Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Midterm Unit 5 Criminology Essay - 1417 Words
Running head: Unit 5 Project Unit 5 Midterm Essay CJ 102-03: Criminology 1 Kaplan University Professor: Ellen Smith Chupik August 31, 2012 A recent policy was implemented by Jackson Tennessee’s Police Department, and Family Service’s dealing with the problem of child endangerment. Any household that has any documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offense committed by the parents, guardian, grandparent, or babysitter, the child/children will be placed in the care of the state or foster care services, until it is proven that the offender has undergone any or all of the following, and has been offense free for a period of no less than six-months. The offender can choose†¦show more content†¦Again this is a perfect example of the social learning theory. No parent should want their child and or children exposed to drugs for any reason whatsoever. If the parents have friends who come over and use drugs in the house where the children are, then that is just as bad as the parents doing it themselves. A parent’s job is to protect their children at all times r egardless. I feel this is a good program, because it protects the children from being around things that can be harmful to them, and it will keep them from being raised in a bad environment. If a child is in a bad situation at home and they are taken out then it can in the long run help the child from making some major mistakes in their life. So this would be a major positive impact with the use of this program. Removing child/children from their parents can have a bad impact because; the child may rebel and or possibly go into shock from being separated from their parents. No one can say for a fact as to how a child would react being separated from their parents, because everyone reacts to different situations in different ways. No matter how bad things are at home when it really comes down to it, a child and or children will always want to remain with their parents unless they are being beaten themselves, and even then they still may want to stay with them. This would be the negat ive impact of using this program. If a child and or children areShow MoreRelatedThe Rational Choice Theory1728 Words  | 7 PagesLa’Shante Samuels Kaplan University, CJ102 Criminology Unit Five Midterm Project The Rational Choice theory approach has been used by social and political scientists to put some type of meaning of why humans behave in a certain way. In recent years, rational choice theory has been widely used in other disciplines such as sociology, political science, and anthropology. It has gained influence in politics and sociology over the past thirty years. This choice theory stressed the role of knowledgeableRead MoreChild Endangerment Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesIs it necessary to remove a child from their home? Unit 5: Reading Week - Midterm Essay  Louissy Burns-Taylor CJ102-07: Criminology I Professor Elycia Daniel November 16, 2010 Is it necessary to remove a child from their home? A recent policy was implemented by Anytown’s Department of Job and Family Services regarding the issue of child endangerment. Any household that has one or more documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offenses committedRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagesto use material from this text or product, submit a request online at http://www.thomsonrights.com. Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to thomsonrights@thomson.com. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 10 09 08 07 ExamView  ® and ExamView Pro  ® are registered trademarks of FSCreations, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation used herein under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple
Monday, December 16, 2019
Progressive Era Free Essays
The role and responsibilities of the federal government changed drastically during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. Rapid changes after the Civil War brought on a need for economic, social and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government took a very hands-off approach and had little involvement in, and little care for the welfare of the American people. We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Era or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government became more involved and responsive to the public and implemented many revisions and reforms. The Progressive Era was a time of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of the federal government evolved. Reform was necessary because of the changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought on many changes, an important one being growth in the number and scope of work in factories. Factories and mechanization caused a need for less skilled workers, which in turn resulted in lower labor costs, lower wages, longer hours and appalling working conditions. Labor Unions were formed as a result of these conditions in order to protect the working class and put pressure on employers. During the Progressive Era, the federal government created labor laws, trade regulations and instituted other various measures in order to protect the public. The federal government also protected the rights of laborers to organize unions and became involved in the mediation of labor disputes in order to prevent riots from occurring. The regulation of utilities and railroads was used to protect the public welfare from the abuses of large corporations. The federal government also began to regulate large businesses and monopolies. It accepted large-scale corporations as an essential part of the economy but also embraced the need to regulate them. Trusts were also of great concern to the federal government. The Federal Trade Commission was instituted in order to protect the public from additional abuses of large corporations. The federal government also promoted the public’s support of the war. Through voluntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the public in support of the war effort. The federal government made political changes on a national level with the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the direct election of U. S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the Nineteenth Amendment prohibited any U. S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism was at an all time high. It became a time of economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity came household appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and advertising were in the forefront. While consumption prompted the economy in a forward direction, other economic issues arose throughout the country. Agriculture and mining were not prospering. The steel and textile industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in order to maintain product demand and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer onfidence led to over-speculation in stocks. This inevitably led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which in turn marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 during the depth of the Great Depression. He launched the New Deal as a solution for bringing the United States out of the Great Depression. The New Deal changed the role of the government by expanding its involvement in social and economic affairs. The goa l of the New Deal was to provide the â€Å"3 R’s†: relief, recovery and reform. The federal government worked to provide relief for the masses of unemployed, recovery of the depressed economy and reform of the financial system. Reforms were highlighted in a variety of acts that were passed. During the first 100 days of Roosevelt’s administration, more legislation was passed than under any previous president. The Federal Emergency Relief Act established funding and programs for relief and provided grants to the states to help people with food and shelter. The Civilian Conservation Corps Act granted the government the ability to pay young men to build bridges, roads and dams and plant 17 million dollars in new forests. The Agricultural Adjustment Act paid farmers not to plant crops so that the surpluses would not drive down prices. The National Industrial Recovery Act created the first minimum wage and marked the first time that the government intervened in business. The Works Projects Administration allowed the government to create over 250,000 projects and paid people to complete them. The Social Security Act created a pension for people over 65 years of age. All of these reform programs provided employment and direct payments to individuals and improved the economy. The federal government worked diligently to bring the United States out of the Great Depression during the New Deal and in doing so, the relationship between the government and the people changed significantly. The government took on a greater role in the everyday lives of people. As you can see, the role and responsibilities of the federal government changed considerably during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. The new hands-on approach of the government allowed for political, social and economic reforms during the 20th century. How to cite Progressive Era, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Wilkerson Company Essay Sample free essay sample
Everything you need is in the instance and in the demands provided below. I will non supply any interim feedback on this instance so delight make non direct me any preliminary analysis to look into whether you are â€Å"on path. †Address the issues/questions provided below in your instance study. The format of the write up can be either in the signifier of elaborate replies to each of the inquiries at a lower place or as a comprehensive. smooth-flowing instance analysis. No page bounds and you can include any figure of exhibits. Please submit the instance through the ELearning assignment bead box tool. One entry per group is adequate. I have observed in the yesteryear that the best studies are from those groups where all the group members work on the full undertaking and non those that divide up the work by delegating a few inquiries to each member and cobbling together a study. We will write a custom essay sample on Wilkerson Company Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Plagiarism of any signifier will be capable to penalties/sanctions described under the academic codification of behavior subdivision in the course of study. Issues/Questions: 1. What is the competitory state of affairs faced by Wilkerson? 2. Given some of the evident jobs with Wilkerson’s cost system. should executives abandon overhead assignment to merchandises wholly by following a part border attack in which fabricating operating expense is treated as a period disbursal? Why or why non? 3. How does Wilkerson’s bing cost system run? Develop a diagram to demo how costs flow from mill disbursal accounts to merchandises. 4. Develop and plot an activity-based cost ( ABC ) theoretical account utilizing the information in the instance. 5. Estimate the ABC-based cost and profitableness of Wilkerson’s three merchandise lines by gauging the assorted activity cost driver rates utilizing the fabricating overhead sum and existent entire use informations of the assorted activity cost drivers in March 2000 provided in Exhibit 4. Why are these costs and net incomes different from the merchandise costs reported in Exhibit 2? What causes any displacements in cost and profitableness? 6. Repeat the ABC cost and profitableness analysis in ( 5 ) by gauging the assorted activity cost driver rates utilizing the March 2000 fabricating overhead sum ( because the heavy demand was handled without any production holds or usage of overtime ) and the â€Å"heavy demand†capacity information provided in the really last sentence of the instance in page 3. Which of these. in your sentiment. more accurately captures the ingestion of mill resources by Wilkerson’s merchandises? 7. Estimate the entire operating expense applied to the three merchandises. severally. under ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) . Why are they different? How do you construe the difference in this entire applied operating expense? 8. How can Wilkerson’s direction squad use the information from the activity analysis of operating expense disbursals for cost decrease and cost control intents? 9. What are the restrictions of the ABC system used at Wilkerson? How do you believe it can be improved? 10. Wilkerson has been counterbalancing sales representatives with committees on their gross gross revenues volumes ( less returns ) . Parker wonders whether the company should alter this inducement system. What is your recommendation? If you feel that you have to do extra premises for the intents of your analysis please advert them explicitly in your write-up. Of class. premises that result in disregarding relevant and of import information provided in the instance may take to wrong illations. The instance analysis will affect an apprehension and application of Activity-based Costing ( ABC ) and Activity-based Management ( ABM ) . Hopefully. the instance will assist you understand how a basic cognition of direction accounting constructs can help decision-makers in fabricating organisations in bettering profitableness.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Teknolohiya Essay Example
Teknolohiya Essay Service Name| Keyword| Description| Price| Unli Talk| TALK| unlimited calls to SMART/TNT for 30 days| 500| Trio Talk 300| TALK300| 300 mins to SMART, TNT, Sun Cellular and PLDT Landline for 30 days| 300| All Net Talk| TALKALL| 80 minutes to SMART, Globe and Sun for 30 days| 250| Sun Talk| SUNTALK| 50 minute calls to Sun for 30 days| 99| TEXT| Service Name| Keyword| Description| Price| | Unli TriNet Text| TRITXT| unlimited texts to SMART, TNT and Sun for 30 days| 350| | All Net Text Upgrade| TXTALL| 3,500 texts to SMART, Globe and Sun for 30 days| 350| | Sun Text| SUNTEXT| 1,000 texts to Sun for 30 days| 99| | COMBO| Service Name| Keyword| Description| Price| | Unli Call Text Combo| CT999| unlimited calls and texts to SMART/TNT, plus 1GB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 999| | Unli Call Text| UCT| unlimited calls and texts to SMART/TNT for 30 days| 600| | Tri Net 400| TRINET400| 500 mins to SMART, Sun, Talk N Text and PLDT Landline + 2000 texts to all networks + 150MB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 400| | Sun Combo| SUNCOMBO| 1,250 texts and 50 minute calls to Sun for 30 days| 199| | INTERNATIONAL| Service Name| Keyword| Description| Price| | International Flexi Call and Text| IDD MAX| 400 minutes or international texts to USA, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore for 30 days| 500| | IDD Bundle Saver| IDD| call abroad at local rates plus get FREE 5minutes of international calls for 30 days| 200| | BLACKBERRY SERVICES| Service Name| Keyword| Description| Price| | Unli BlackBerry| BB FULL| unlimited email, browsing, social networks and instant messaging for 30 days| 599| | Unli BB Social| BB SOCIAL| unlimited social networks and instant messaging (no browsing) for 30 days| 300| | Unli BB Email| BB EMAIL| unlimited email and instant messaging (no browsing) for 30 days| 300| | Unli BB Messenger| BBM ON| unlimited BlackBerry Messenger and 20minutes to SMART/TNT for 30 days| 99| | MOBILE SURFING| Service Name| Keyword| Description| Price| | We will write a custom essay sample on Teknolohiya specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teknolohiya specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teknolohiya specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Unli Surf| SURF| unlimited mobile browsing for 30 days| 1000| | Internet Bundle| IB1| 8 hours of mobile browsing for 30 days| 100| | Internet Bundle Upgrade| IB2| 20 hours of mobile browsing for 30 days| 200| | Always On 50| ON 50| 25MB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 99| | Always On 100| ON 100| 75MB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 100| | Always On 300| ON 300| 300MB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 300| | Always On 500| ON 500| 1GB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 500| | Always On 995| ON 995| 2GB worth of mobile browsing for 30 days| 995| | Just text KEYWORD to 7577 (e. g. TXTALL to 7577) - Smart Bro UnliSURF UnliSURF 50 Want to maximize Internet fun all day and night? With Smart Bro UnliSURF 50, you’ll get to enjoy UNLIMITED surfing for 24 hours! Just text UNLISURF 50 to 2200 from your SmartBro account or avail via My Smart Account. UnliSURF 85 You get not one, but two days of unlimited mobile broadband internet with the new Smart Bro UnliSURF85 from 100 pesos down to only 85 pesos! Just text UNLISURF 85 to 2200 from your SmartBroaccount or avail via My Smart Account. UnliSURF 200 Enjoy FIVE full days of UNLIMITED surfing plus unbeatable savings with Smart Bro UnliSURF 200! Just text UNLISURF 200 to 2200 from your SmartBro account or avail via My Smart Account. Empathy with Assurance Statements: †¢ I am so sorry for that inconvenience, nevertheless I am here to help you out and let me see what I can do for you today. †¢ I am so sorry that this happened and I will do my best to fix this issue for you today. I know this problem is very frustrating at your part but don’t worry, we will work toward fixing this situation for you. †¢ I am sorry to hear that, you have just reached the right department and I’ll be more than happy to assist you today. †¢ I completely understand the reason why your having this kind of problem today, rest assured I will make sure that this issue gets resolved today. †¢ That is really frustrating and I would feel the same if I encountered the same problem. But no worry, well get this resolve today. I know it feels terrible to have the same issue going over and over again and I am very sorry for the inconvenience. What I will do for you right away is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¢ I completely understand the reason why your frustrated right now, but don’t worry cause I assure you I will try my best to address this concern. Closing the call: †¢ Your satisfaction is a great compliment for us Mr/s customer. Thank you for choosing ___. You have a great day ahead. †¢ Assuring you our best services Mr/s customer. Thank you for choosing ___. You have a great day.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Afternoon Men
Afternoon Men by Anthony Powell Anthony Powells’ Afternoon Men interested me in many ways. It was very different from the rest of the novels I have read. The novel begins with the two main characters, Atwater and Pringle, having a drink. William Atwater works at a museum and Pringle works as a painter. They are both very unhappy with their lives and drinking and partying is a way to temporarily cover their problems. Throughout this book they both describe what their lives are like and what they would like to change about it. Atwater is characterized as a womanizer and has a few meaningless "relationships" with various women. Pringle on the other hand is so disgusted with his life he is on the verge of suicide. While reading this book, I have discovered that every character that has been introduced has their fair share of problems and is only concerned with themselves. They party, drink, and have sex all throughout the book and then complain about how they are not satisfied with the way their lives have turned out. But yet no one does anything to benefit themselves. Atwater has a sexual relationship with Lola, who has feelings for him, but he just uses her for a good time. Lola wrote him a letter saying that she no longer wanted to see him. He replied "So that was all over. He was sorry in a way". He didn’t show much feeling toward that situation. The only reason that he may have been sorry is because he doesn’t have a woman to fool around with. Atwater later meets a women named Susan Nunnery. He falls in love with Susan and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She does not love him the way that he loves her. Susan states " What’s the good of our going out together"? Atwater replies " Well, I like it". She says "But I’m not in love with you. I tell you I hate being in love. I don’t want to be in love"(p.159). I think that this upset Atwater even though he re... Free Essays on Afternoon Men Free Essays on Afternoon Men Afternoon Men by Anthony Powell Anthony Powells’ Afternoon Men interested me in many ways. It was very different from the rest of the novels I have read. The novel begins with the two main characters, Atwater and Pringle, having a drink. William Atwater works at a museum and Pringle works as a painter. They are both very unhappy with their lives and drinking and partying is a way to temporarily cover their problems. Throughout this book they both describe what their lives are like and what they would like to change about it. Atwater is characterized as a womanizer and has a few meaningless "relationships" with various women. Pringle on the other hand is so disgusted with his life he is on the verge of suicide. While reading this book, I have discovered that every character that has been introduced has their fair share of problems and is only concerned with themselves. They party, drink, and have sex all throughout the book and then complain about how they are not satisfied with the way their lives have turned out. But yet no one does anything to benefit themselves. Atwater has a sexual relationship with Lola, who has feelings for him, but he just uses her for a good time. Lola wrote him a letter saying that she no longer wanted to see him. He replied "So that was all over. He was sorry in a way". He didn’t show much feeling toward that situation. The only reason that he may have been sorry is because he doesn’t have a woman to fool around with. Atwater later meets a women named Susan Nunnery. He falls in love with Susan and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She does not love him the way that he loves her. Susan states " What’s the good of our going out together"? Atwater replies " Well, I like it". She says "But I’m not in love with you. I tell you I hate being in love. I don’t want to be in love"(p.159). I think that this upset Atwater even though he re...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of Infinitive Clauses
Definition and Examples of Infinitive Clauses In English grammar, an infinitive clause is a subordinate clause whose verb is in the infinitive form. Also known as an infinitival clause or a to-infinitive clause The infinitive clause is called a clause because it may contain such clausal elements as a subject, object, complement, or modifier. Unlike most other subordinate clauses in English, infinitive clauses are not introduced by a subordinating conjunction. Verbs that can be followed by infinitive clauses (as objects) include: agree, begin, decide, hope, intend, like, plan, and propose. Examples and Observations Im sorry but theres a handsome man in my spoon. Youll have to come back later.(Tom Tucker, The Kiss Seen Round the World. Family Guy, 2001)Jane was firm in her desire to live life on her own terms.Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slums of Mumbai.If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.(Yiddish proverb)We merely want​ to live in peace with all the world, to trade with them, to commune with them, to learn from their culture as they may learn from ours, so that the products of our toil may be used for our schools and our roads and our churches and not for guns and planes and tanks and ships of war.(President Dwight Eisenhower, quoted in Time magazine, 1955) Infinitive Clauses as Subjects and Objects A subordinate clause with an infinitive often acts as the subject or object of the main clause. In the following examples, the whole infinitive clause [in bold] is understood as the subject of is human, is decadent or was unnecessary. - To err is human.- To drink Martinis before noon is decadent.- For Mervyn to redirect Maggies mail was unnecessary. And in the following examples, the whole infinitive clause [again in bold] is understood as the direct object of hates, loves and expected. - Jim hates to wash his car.- Rosie loves to plan parties.- Phil expected Martha to stay at home all day. In case this is not obvious at first, you can test this by answering questions such as What does Jim hate? (answer: to wash his car), or What did Phil expect? (answer: Martha to stay at home all day). (James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Students Guide. Cambridge University Press, 1994) Perfect Infinitives To express time preceding that of the main verb, the infinitive takes a perfect form: to have past participle. (58) The parents were lucky to have found this specialist for their sick child. The perfect infinitive can be used with progressive aspect to emphasize duration. This construction consists of to have been V-ing. (59) He was too scared of the police to have been telling lies all the time. (Andrea DeCapua, Grammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers. Springer, 2008) Passive Infinitives An infinitive that is derived from a passive finite verb clause will itself be passive: (20) a. I expect that all the calamari will be eaten before 7:00. (passive verb)(20) b. I expect all the calamari to be eaten before 7:00. (passive infinitive) You can verify that to be eaten is a passive infinitive in (20b) because it contains the passive marker [BE (-en)]: be eaten. Remember that eaten is a transitive verb; in its active form, it will have a subject (an indefinite pronoun like someone or they) and a direct object (all the calamari). (Thomas Klammer et al., Analyzing English Grammar, 5th ed. Pearson, 2007)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Business Portfolio - Essay Example The essay "Business Portfolio" discusses the business concept of Herbal Medicine as an independent business which offers massage therapy and also sells homemade herbal products. To work as a massage therapist in a well-known spa clinic (as a part-time employee). I am particularly interested in specializing in Aromatherapy massage, hot stone massage, yoga and Pregnancy Massage. My current engagement in the Spa as a massage therapist would help me to gain the essential evidence to run my business successfully later on. To take up the job of a freelance massage therapist in my free time in local health spas in my region. This would enrich my experience and also provide me the much required financial support. To save a proportion of the income earned from these engagements and invest the saving to make a set up in my house for starting my business as an Herbal Medicine practitioner. To furnish the three rooms on the ground floor of my house and set them up as the massage center and the r etiring room. I have already been trading in homemade products from my place, which implies that my place has already gained popularity in the locality. I have a good customer base. Besides, there is no specialist herbal medicine therapist practicing in the locality. To make massage therapy accessible to the target market, such as, obese people, pregnant women, and women with the gynecological disorder, through routine massage schedules and also by conducting special workshops for people that belong to the lower income class. I also intend to provide service in the workshops delivered by the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) in London and its outskirts. I do not intend to limit my practice to some particular clients. However, I desire to put special attention on women and children, since I have found out through thorough research that there is a gap in the market in terms of facilities available to the female population in the low income group. Therefore, these areas have caught my sp ecial interest and the in-class discussion has
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Analyse and evaluate contemporary marketing practice Assignment
Analyse and evaluate contemporary marketing practice - Assignment Example As such, the study of the factors which has created the competitive advantages for the company over the years of its operations seems to be a relevant and challenging topic in the arena of contemporary marketing. This report aims at studying the contemporary marketing practices of Zara that has been used by the company for creating a strong position for the company in its industry of operation. For this purpose, the sources of competitive advantage for the company has been identified and studied in depth. The business model followed by Zara is considered to be highly innovative and unique in nature/ the business model of the high street fashion retailer is built up on the vertical; integrations between the different levels and departments of the business including manufacturing, procurement, delivery and sale of the products. The business model is characterized by a unique flexible structure which helps the business to modify it according to the suitability and needs of the external environment and the business requirements at a particular point of time. The business model of Zara is identified to be one of the key drivers of the competitive advantage of the company. The vertical integrations within the business and with the external partners of the business like the suppliers and distributors and the use of advanced information and communication technology are the two main strengths of the business model of Zara. Additionally, the time factor and the use of the stores of the company as important sources of information make the business and with the external partners of the business like the structure of the company much unique and advanced as compared to the other fashion retailers. The ability of the fashion retailing company to design the products and deliver new lines of products in frequent intervals also acts as a major strategy of the company which enhances the competiveness of the company
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Aesthetics of Knowledge Maps Essay Example for Free
Aesthetics of Knowledge Maps Essay If â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words†, what is the worth of each word? Does the value of the aesthetic decrease through this transition? The human brain is trained to believe that there is a word to describe aesthetic, being able to put a label or description on all of this information. Why must we even classify a photo’s meaning through the written language? Visual information cannot be fully described through language or non-visual semiotic systems, because it is irreducible. Information is an artistic and aesthetic concept; to understand our world we must include the notion of information and how we as humans can make a representation of the world in our minds. Visual artifacts contain information. We store information visually, we analyze information through a visual means, and we understand information better when it is represented visually. The word ‘tree’ represents a tree as an aesthetic, an encompassing notion versus a specific image of a singular tree. There is a broader spectrum for understanding when something is visual. Depending of what language you speak, the framework of our semantic foundation, the meaning of a word varies drastically. People that speak different languages all see something in a photograph or painting and could tell you what it is they see, but the differences in our semantic thinking, language of words classifying information, will make it different. When a human is in early development stages as a child, the first initial way to communicate for them is visual information. Before children learn to read and write they draw, watch television, look at picture books. Then they are given teachings of communicating visuals to word. During the Paleolithic Period, 40,000–8,000 BCE, nomadic people painted in caves as a wondrous early way of communication, sharing information with others. An incredible example is the Hall of Bulls in the Lasceux Caves located in France in 15,000 BCE. These humans could not read or write and yet the visual information they represented with these paintings is breathtaking. They didn’t need 1,000 words to describe what they saw until the information age. Stories throughout time have been told naturally with visual information. Information has a history, yet unlike regular history, it is unbound by Euclidian space. It is not a physical being that has but one description. However, now information is all put into word. Without an extensive vocabulary there is little chance you could ever be able to express notions as clearly as if you were to simply communicate with visuals. Reliance on visual’s word to form the structure of all of our communication means thinking; visualizing information and mapping thought processes. Knowledge deals with matter of facts; laws of nature and society deal with energy processes and determine knowledge and facts. Information is prior to laws and knowledge; information is structured, relational, stored and transmitted, aesthetic. Information is configurations, organization and formalization. Mapping concepts structures our knowledge and makes us able to generate hypotheses. The organization of thoughts and concepts in this way brings the opportunity of serendipitously learning.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Feminism and Slavery Essay -- Literature Feminist Papers
Feminism and Slavery Harriet Jacobs escaped from slavery and at great personal risk wrote of her trials as a house servant in the South and later fugitive in the North. Her slave narrative entitled Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl gave a true account of the evils slavery held for women, a perspective that has been kept relatively secret from the public. In writing her story, Jacobs, though focused on the subjugation due to race, gave voice subtly to a different kind of captivity, that which men impose on women regardless of color in the patriarchal society of the ninetenth century. This form of bondage is not only exacted from women by their husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons, but also is accepted and perpetuated by women themselves, who forge the cage that holds them captive. Jacobs directed her stirring account of the afflictions a woman is subjected to in the chain of slavery to women of the North to gain sympathy for their sisters that were enslaved in the South. In showing this, Jacobs revea ls the danger of such self condemnation women maintain by accepting the idealized role that men have set as a goal for which to strive. Harriet Jacobs' slave epic is a powerful statement unveiling the impossibility and undesirability of achieving the ideal put forth by men and maintained by women. Her narrative is a strong feminist text. The idealized Woman that men and women alike propagated consists of four qualities. "The attributes of True Womanhood, by which a woman judged herself and was judged by her husband, her neighbors and society, could be divided into four cardinal virtues- piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity."[1] Of all of the women that Jacobs' autobiographical character Linda Brent meets, not one ... ... "Perilous Passages in Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" in The Discourse of Slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Plasa, Carl and Ring, Betty J., eds. New York: Routledge, 1994. McKay, Nellie Y. "The Girls Who Became Women: Childhood Memories in the Autobiographies of Harriet Jacobs, Mary Church Terrell, and Anne Moody" in Tradition and the Talents of Women. Howe, Florence, ed. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991. Smith, Valerie. Self-Discovery and Authority in Afro-American Narrative. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987. Starling, Marion Wilson. The Slave Narrative: Its Place in American History. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press, 1988. Welter, Barbara. "The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860" chap. in Dimity Convictions: The American Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1976.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Carbon Dioxide and Deforestation
Kayla Luther Module 4 Assignment 2 Course Project July 27, 2011 Outline : Deforestation Introduction: Deforestation is not something we can just look over. There are many things in our lives that we take pride in and protecting our forest is one of them. Our trees help our animals live, our crops grow, and our families survive. Thesis Statement: How do humans benefit from the trees? Arguments: I. Is deforestation the cause of climate change? A. The forest can provide many different products. 1. Consumers use these products everyday ? Cost of products increasing 2. Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere ? Most trees hold in the carbon dioxide . Changes in the ecosystem ? loss of trees mean higher risk of disasters. II. Rain forest are slowly vanishing B. â€Å"Slash and Burn†process. 1. Many farmers are following this process. ? new farmers and crops 2. loss of animals and species ? lose their homes and food 3. the rate of deforestation ? within 100 years all forest will be vanished III. Ecosystem vs. Deforestation C. The forest ecosystem benefits all humans. 1. Most places don’t have fresh water sources so the forest provides many resources. ? clean water 2. We takes trees for granted but what really is their purpose. ? Trees collect CO2 and release oxygen IV. Is pollution worse than deforestation? D. Flying in an airplane is better than cutting down trees. 1. The amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere ? One day of deforestation equals 8 million people flying 2. The amount of CO2 a tree holds. ? released into the atmosphere V. Is livestock and crops really that important? E. How can the livestock and crops live without tress? 1. Farmers should find clear land instead of clearing land. ? Trees provide food, shade, water, and oxygen for the livestock and crops. 2. New businesses and communities ? loss of trees VI. Where would the world be without trees? F. Is the world going to end because the lack of oxygen? 1. Natural Disasters are causing trees to be torn down. ? Tornadoes, hurricanes, and drought 2. Recycling will help reduce the amount of trees that have to be cut down ? use less packaging, paper, and plastic Conclusion: If we start thinking about our futures then we shouldn't have any problems in reducing the way we live now. Our planet needs our help by saving it and protecting what we have left. We all need to start by recycling, planting trees, and save what wildlife we have left. Even if we only help by ding one thing it is still considered helping. References: FAO. (2006). Scientific facts on forest retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. greenfacts. org/en/forests/index. htm#2 Facing the Future (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 27, 2011 from www. facingthefuture. org/servicelearning/fastfactsquickactions/deforestation/tabid/182/default National Geographic. (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://environment. nationalgeographic. com/environment/global-warming/deforestation-overview. html University of Michigan (n/d). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. globalchange. umich. du/globalchange2/current/lectures/deforest/deforest. html Howden, D (2007). Deforestation: the Hidden Cause of Global Warming retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. independent. co. uk/environment/climate-change/deforestation-the-hidden-cause-of-global-warming-448734. html Emulgator. org (2005-2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. emulgator. org/Politics-and- Government/5715-The-Pros-And-Cons-of-Deforestation Deforestation ( 2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://edu. udym. com/pros-and-cons-of-deforestation/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Citizens Rights and Responsibilities Essay
Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens In today’s society, the responsibilities of the citizens are to know their rights. Citizens are expected to; understand the rules that our government has presented to us, abide by these rules for our own well being and freedom, and serve our communities and government back. In 1789, the Constitution of the United States was ratified. Many people were not pleased with this constitution; they felt as though it did not protect their rights to the fullest extent and wanted to amend the constitution. On December 15, 1791, the Constitution of the United States was amended and we were given ten amendments, known as The Bill of Rights, to protect our freedoms. The Bill of Rights is a list of the most important rights citizens have and value. The purpose of the bill is to protect against any infringement from the government, so the citizens can live in a free nation and have control over their communities and lives. The first amendment on the Bill of Rights states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. †This amendment protects the right to fallow whatever religion one chooses to and be able to safely practice that religion. The amendment also grants one the freedom to say whatever they want, as long as it does not cause an out break of danger and chaos. Freedom of the press allows one to write and publish anything appropriate to the community. Freedom of assembly is the individual right to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests at certain times and places. Lastly, to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, this specifically prohibits Congress from abridging the right of the people. The second amendment; â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This amendment guarantees a strong, well trained military to protect the United States. This amendment also protects the right to own a firearm and the government can’t say otherwise. â€Å"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. †The third amendment states that soldiers are not allowed to be plac ed and granted access to live in ones home with out the owner agreeing to it first. The government may ask the owner, and with permission the soldier may take residency. The forth amendment states ; â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This amendment protects the right of ones possession. Any representation of the government is not allowed to go though ones possessions and/or make an entry to ones living environment with out a warrant that allows such activities; then the government may search and take away personal belongings. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. The fifth amendment give one the right to refuse to answer a question because the response could provide self-incriminating evidence of an illegal conduct punished by fines, penalties or forfeiture. It also states that no one is to be denied the right to life, liberty, and property. Ones private property may not be taking by the government and used for the public without a higher consent. The sixth amendment of the Bill of Rights states; â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. This gives everyone convicted of a crime the right to a trial by jury in the district where the crime was committed. â€Å"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. †The seventh amendment codifies the right to a jury trial in certain civil trials. The eighth amendment prohibits the government from excessive bail and from harsh, unlawful punishment. â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. †â€Å"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. †The ninth amendment addresses rights of the people that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. The last amendment, the tenth amendment; â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people†restates the Constitution’s principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution of the United States are reserved to the states or the people. The responsibilities of the citizens are also to vote, attend jury duty and to attend to community participation. Voting is not only a right, it is a privilege; by voting, the people have a voice in the government. If one is presented with the task of jury duty, they are expected to take off from work and attend. Jury duty is an important way to participate in government, unique to America and fundamental to preserving our commitment to government by the people. These are all rights for us, the citizens, as a way to retain control of our own lives and communities with out the infringement of the government so the government doesn’t have complete control. Work Sited: http://www. kids. gov/6_8/6_8_government_rights. shtml http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_rights_transcript. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Korean Pollution Essays - Air Pollution, Pollution, Pollutant
Korean Pollution Essays - Air Pollution, Pollution, Pollutant Korean Pollution Deadly particles are circulating within our air supply. They are the most life threatening for of air pollution. These are tiny particles of soot and other matter released from diesel engines in lorries, buses, and coaches. They are believed to have played a role in the premature deaths of 8,000 people. Other pollutants known as GMMs are causing such damage. GMMs are genetically modified micro-organisms. These micro-organisms are released from factories and laboratories and go into the atmosphere, and water supplies. They are most life threatening to elderly, and already ill people. (McCarthy 1) Large clouds of these particles were originally believed to originate in Britain, but studies show now that they may also originate in continental Europe. These large clouds drift across the English Channel, and into the North Sea., thus contaminating the sea. Some of the main pollutants are as follows: Benzene, 1,2-butadiene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. There have been different goals set to lower the amount of these pollutants, however some arent expected to be decreased until 2008. In this time many lives may be lost prematurely. England, who is still believed to be the primary contributor of such toxins is planning to take action, but slowly, still maintaining that cleaning these pollutants is unachievable, even if every engine on British roads was turned off. We believe that this is more harmful than Britain realizes, and more action must be taken. Such pollutants may kill animals, and lower the food supply, especially fish in the North Sea. More time and money must be dedicated to the immediate removal of such contaminants, and new emissions standards should be set. We would like the UN to set aside money, for the sole purpose of cleaning up the North Sea, and eliminating some of these GMMs and other such toxins. Such damage to the environment can be felt globally and is a huge issue. (McCarthy 1) Bibliography none
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Reasons to Write Properly
Reasons to Write Properly Reasons to Write Properly Reasons to Write Properly By Michael Why is it important to write correctly, to use standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation? Because you want people to understand you, thats all. Why are the picky details important? If my headline had said Write Good, wouldnt you understand that I meant Write Well? Maybe so, but its less distracting and easier to understand if I say it correctly. For a split second or longer, part of your mind would be confused, wondering if I was encouraging you to write about good things or something. Certainly part of your mind would wonder why you were seeing bad grammar in Daily Writing Tips. When my colleague Mark tried it as a joke, people noticed. Are you seeing my point? Scholars talk about prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar. Prescriptive grammar means the way people are supposed to write. That has sometimes been misguided. As recently as the 19th century, some scholars taught that English should follow the rules of Latin because I cant think of a good reason now. On the other hand, descriptive grammar means the way people actually write, and thats hard to argue with. But isnt there a connection? Youre supposed to write the way people actually write, because its easier to understand that way. And because grammar changes over the centuries, grammar books do change as the language changes. Where students and teachers get into disagreements is when the young people insist that the way they write is now correct. Older teachers can recall saying the same thing when they were young, but in retrospect, being wrong. The slang of their youth didnt become a permanent part of the English language. Some students might say, I dont have to follow no made-up rules! If they say that, they are using a double negative, which was correct in Old English, before 1000 AD. After that, it was no longer correct. My advice: if English speakers have been following a rule for a thousand years, you might want to follow it too. People are probably used to it. Recognizing a pattern makes reading easier, and that includes patterns of grammar and spelling. Of course, we recognize letters from their shape. Its possible to read a line of text thats missing the bottom half of each letter, but difficult to read it without the top half. But research also suggests that the shape of a word helps us to recognize it. Even without my glasses, I can see that loop begins with an ascending letter and ends with a descending letter it slopes down while pool slopes up. When you type in ALL CAPS, every letter is the same height, so it not only looks like youre shouting, it also makes it much harder to read. Certain parts of contracts are legally required to be conspicuous, so they are often capitalized. But why? After all, putting them in bold or larger type is also conspicuous. Attorney Matthew Butterick, the author of Typography for Lawyers, says, All-caps para graphs are an example of self-defeat ing typog ra phy. Readers inevitably skip over the most important parts because they’re so hard to read. I hope lawyers dont write Terms of Service in all-caps to keep us from reading them. My point: our brains understand things more easily because they fit our expectations. The reason I try to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation is not to impress my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Cascales. Alas, her jazz piano has been silent for many years, and she is no longer checking my writing for mistakes. No, I try to write correctly because its easier to read, because youve seen it written that way (AKA written correctly) before. Sometimes even minor grammatical choices can make reading slower or faster. I gave one example in my article Is That a Noun or a Verb? I’m Confused. When you dont have to struggle with understanding my spelling or punctuation, you can focus on understanding my meaning. People judge you by your language. In an article in the Harvard Business Review, Good Grammar Should Be Everyone’s Business, Brad Hoover of Grammarly studied 100 LinkedIn profiles, all native English-speakers, all working in the consumer packaged goods industry, with three employers or less in the first 10 years of their careers. He discovered the ones with fewer grammar errors in their profile were promoted to director level or above within those 10 years, while the other half were not. In the musical My Fair Lady, Professor Higgins points out a lower-class flower girl and tells Colonel Pickering, If you spoke as she does, sir, instead of the way you do, why, you might be selling flowers too. When you leave out features in your writing that children learn in grade school, such as punctuation and capitalization, your readers will assume that you didnt complete grade school. Im not arguing for exalted language, but for clear communication. Big words can be as imprecise as little words. Some academic writing styles dont communicate more clearly, but only prove that you are an academic. Teachers and professors have to fight against spreading it. The improper use of passive voice is the best known symptom: It has been been demonstrated by Jenkins that instead of Jenkins proves that Weve written several articles to help you manage your use of passive voice, such as Passive Writing and 7 Examples of Valid Passive Construction. When I was working for a phone company, an older physician called about an unexpected bill he received. He said, This will not be disbursed. I couldnt resist saying, Oh, you mean you wont pay the bill? Apparently and unfortunately, he had been taught to use language as a barrier, to keep his patients in their place so they wouldnt question the bills he sends. Theres nothing wrong with short words. Some long words are used specifically to keep from stating the truth directly. Comedian George Carlin pointed out that what was called shell shock in the First World War became battle fatigue in the Second. Four syllables now, says Carlin. Takes a little longer to say. Doesn’t seem to hurt as much. Fatigue is a nicer word than shock. A corporation does not fire an employee; it arranges a negotiated departure or makes a workforce imbalance correction. Little things can have large consequences including punctuation. Lynne Truss, English author and broadcaster, notes that the 1905 October revolution in Russia began when Bolshevik printers demanded to be paid the same rate for punctuation marks as for letters. Truss hosted a BBC Radio broadcast about punctuation, Cutting a Dash, which led to a best-selling book in 2003. The title of the book, Eats, Shoots Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, comes from a joke: A panda walks into a bar. He orders a sandwich, eats it, pulls out a gun, and fires two shots. The shocked bartender asks him why. The panda throws him a poorly-punctuated wildlife manual. Im a panda, he says, Look it up, and walks out the door. Sure enough, the entry for Panda reads, Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves. Here you see that an extra comma can lead to increased gun violence. Truss also wrote childrens books: Twenty-Odd Ducks: Why, Every Punctuation Mark Counts (2008) The Girls Like Spaghetti: Why, You Cant Manage Without Apostrophes! (2007). Notice that in each title, removing two punctuation marks completely changes the meaning. Only after Eats, Shoots Leaves went to press (naturally), Truss found details on another story she wished she could have included in her book. It concerned New England merchant Timothy Dexter (Newburyport, Massachusetts, 1748-1806), who wrote a pamphlet called A Pickle for the Knowing Ones, using his own unique spelling and no punctuation. At the back of his second edition, he included this note: Nowing ones complane of my book the fust edition had no stops I put in a Nuf here and thay may peper and solt it as they plese I cant be certain, but think he meant, Knowing Ones complain of my book. The first edition had no stops [periods]. I put in enough here, and they may pepper and salt it as they please. It was followed by a page of punctuation marks for their use. The problem is that proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar are not condiments that can be added or left out on a whim. Not bothering to get them right may be easier on the writer, but harder on the reader. I think Dexters note proves my point, though I cant be certain, because Im not completely sure what he was trying to say. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)Rules for Capitalization in Titles13 Theatrical Terms in Popular Usage
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Relationship between strategic and financial planning Assignment
Relationship between strategic and financial planning - Assignment Example lves one of the following: raising or lowering an organization’s activities, responding to changing customer demand and preferences, countering competitors, technological adjustments and responding to globalization (Chorafas, 2007, p. 5). While Starbucks takes the initiative of expanding its business outside the United States, there will be an obvious need to adjust its financial resources. This will directly reflect on its financial plan. In a business world guided by the principles of competition, Starbucks should strive to have sound financial planning to raise its competitive advantage and prevent underperformance now that it aims market outside the United States. Its strategic planning should be aimed at producing innovative and high quality products and services. This will immensely contribute on easing the strains, which may be experienced in financial resource planning. Financial risk is a factor related to strategic and financial planning that any able organization needs to thoroughly plan around. Chorafas advises that an organization should strive to attain a low cost of staying in business (Chorafas, 2007, p. 22). Losses or insufficient profits will reduce funds available to cater for expanded Starbucks’ operation expenses such as production cost and payment of employees. This threatens Starbucks’ financial stability and jeopardizes its further expansion and
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination Essay
Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination - Essay Example Taking a controversial approach with respect to reverse his termination in the workplace, this essay will prove persuasively argue that because these programs promote discrimination themselves barely defeatist, and ironically promote the same type of behavior that they seek to eradicate. We now turn to an overview of the reasons for affirmative action and then follow with a rebuttal against reverse discrimination in the work force. As mentioned above, discrimination in the workforce affects different types of people from all walks of life. Women have faced historical discrimination for years and the Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 was established to tackle the issues associated with wage-based discrimination. Due to the prevalence of sexism today, women still continue to earn less than their male counterparts. With respect to age, older workers face a variety of challenges in the labor force and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 seeks to protect people who are 40 years of age and older from discrimination. Looking at people disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 sought to ensure the full employability of people disabilities in modern society. With respect to visible minorities in the United States, the US federal government began its attempts at combating discrimination in the early 1960s. During this period, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 to i mplement â€Å"affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." (The American Presidency Project, 2009). This was arguably the most important piece of legislation to pave the way for affirmative action in the United States. While the government has legislated many policies to tackle discrimination at work, these programs are inherently discriminatory themselves and promote exactly the type of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Events Management- Evaluate the current level of understanding of Essay
Events Management- Evaluate the current level of understanding of Events Impact and Events Stakeholder Management and how it integrates into the Events Management Process (EMP) - Essay Example One example can be Thredbo Jazz Festival which continues for three days. This community festival entertains people with popular Australian jazz music, good food and wine. This festival helps to bring extra revenue in the region (Thredbo Jazz Festival, n.d.). One example of an academic event in Netherlands is the Holst Memorial Lecture held on 29 November 2012. It was organized by Philips Research and the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. The social purpose of the event was to bring together scientists, research students and professionals from different institutions (Holst Memorial Lecture 2012, n.d.). In small towns, events and festivals help to develop the economy as major part of local revenue is garnered from the employment and tourists that are part of such events. The Peter Anderson Arts Festival which was first started over 30 years ago has been a huge source of income for downtown Ocean Springs. This festival attracts 100,000 people annually in a community which has only over 18,000 residents (Carter & Zieren, 2012). Events can have social impacts on communities as they offer people outlets for various activities. Events and festivals are reflections of the ideological values of the community and this helps in establishing the image of the local community. Through such events people of a community find opportunities to strengthen relationships with one another (Tassiopoulos & Johnson, 2009, pp.76-77). The environmental impacts of events can be both positive and negative. Events can create environmental awareness in the community. The transport and communication system gets improved as a result of events and this leads to urban transformation. But, events can also pollute the air and water by littering and carbon dioxide emissions from excessive travelling. Also, events use considerable resources like water and lights thus putting pressure on the local resources (Heitmann & David, 2010, p.187). The triple bottom line (TBL) which
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Examining Prejudice and Discrimination in Singapore
Examining Prejudice and Discrimination in Singapore In this essay, we will be explaining and giving the definitions of prejudice and discrimination. Also, we will go in depth and elaborate about the various kinds of discrimination in todays society such as gender, disability, size, looks, monetary, status, education, sexual and racial discrimination. After which, we will give solutions and ways to reduce racial discrimination in Singapore. Finally we will end with a round up of conclusion. Prejudice and discrimination is a rising issue in todays society. According to Dictionary.com, prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. To be prejudiced is to have a cultural mindset and that is relied on negative or unpleasant stereotypes about individuals or groups because of their ethnic, religious, racial or cultural background. To discriminate is to have an active denial of desired goal from a certain group of people. The group can be based on sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, or even class. More recently, disadvantaged groups now also include those based on gender, age, and physical disabilities. Prejudice and discrimination are very common at both the individual and societal levels. Any attempt to eradicate or solve the problem of prejudice and discrimination must thus deal with prevailing beliefs or ideologies, and social structure. Gender- There are many types of discrimination. Gender discrimination, also known as sexism is very common. In most societies, women have been viewed as the weaker sex who is in constant need of protection from the rough world. Women are more delicate by nature compared to men, and are often victims of physical, emotional and psychological abuse. Gender discrimination does not only apply in communities and sometimes families but also a lot of times in workplaces. In Chinese Culture, boys are more wanted than girls as they can pass down the family name. According to BBC news, around a million girl fetuses are aborted and tens of thousands of girl babies are abandoned in China, every year. A boy will bring status and he will also continue the family line. Families also throw big celebrations for baby boys while neglecting the less-wanted girls. The preference for boys is tied up in the Confucian belief that male heirs are necessary to carry on the family name and take care of the family spirit s. A Chinese family worries that if there is no son no one will look after them and keep them company in the afterlife. Confucius once said, There are three ways of being disloyal to your ancestors. Not carrying on the family name is the worse. In early Japan, there is large gender discrimination. They have a saying that goes men as breadwinners and women as homemakers. Even after Japan introduced the Equal Employment Opportunity Law in 1985, which prohibited discrimination against women in employment and urged employers to treat women equally in terms of recruitment, job assignment and promotion. But, they are still the last to be rehired in a full-time job. Japanese women are also expected to quit their job if they have children. Even if companies are facing a shortage of workers, they had no plan to try to hire more women. Women have to work twice as hard as man to advance their careers because of the prejudices within Japanese companies. Their university education is roughly the same as those without an upper secondary education. In 1997, statistics show that Japanese women hold only 9.3% of professional positions, compared to 44.3% in the United States. Womens income is only 45%of mens even though they make up 64% of J apan industry. Females appear to be less strongly oriented toward personal terminal values than men, but more strongly oriented toward moral means. Also in sports, especially soccer, where female officials/referees are slowly introduced to the male side of the game are being discriminated. One such example was Andy Gray, a former footballer, popular football pundit and commentator. He was British television channel Sky Sports main pundit since 1992. However, he was fired after he was found to made sexist comments and made offensive gestures to a female co-presenter. He had commented, Can you believe that? A female linesman. Women dont know the offside rule. in which his fellow presenter, Richard Keys replied, Course they dont. Somebody better get down there and explain. during a post-match show when they thought they were off air. In another show, he was caught on camera( in which it was edited out later on) tugging his pants and asking his female co-presenter Charlotte Jackson to tuck the microphone into his pants. (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3371091/Andy-Gray-sacked-over-sexism-row.html) In Singapore today, Gender discrimination while still existent, is less obvious. Disability Besides the various types of discriminations stated above, there is also a discrimination against the disabled people. Having a disability means that a person has a physical or mental impairment. This in turn has a substantial and long-term negative effect on ones ability to carry out normal everyday activities. Disability discrimination occurs when one is treated less favorably because of their disability as compared to someone without a disability. This is known as direct discrimination. There are cases in which people with some form of disability are treated differently, or are victimized. People who are not disabled laugh at the disabled because of the way they walk or talk. These people gang up and make fun of the disabled. They belittle them, and feel satisfied with themselves. The disabled are not able to do anything about it because there are too many people treating them that way. There is also indirect discrimination where everyone is treated equally, but by treating everyo ne equally, the disabled is put to a disadvantage. This is more subtle and may also be unintentional. An example would be when there are stairs to enter a building but a person with a disability might not be able to use the stairs and may need a ramp. Size/looks Being of a different size or looking different may also be a form of prejudice and discrimination. Often during first meetings, people are judged on first impressions, and first impressions are all about the visuals. Many a time people are discriminated against just because they are too fat, too skinny or not good looking enough. Society has set a standard where everyone wants an ideal body and face. This is known as the golden ratio. The ratio of (foot to navel): (navel to head) is the golden ratio of the human body. A persons face has to be symmetrical and have nice proportions to be considered good looking. There is a reason why plastic surgeries are in demand. While applying for jobs, people are required to attach photos of themselves. More often than not, the people who are better looking tend to get the job as compared to those who are less good looking. Then there is the case of body size. People tend to make remarks about fat people and fat jokes. An example would be Yo Mama So Fat jokes, which is very common. Even though different cultures have a preference for people of different sizes, everyone in general prefer slim to fat. Monetary/financially- Financial discrimination is when people look down on others that they are poorer than them. This will affect them if they want to find a job, get a rent or buy an apartment. People tend to look at the appearance to analyze whether you are rich or you are poor. For example, salesman will normally look for people that are trendier from those who wear clothes that seem old and tear. Service staff of well-known brand in some regions might not serve or even come up to you if they think that you have no money to pay if they let you try. So, what is the point to spend so much time to serve you? In United States, there is a case that they are discriminating against the blind people by refusing to make money readable for them as they think there do not have the need. They dont go out a lot, there does not have many chance for them to use the notes. Even for the device that is specially made for them to differentiate the money is expensive. At the end, blind people have to folding their bills in different positions to tell them apart. (http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/395668/financial_discrimination_against_the.html?cat=15) Financial discrimination also involved the low-waged workers. In a way that large number were paid lesser than the minimum wage that they should get and they had worked overtime without pay. When they get injured in the work place, they had to pay the bills themselves instead of having compensation from their company. (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112506238) Status/Education For status discrimination, most of this happens in the work place. We can see lot of who butter up status that up high and despise those who have low status than them. Everybody wants to get to a higher place. For these people that have status discrimination in mind, they normally think that this is a short cut and time saving way. For lower status in the society, they are always afraid of offending the people of the higher status. This is because they cant afford to spend the money to fight cases with them. We can also see employer refuse to hire people that have foreign name, speaks with accent, from another country or even locals who does not have a high level certificate. Competition is getting higher and higher in the work place. Nowadays, it is the certificate of education that decides the fate of status in society. Without a certificate, you will get no jobs. In Singapore, there are several foreign domestic worker abuse cases. Many do not know how to speak English and many doesnt know where to seek for help. There are also many cases about children bring their parents to old folks homes and do not care about them anymore, or old folks being abuse because they are a burden to the family. Sexual discrimination (gay/sexual orientation) People often get confused between gender discrimination and sexual discrimination. While gender discrimination is biased opinions about the female/male gender, sexual discrimination is about their sexual orientation. In society today, talking about homosexuality is still an uncomfortable and touchy topic. While it has progressed from the past where homosexuality was illegal and you could be hanged for admitting that you were a homosexual, it has now been legally acceptable to pronounce yourself one. However this does not stop the community around you to form perceptions and opinions about you. The 2 main places where Sexual discrimination is most evident are in schools and the workplace. In the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), homosexuals and effeminate men are managed according to the dictates of a manpower directive issued. Probably its most well know classification is Category 302, a medical code given to servicemen who are homosexuals, transvestites, paedophiles, etc. homosexuals are further classified into those with effeminate behaviour and those without effeminate behaviour. This form of discrimination persists despite the fact that homosexuality was depathologised by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, and homosexuality is not regarded as a psychiatric condition by the local medical profession. More so, the categorization of homosexuality with transvestism and paedophilia by the SAF further backs up the publics wrong impression that it is abnormal. During the enlistment for Nation Service, any self-declared or discovered servicemen who are homosexual are immediately referred and sent to the Psychological Medicine Branch of the Headquarters of Medical Services for a thorough psychiatric assessment. After which, each of their parents are to come in for an interview. Once they are catagorised as a homosexual, they are instantly medically downgraded to a Public Employment Status of C (PES C), regardless of their level of fitness, and put through modified Basic Military Training. After Basic Military Training, they are deployed into a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents. (http://knol.google.com/k/discrimination-against-homosexuals-in-singapore#Singapore_Armed_Forces) In Singapore, while being homosexual is legal, same-sex marriage is not, and any acts of indecency between two people of the same sex, will have you charged. Singapore being a diverse nation, which encourages harmony between different race, religion and background does not have as many Sexual discrimination cases as compared to America. In fact, according to BBC News on 16 May 2009, there was an event help by pinkdot.sg to commemorate love in all forms and between people of every orientation. The event was for Singaporeans in general to affirm our respect for diversity and the freedom to love, regardless of sexual orientation. Figure : 2,500 pink-attired supporters of gay rights, in a Singapore park. We recognize that many Singaporeans are conservative so we planned an inclusive event that would reach all Singaporeans, straight and gay, organizer Mr Soh says. Racial Racial discrimination is the discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race, also known as Racism. Where most countries do not condone Racism, it is still exists and has become a stereotype in society today. In the US, many laws forbid racial discrimination, and a number of these are directly derived from Title VII in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. The first of these acts makes manifest that employers cannot refuse to hire qualified employees based on race or skin color, and they cant do other things like harass them for race, refuse promotions, or pay them at lower rates. The 1991 Civil Rights Act defines some ways that people who have experienced racial discrimination can sue. Till today, racial discriminations still exist, especially in workplaces where largely foreign workers are employed (mostly Chinese nationals, Bangladeshis and Indian nationals). Faced with language barriers and already lowly paid, they still have to follow orders and listen to vulgarities being thrown at them by their local employers and superiors. The same can be said for domestic helpers, where there are numerous reports of physical (and sometimes sexual) abuses by their employers and agencies. Solutions that can be used to reduce prejudice and discrimination in Singapore Education It not right to judge someone base on his or her race. They might look different from others but they are still human. In order to make people minimize discrimination, it is better to start from the younger generation because they are the future. First step is to take down the Special Assistance Plan( a programme that is catered to students who achieved the top 10% of the Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE)) school system (Aaron, 2006). This school system concentrate on Chinese education as there are so many Chinese students and that most of these schools has rich Chinese traditions and history (eg, Hwa Chong Institution). Therefore, how can the racism be reduced in schools like this. Furthermore, government schools should also include religious subject in their system. In addition, universities should also organize some events that relates to intercultural exchanges. This will give an opportunity for students of any nationality to study different cultures. Workplace The company should take racially and culturally staff (Strategies for Reducing Racism, 2001). It is not only for worker and for employee but also apply for management or director. Talk to different people from different cultural and try to figure out what is problem that they have meet. By doing this, the organization will know what they need to do to improve better working environment for their employees. Moreover, try to put different pictures of multicultural so none will feel isolate. Furthermore, there should be a special team to solve any racial problem in the workplace. This group can also come up with some activities for employees so everybody can get closer to each other. Race In Singapore alone, the government has implemented racial harmony. It was in 1964, that Singapore went through 2 five-day periods of racial riots. First in 21st July and second was in 2nd September. The minority of Malays in Singapore had thought that they would benefit from the special rights for Malays that was part of the 1957 Federation of Malaya Constitution when Singapore merged with Malaya. However, it was not part of the agreement of the merger that the special rights were applicable for the Malays in Singapore as well, causing unrest among the Singapore Malays. Reason being that then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had wanted equal rights for all Singapore citizens, regardless of race. The riots that broke out in the 2 dates resulted in lives lost and many injured. (http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_45_2005-01-06.html) And so, on 21st July, which was also the date that the first racial riot broke out in 1964, is celebrated as Racial Harmony Day, in which inter-racial harmony is emphasized and celebrated in schools which students are allowed and also encouraged to dress up in traditional costumes of races other than their own. As most Singaporeans stays in HDB flats, the government have also implemented certain racial quotas for certain flats so that there is a balance between races in a neighbourhood. For instance, certain flats are only allowed to be bought by a certain race. If so happens that the owner of the flat wishes to sell the flat, the buyer would have to be of the same race as the previous owner so that there is always a balance in the races within the area. Because of this rule, there are many cases whereby neighbours of different races have inter-cultural exchanges during festive periods. Like how an Indian neighbor share their homemade delicacies with their Chinese neighbour and vice versa. Locality Welcome new people no matter where they come from, give them some flower or small gift with nice saying such as It is nice to meet you; I hope you will enjoy living here. In this way, everybody will act equally with each other and there will be no prejudice or racism. Another way is that some family can even put the sign with the writing All race are welcome here. By doing this, the new people will feel just like at home. Individual People do not have to make a group in order to reduce racism. People can minimize discrimination by themselves. Just be nice and be polite to everybody. Be brave to stand up again racial discrimination, read book or research about racism on the internet. Talk to those who still a victim of discrimination so people will understand more about this issue. Media As Racial Harmony Day is only emphasized in schools, it can also be spread through the media like radio, television, movies, etc, so that both young and old can be more educated about the importance of racial harmony. Having Racial Harmony Day in school is not enough as the younger generations could still be influenced by others around them especially family members and neighbours. Even though the older generations might have grown up with different races in the older kampong days, there still might be possibility that they have prejudices against other races due to conflicts that might have happened in the past. Conclusion After looking at prejudice and racial discrimination in Singapore, there is still a lot to be done even though it is a multi-racial society as it is still very much a predicament in Singapore. Through our solutions such as more inter-cultural exchanges outside of schools where the government is only implementing the racial harmony idealism, in my opinion, racial harmony must still be educated to each and everyone regardless of age so that everyone knows the importance of racial harmony. Bibilogy http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/1506469.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8054402.stm http://aaron-ng.info/blog/racism-in-singapore.html
Friday, October 25, 2019
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Teachers Essays
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Imagine your life without a proper education. Without the proper education you could properly provide for yourself or your family. All students are born with a different nature, however; the reason for their education remains the same. The purpose of education is to provide a foundation for students. Many methods of teaching and methods of discipline are used in the classroom. There are also many areas of curriculum that are important in the elementary level. Education provides the necessary grounds to succeed in our country today. Students’ intelligence levels vary drastically from student to student. However, their dispositions are identical at birth. All children are born with the ability to be a wonderful and loving person. Our society has the power to change the caring dispositions of our children. This is why many of our children live difficult lives; the world has made them mean or evil. This is described as having a relative nature, meaning that a child is constructed and dependent upon person, place, or time. Not all children have the ability to become one of our countries doctors or lawyers, but all of them are born with capability of living a joyful and happy life. The overall purpose of education is to prepare students for challenges that life brings to them. Challenges such as applying for a job, providing for a family, and managing a business. Education is important because it provides a solid background for the child to begin a healthy and happy life. As a teacher I hope to give my students the confidence to continue with their education. I also hope to provide a good educational foundation so that my students are well prepared as they do continue their education. I hope that my students acquire self – confidence. I hope that my students have the drive and the compassion to further their education. I also hope that my children understand that education is necessary in order to live a successful life. There are many ethics that a teacher must follow inside and outside of the classroom.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Employer Liability for Employee Torts Under the Theory of Negligent Hiring Essay
The manager of an apartment complex used the key to one of the apartments to enter the tenant’s apartment during his off duty time and rape the occupant. ABC Apartment Company owns the property and hired the manager. An investigation after the fact turned up evidence the manager had a criminal record which ABC failed to discover during the interview process. The tenant is suing ABC Apartment Company for compensatory and punitive damages. The following will discuss the possible legal theories upon which the tenant may seek recovery in a civil court of law and how likely the tenant may be to receive an award of compensatory and possibly punitive damages.The idea of vicarious liability has existed for centuries, predating even English common law in the 16th century. Vicarious liability was common in primitive law wherein â€Å"owners†were held responsible for the negligence of servants, slaves, inanimate objects and wives. Blumenreich, 1993). To phrase it plainly, a person is responsible for the actions of those people with whom that person may have a master and servant relationship. The Restatement (Second) of Agency, (Restatement (Second) of Agency  §Ã‚ §215-267 (1958)) outlines the doctrine of respondeat superior as it pertains to a principal and his or her agent, such as an employer and an employee. Under respondeat superior, a principal may be vicariously liable for torts committed by an agent of the principle. The liability may arise when the agent’s act is committed within the scope of employment and in furtherance of the principal’s business, or when the agent’s act is ratified by the principal. (cited in Lindemann and Kadue, 1992) When applying the Restatement (Second) of Agency to the facts of the of the third party tenant’s rape at the hands of the apartment manager hired by ABC Apartments, it becomes clear why the doctrine of respondeat superior is doomed to fail in a civil court of law. The apartment manager entered the premises and raped the victim in off hours. A reasonable person may conclude that entering the leased premises of a tenant and committing criminal acts against that tenant is not within the scope of employment for the manager and decidedly not in furtherance of the business of ABC Apartments. A reasonable person could also conclude ABC Apartments did not give the manager consent or instruction to unlawfully enter and physically assault the tenants of the apartments. The act of raping the tenant was motivated completely by the apartment manager’s own personal desire. Unless the apartment manager had been specifically instructed by ABC Apartments to rape the tenant, no purpose to serve ABC Apartment’s interest existed. Finally, the manager was hired to oversee the operation of the apartment complex for ABC, not to physically assault and rape the tenants. The theory of negligent hiring addresses employers who do not take reasonable care in hiring their potential employees for a job (FindLaw, 2004). In his legal treatise entitled Employment Screening, Rex K. Larson points out most states recognize a cause of action for negligent hiring, although, no real uniform elements have been adopted as of yet by the multiple state and federal courts. (cited in Creed. T. , 2007) However, a similarity in exactly how to define negligent hiring does exist. In the case of Garcia v. Duffy, 492 So. 2nd 435 (1986), the Florida Supreme Court defined negligent hiring in the following manner: Negligent hiring occurs when, prior to the time the employee is actually hired, the employer knew or should have known of the employee’s unfitness, and the issue of liability focuses upon the adequacy of the employer’s pre-employment investigation into the employee’s background. (cited in Sinclair-Bernadino, 2006. ) In Pennsylvania, Coath v. Jones, 277 Pa. Super. 79, 419 A. 2d 1249 (1980), follows the Restatement (Second) of Torts stating: Negligent hiring cases focus on what duty is owed by the employer to a third party when an employee commits a crime or other bad act †¦the consensus is that an employer may be found negligent if he knew or should have known that an employee had a propensity for conduct that would harm a third person. †(cited in LaPasta, 2006) The Minnesota Supreme Court in Ponticas v. K. M. S. Invs. , 331 N. W. 2d 907, 911 (Minn. 983) offered an opinion which can be characterized as a majority test for the doctrine of negligent hiring: Liability is predicated on the negligence of an employer in placing a person with known propensities, or propensities which should have been discovered by reasonable investigation, in an employment position in which, because of the circumstances of the employment, it should have been foreseeable that the hired individual posed a threat of injury to others. (cited in Creed, 2007) The commonality of all the above-quoted opinions revolves around holding employers responsible for hiring employees who harm third parties when an adequate background check would have prevented such a person from being hired for the job in the first place. In the law review article, Note, Minnesota Developments: Employer Liability for the Criminal Acts of Employees Under Negligent Hiring Theory: Ponticas v. K. M. S. Investments, 68 Minn L. Rev. 1303, 1304-05 (1984), Cindy M. Haerle draws upon the Ponticas opinion of the Minnesota Supreme Court to identify six basic elements of negligent hiring : (1) the tort-feasor was the employer of the defendant; (2) the employee was unfit for employment; (3) the employer knew or should have known the employee was unfit; (4) the plaintiff (claimant) was injured by the employee’s tortious act; (5) the employer owed a duty of care to the plaintiff; and (6) the hiring of the employee was the proximate cause of the plaintiff’s injuries. cited in Creed, 2007). Assuming the courts of the state in which the tenant who became the rape victim of the manager utilize elements such as the above in determining an employer’s liability under a negligent hiring theory, it becomes clear ABC will be held liable for the acts of the manager. The manager was the employee of ABC at the time he committed the rape. The manager had a previous criminal record that ABC failed to discover during the hiring process. Because a criminal background check would have revealed the manager’s past to ABC, they would or should have known the manager was unfit to perform a job in which access to all the tenants’ apartments was readily available. The tenant was clearly injured, both physically and mentally, by the tortious act of the manager. ABC clearly owes a duty to their tenants to insure their employees are fit for the jobs they are hired to do. Failure to investigate the manager’s background is a clear breach of that duty. Finally, had ABC not hired the manager, access to the keys of the tenants’ apartments would not have been available to him and, of course, he would not have been able to enter the tenant’s apartment and commit the crime of rape. Now that is has been established the tenant will succeed under the theory of negligent hiring, the issue of damages must be addressed. Black’s Law Dictionary defines compensatory damages as â€Å"such as will compensate the injured party for the injury sustained. †(Nolan, p. 390, 1990). Black’s Law Dictionary defined punitive damages as damages awarded on an â€Å"increased scale†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦that of punishing the defendant or of setting an example for similar wrongdoers. †(id). In the Florida case of Tallahassee Furniture v. Harrison, a company was successfully sued under the theory of negligent hiring and the plaintiff was awarded $1. 9 million in compensatory damages and $600,000. 00 in punitive damages. (Arvey, et al. , p. 1, 2001) A Massachusetts jury ordered the Trusted Health Resources and Visiting Nurses Association of Boston to pay $26. million in combined compensatory and punitive damages to the family of a murdered quadriplegic after the family successfully sued under the theory of negligent hiring. (Anderson, 1998). A clear indication issues from these decisions indicating courts are willing to allow for the award of punitive damages on top of compensatory damages. Based upon this information, under the theory of negligent hiring it seems likely that the tenant will be successful in a civil lawsuit and will be able to recover both compensatory and punitive damages of a significant nature. The nature of employment law is ever changing and the theory of negligent hiring seems to be an ever expanding area of the law. The idea of a third party recovering for the torts of an employee seems almost to be a return toward the primitive law mentioned in Mr. Blumenreich’s article wherein the master was responsible for all actions of his chattel, or persons in their charge. (Blumenreich,1993. )
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis Paper
Through the Doors of High School Bullying – something that happens every day in high schools, but yet people do not always acknowledge what goes on. According to the article Bully Facts & Statistics, 56% of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school. Bullying exceedingly affects a person. Whether it comes to a stop or not, the person harassed will never have the same mentality. In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, a plane crashes on a deserted island and all that remains is a group of boys. No adults – young boys all alone.Throughout the novel the children have leadership roles and rules in order for their continued existence. The experience a person has while on the island is how they reach their goal – survival. Lord of the Flies is a classic because it is seen as a metaphor for high school in this contemporary era because of the struggle for power that is showed through the setting, the characters, and the symbols. Goldi ng uses the scar on the island as a part of the setting to relate to high school. No matter if the boys abscond from the island, the mark will still exist similar to a student’s reputation in high school.The scar in the novel is the scene where the plane crash emerges. This is the characteristics of the scar after the crash: â€Å"The undergrowth of the side of the scar was shaken and a multitude of raindrops fell pattering†(7). A scar literally means leaving a mark on something. The popular crowd in high school ensures an easier time of leaving a positive impact on the school, because they have additional power over the other students. This is an example of students struggling for power. Besides the popular crowd, everyone else has a hard time of gaining their power and making an impact on the school.A person will never forget about their experience in high school just like the boys will never overlook the effects of the plane crash that happened in Lord of the Flies on the island. From the novel Lord of the Flies, Piggy’s characteristics remain not all that different from high school students. Early on in the novel, when Piggy and Ralph first meet, Piggy states, ‘†I don’t care what they call me,†he said confidentially, ‘â€Å"so long as they don’t call me what they used to call me at school†’ (11). Piggy’s declaration refers to how he accustomed to be treated back home.Piggy’s heavyset body and nerdy glasses causes constant harassment directed towards him. Contrary, high school students remain not all that different. Whether in high school or Lord of the Flies, name calling can really get to a person. The students that get picked on constantly are the ones that struggle the most at gaining power. The students that pick on others are the ones that contain the most power. On the island, a social stance takes place. Ralph and Jack are the leaders while the litluns follow th em. Piggy remains the outcast. In schools the bullies, usually the jocks, tend to pick on the nerds.Although Piggy was known as the outcast, he had brains. â€Å"But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains. Ralph was a specialist in thought now, and could recognize thought in another (78). †Piggy was smarter than most of the others; that was part of the reason of why he stood out. Similarly, high school students judge to quickly. Again, that is a big part of why bullying takes place at school. Because Piggy is smarter than the others, it causes him to struggle the most for power. He is seen differently than the others and judged for it.Furthermore, possessions parallel materialistic possessions of people in high school. In the novel, the conch is used as an important object to the boys. Towards the end of the book when Roger rolls a boulder on Piggy, â€Å"The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and c eased to exist†(181). In Lord of the Flies, the conch symbolizes power. The conch represents order; it keeps the boys in line. Similar to high school, the conch represents power like students’ possessions. By having expensive clothes, it symbolizes richness, coolness, and popularity.Ralph a leader in the novel, uses the conch to gain his power. But Ralph eventually loses his power. â€Å"The space under the palm trees was full of noise and movement. Ralph was on his feet too, shouting for quiet, but no one heard him. All at once the crowd swayed toward the island and was gone – following Jack (38). †This is like high school because everyone fights for their power. Ralph represents society and in order for them to maintain their societal image; Ralph guides the boys by making rules. The conch calls the group to meetings and remains exceedingly important to the boys – especially Ralph.After giving the boys false information for a period of time, the boys turn to Jack as their leader instead of Ralph. Therefore, Lord of the Flies is a classic because it persists as a metaphor for high school in this contemporary era because of the struggle for power showed through the setting, the characters, and the symbols. In Lord of the Flies people have to deal with bullying every day. All because of the social groups that take place and the power that comes along with it. Always remember – bullying will proceed to exist in high schools but if a person does not let it bother them then it will not be as affective.
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