wrongdoer from the wrong, you cut a malignant tumor out of your inner life. You set a prisoner free, but you discover that the real prisoner was yourself. ? More Forgiveness Quotes that comes as a result. We are the ones who suffer most when we choose not to forgive. When we do forgive, the Lord sets our hearts free from the anger, bitterness, resentment and hurt that previously imprisoned us. Most times, however, forgiveness is a slow process. Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, â€Å"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? †Jesus answered, â€Å"l tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (NIV) This answer by Jesus makes it clear that orgiveness is not easy for us. It’s not a one-time choice and then we automatically live in a state of forgiveness. Forgiveness may require a lifetime of forgiving, but it is important to the Lord. We must continue forgiving until the matter is settled in our heart. Is it okay to feel anger and want Justice for the person we need to forgive? This question presents another reason to pray for the person we need to forgive. We can pray for God to deal with the injustices, for God to Judge the person’s life, and then we can leave that prayer at the altar. We no longer have to carry the anger. Although it is normal for us to feel anger toward sin and injustice, it is not our Job to judge the other person in their sin. Luke 6:37 Do not Judge, and you will not be Judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (NIV) Why must we forgive? The best reason to forgive is because Jesus commanded us to forgive. We learn from Scripture, if we don’t forgive, neither will we be forgiven: Matthew 6:14-16 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also orgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (NIV) We also forgive so that our prayers will not be hindered: Mark 11:25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. (NIV) In summary and in closing, we forgive out of obedience to the Lord. It is a choice, a decision we make. However, as we do this â€Å"forgiving,†we discover the command is in place for our own good, and we receive the reward of our forgiveness†freedom. How to cite A Choice We Make through a Decision of Our Will, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Why I Am Afraid Of Bees Essays - Beehive, Bee,
Why I Am Afraid Of Bees The story starts off with Gary Lutz sitting under his big oak tree in his back yard reading his comic books. Then Gary's pain in the butt neighbor, Mr. Andretti, keeps scaring Gary by telling Gary that Mr. Andretti's beehive has gone crazy. Gary falls for it every time because Gary is afraid of bees. All day, Gary reads his comic books because he hates to do anything else. No one likes Gary because they think he's a nerd, because he stinks at sports and looks weird. For instance, one time Gary was lined up to play baseball with the other students and was last in line, and at the end of the game they lost because he struck out. So, one of the big kids came up to him and punched him in the nose, so Gary ended up having to go home with a bloody nose. The next day Gary found an ad while surfing on the web. It said in big bold letters, "Body Swapping. Switch Bodies With Someone Else for One Whole Week." Gary liked that idea because he needed a long vacation from himself. He decided that he would go to the body-swapping place the next day since it was only few blocks away. (What a coincidence) The next day Gary went to the company and asked if he could switch bodies with someone else. The lady at the front desk, named Ms. Karmen, gave a picture to Gary and asked if he wanted to switch bodies with boy his age named Barry. Gary said he would because this guy was really cool looking. Ms. Karmen said she would come to his house the next day. The next day Ms. Karmen showed up on time and set up the equipment. She started the machine. Then something went wrong. Gary turned into a bee! Ms. Karmen didn't know what happened to Gary, so she took her equipment and left. Gary tried to get help, but he couldn't because he was just a bee. Gary found out that one of Mr. Andretti's bees got in the machine. Gary got used to how a bee flies, and then he went outside to get some pollen because he was hungry. After his meal, Gary went for a flight but got caught in a net! It was Mr. Andretti. He thought that Gary was one of the lost bees from his hive, and Mr. Andretti put Gary in this big dark beehive. Gary tried to get out but he couldn't. Then Gary remembered something. Bees have to leave the hive to get pollen to make honey! There had to be a way out! So Gary started looking. All these bees started chasing Gary, and Gary didn't know why. All these bees surrounded Gary and aimed their stingers at him. He found out that they were moving Gary aside, because another bee was doing a dance. Gary remembered that when bees do a dance, it means they're giving directions to other bees where good pollen is. Gary wandered around a little bit. Gary thought that he was in a big scary maze. Then Gary found a little hole. It was an exit! Gary hurried and got himself out of there. The light was so bright Gary felt as if he were on the sun. The first thing that popped into Gary's mind was going to Ms. Karmen, so Gary started flying to the company. When Gary got there the door wasn't open, so Gary slipped in the mail slot. Gary saw Ms. Karmen, but he realized that he couldn't get to her because there was a Plexiglas wall between her and Gary. Gary slipped under Ms. Karmen's desk. Gary remembered that he couldn't talk to anyone because he had such a small voice. Then Gary remembered that Ms. Karmen had a microphone to speak to the kids through the Plexiglas wall. Gary flew over to the microphone and spoke through it to get Ms. Karmen's attention. Once Ms. Karmen had realized where Gary was, she sadly said that Barry didn't want to give up being Gary because Barry was teaching everyone how to skateboard, and all the girls liked him. Gary was very upset, so he immediately flew to his house, where Barry was. When Gary got there, he knew that he would die if he stung Barry, but because he was so upset and not thinking clearly Gary stung Barry anyway. Suddenly everything started to fade,
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