Saturday, August 31, 2019
Culturally Poetic
Culturally Poetic Cultural identity is the collective personality of a people usually associated with a certain group or culture, or that of an individual in relation to certain behavior, thoughts, and influences. (Central Michigan University) These beliefs and shared characteristics allow a group to establish a common ground and in turn make them unique to others. A cultural identity may be national, ethnic, or even generational. Our identity is based upon our differences when compared to other groups. Cultural identity is essentially defined by differences rather than likenesses to others. The identifiable aspects of culture are historical, linguistic, and mental. These three factors may also be found in poetry and are related to the views that an author wishes to express. In my essay, I will seek to identify elements of culture in the following poems: â€Å"Bully†, â€Å"What it’s Like to Be a Black Girl†, â€Å"Self-Pity’s Closet†, â€Å"Rite of Passage†, and â€Å"The Panther†, In Martin Espada’s poem, â€Å"Bully†cultural identity is evident throughout the length of the poem. The poem is introduced by way of location, the time period, and the year, â€Å"In the school auditorium / the Theodore Roosevelt statue / is nostalgic for the Spanish American War†(713). The poet themes seemingly focus on change within American society. This theme is noticeably identifiable in the following stanza: But now the Roosevelt school is pronounced Hernandez. Puerto Rico has invaded Roosevelt with its army of Spanish-singing children in the hallways, brown children devouring the stockpiles of the cafeteria, children painting Taino ancestors that leap naked across murals. 714) Espada effectively provides contrast between Roosevelt’s belief of ethnocentrism and the invasion of the Spanish colonies by comparing the immigration of Puerto Rican families in a 1987 Boston, Massachusetts. At the poem’s ending we are able to envision a revenge of sorts with the children now invading Roosevelt himself. The following stanza is irony at its best and brings the ele ment of culture and change to the forefront, Roosevelt is surrounded by all the faces he ever shoved in eugenic spite and cursed as mongrels, skin of one race, hair and cheekbones of another. (714) This bit of irony is representative of the fact that change once experienced on the island of Puerto Rico now too is prevalent within America. Roosevelt is declared the â€Å"bully†by his conquest and those that were once without power are now empowered through change and assimilation. This poem uses historical factors to establish a cultural identity. Patricia Smith’s, â€Å"What it’s Like to Be a Black Girl†(for Those of You Who Aren’t) approaches the idea of a black girl becoming a woman at a time when race matters were still prevalent. The author begins with a direct but conversation like tone to denote the importance of what is being imparted: First of all, it’s being 9 years old and/ feeling like you’re not finished, like your edges are wild, like there’s something, everything, wrong†¦(672) The theme here is puberty based changes that takes place according to a â€Å"black girl. †The girl feels incomplete because her body is experiencing changes. Smith goes on to describe the girl’s desire to fit into society by wanting to have the physical traits of a white woman. The young girl is displeased with being black and seeks to change her appearance: †¦it’s dropping food coloring In your eyes to make them blue and suffering Their burn in silence. It’s popping a bleached White mophead over the kinks of your hair and primping in front of the mirrors that deny your reflection†¦(672) She goes on to describe the Black Power Movement and the Motown era by mentioning â€Å"it’s flame and fists and life according to Motown. †As a blossoming young girl approaching womanhood she finds it not only difficult to become a woman, but a black woman. Finally, the girl looks forward to every woman’s dream of becoming a bride. This is evidenced in the final three lines: â€Å"it’s finally having a man reach out for you/then caving in/around his fingers. The girl anticipates a completed transition when she will become married. This poem uses mental aspects to form cultural identity during a time or racial tension. Michelle Boisseau’s, â€Å"Self-Pity’s Closet†focuses on the way that society views beauty, self-image, and self-confidence. Boisseau uses figurative speech, imagery, and perceived sounds throughout the poem to bring light to a poor self image. The theme of this poem is equated to as the poem states self-pity. What seemingly appears as others judging us blinds us to the fact that we judge ourselves far worse than others would. The closet so to speak is within the individual feelings of: â€Å"Depression, loneliness, anger, shame, envy†(999) are the basis of self-pity. Feelings of self-loathing and self-hurt are evident in the following lines: after your vast and painful declarations subtle humiliations creeping up like the smell of wet upholstery, dial tone in the brain, the conviction that your friends never really loved you†¦(1000) The author seeks to express an inner fight a person struggles with when worried about the way others perceive them. The narrator uses the words, â€Å"dial tone in the brain†to describe a continuous mode of embarrassment within herself. She is unable to part with a feeling of inadequacy and is therefore trapped by her very own self pity. This poem uses mental aspects by associating self-pity with not being able to identify with the status quo of our cultural identity. In Sharon Olds’s, â€Å"Rite of Passage†a mother examines the behavior of her son and his friend during his birthday party. The title of the poem allows the reader to relate the â€Å"rite of passage†being the journey that her son will take toward manhood. Male maturity is the theme of the poem. What makes the poem ironic is her ability to view them as men though they are but six and seven years old. The following lines are quite imaginable to any mother noticing the machismo nature of young boys: As the guests arrive at my son’s party they gather in the living room short men, men in first grade with smooth jaws and chins. Hands in pockets, they stand around jostling, jockeying for place, small fights breaking out and calming. One says to another How old are you? Six. I’m seven. So? (811) In the last line we experience a typical conversation between two boys that are likely â€Å"sizing†each other up; the six year old responds to the seven year old â€Å"So? The mother then goes onto visualizing the boys as men with careers by stating, â€Å"They clear their/throats a lot, a room of small bankers/they fold their arms and frown†¦Ã¢â‚¬ One cannot help but to envision the boys as men at a table matching wits at an older age. The birthday boy as if chairman of the bank settles the dispute between his friends in the following lines: â€Å"speaks up as a host/for the sake of the group. /We could easily kill a two-year old,/he says in his clear voice. †The group agrees and the children return to playing or as the mother describes, â€Å"†¦they relax and get down to playing war, celebrating my son’s life. Just as Smith’s â€Å"What it’s Like to Be a Black Girl†focused on a girl approaching maturity so did Olds’ â€Å"Rite of Passage. †Olds uses mature language and terms to equate the behavior expressed by the boys as being their way of coming into manhood. The boys feel a need to intimidate each other with physical threats which showcases their immaturity on their way to adulthood. This poem identifies with the culturally defined behavior of a male having to prove he is a â€Å"man. †In Rainier Rilke’s poem â€Å"The Panther†the poet uses the panther a wild animal to express personification and similes to express confinement. An obvious reason for the panther being the subject is because its color represents a seemingly dark nature and contributes to the poem’s tone. A panther is also known to be a solitary creature that stakes out its prey. The use of the panther represents a theme of entrapment that most readers are able to identify with. The panther’s discontentment and longing to be free from his troubles is expressed as the cage’s bars. He has become so accustomed to seeing the bars that he no longer sees anything but what appears directly in front of him it is as if he has lost himself. The panther’s desperation in a sense mirrors human personality. Rilke’s offers her interpretation of this poetically by saying, His vision, from the constantly passing bars, has grown so weary that it cannot hold anything else. It seems to him there are a thousand bars and behind the bars, no world. (674) Rilke’s makes us aware that although the panther is confined we are still able to see its power and its beauty. Though caged he is still himself though he feels â€Å"paralyzed†by the cage; this feeling is interpreted in the following lines, â€Å"As he paces in cramped circles, over and over/the movement of his powerful soft strides/is like a ritual dance around a center/in which a mighty will stands paralyzed. The idea of confinement is relatable to a prisoner or anyone trapped in a situation with seemingly no way out. The panther yearns for more and this is evidenced by his pacing and boredom with his life. In the end the panther has lost his soul and his excitement is reduced to the opening of his eyes ever so slightly . It seems that the panther takes his final glance that touches him inwardly to the point his body becomes tense and his heart is excited for a split second until he realizes his situation and no longer bothers to react. This idea is well expressed in the final stanza. Only at times, the curtain of the pupils lifts, quietlyâ€â€. An image enters in, rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles, plunges into the heart and is gone. Rilke in â€Å"The Panther†and Boisseau in her â€Å"Self-Pity’s Closet†both convey the message of an inner struggle within their subjects. The poems are able to speak to the reader on a personal level and make the connection of human emotion with their dark but personal nature. â€Å"The Panther†embodied a feeling of weariness and surrender that human often time encounter in not one but within all societies and cultures. Often times we find ourselves staying within the box or the status quo instead of stepping outside of the box-in this case the cage. In comparison, the five poems that I have chosen to review are full of impact and take on a deeper meaning. They touch on outward appearances as well as inner feelings. They were all able to bring out identifiable aspects that we are all able to connect with through either personal or secondary experiences. In contrast, â€Å"Bully†came from a historical standpoint, while â€Å"What it’s Like to Be a Black Girl†and â€Å"Rite of Passage†focused on what is accepted by society. Lastly, â€Å"Self-Pity’s Closet†and â€Å"The Panther†dealt with inner struggles and the way that we tend to view ourselves when we take an inner look. Works Cited Central Michigan University. Cultural Identity as an Instrument. 8 May 2006. 3 November 2009 . Boisseau, Michelle. â€Å"Self Pity's Closet. †Mayer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. 999-1000. Espada, Martin. â€Å"Bully. Mayer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. 713-714. Olds, Sharon. â€Å"Rite of Passage. †Mayer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. 811-812. Rilke, Rainier Maria. â€Å"The Panther. †Mayer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. 674. Smith, Patricia. â€Å"What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl. †Mayer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literat ure. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. 672-73
Friday, August 30, 2019
Memo and Notice of Meeting Example Essay
Please be reminded that prompt and efficient service is the key to a successful business. The clients you serve are the business’ future and maintaining a good relationship with them is very important. A good relationship with clients can only be maintained through Prompt and Efficient Service. Delivering, collecting and repairing machines promptly is vital to the survival of a company. Therefore, you are reminded to act promptly. It is also important that there be proper communication with clients if there is a problem. We almost lost a client as a result of improper behaviour. TES VOLUNTARY CARERS ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF MEETING The TES Voluntary Carers Association, Manchester Division, Monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 27 2011 at 9:00 am in Room 803 on the 3rd floor of the Technical Ed. Building St Hews College, 252 Manchester Road Mandeville AGENDA 1Call to Order 2Invocation 3Welcome/ Apologies 4Minutes of last Meeting 5Matter arising from Minutes 6Correspondence 7Reports (a)Director of Social and inter clubbing (b)Treasurer’s report 8New Business 9Any Other Business 10Date of next Meeting 11Adjournment extra words The field slaves had the most difficult time among the different slaves. They had to work longer than any other kind of slave. They usually worked from sunrise to sunset in comparison to the house slaves who only worked a few hours. House slaves were treated far better than the field slaves as some were treated like the slave-owner’s children. The House slaves were kept clean, well dressed, and were allowed to speak much more often because they served the food to the owners and their guests. In fact the house slaves were allowed to eat in the house, not at the table but usually in a back room. As for the FS, they usually ate out in the barn with the animals and were only fed enough to keep them strong enough to work. Field slaves were often whipped, sometimes for without a reason. Their jobs included hoeing, harvesting, ploughing, mowing etc. However, all the slaves whether domestic, factory or field had some things in common in terms of their lifestyle. Most of the slaves were illiterate and the masters did what they could to keep them this way for various reasons. Slaves were allocated a region of the plantation for their living quarters. Slaves houses were usually wooden shacks with dirt floors, but sometimes houses were made of boards nailed up with cracks stuffed with rags. The beds were collected pieces of straw or grass, and old rags, and only one blanket for a covering. A single room could have up to a dozen people-men, women, and children. Another similarity they shared was that they all had a master who they had to obey. They would be punished for murder, robbery, arson or assault upon a white person. Slaves could be killed for murder, burglary, arson, and assault upon a white person. Plantation owners believed that this severe discipline would make the slaves too scared to rebel. Slaves were also whipped.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Past Semester Ais 280
CONFIDENTIAL AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING/ COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING AIS280/CAC230 SEPTEMBER 2011 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of four (4) parts : PART A (20 Questions) PART B (3 Questions) PART C (3 Questions) PART D (2 Questions) 2. Answer ALL questions from all four (4) parts : i) Answer PART A in the Objective Answer Sheet. ii) Answer PART B, C and D in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. . Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question Paper ii) an Answer Booklet – provided by the Faculty iii) an Objective Answer Sheet – provided by the Faculty DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 14 printed pages  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 PART A This part consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Choose the most suitable answer and shade the corresponding alphabet representing the answer in the Objective Answer sheet provided. 1. Which of the following statements about relative cell referencing is INCORRECT? a. It changes automatically when copying cell formula from one cell location to another location. b. It is usually denoted by this sign â€Å"=†or†+†. c. It is useful since it saves our time from typing the same data or formula into different location. d. It can also occur when a cell is entered in a formula using the $ symbol. 2. Cell B1 and B2 shows a value of 20 and 30 respectively. What is the best formula to total the values in cell B3? a. =B20+B30. b. =B1+B2. c. =$B$1+$B$2. d. =B$20+B$30. 3. The formula =IF(OR(condition 1, condition 2, condition 3), ‘YES', â€Å"NO†) will give the result . YES if condition 1 and 2 are met. i. NO if condition 2 and 3 are met. ii. YES if all the conditions are met. v. NO if all the conditions are not met. a. b. c. , ii and iii i, iii and iv , iii and iv d. All of the above 4. In Excel the ‘*' symbol is considered as a a. Label b. Text c. Number d. Formula  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 . The following description relates to which type of logical function? †¢ It has only one condition to test; †¢ If the condition is not met, the outcome is true; and †¢ If the condition is met, the outcome is false a. AND function. b. OR function. c. NOT function. d. ROUND function. Questions 6 and 7 are based on Figure 1 below: A B c D L F G KARAMBU NAI TRADING ADJUSTED TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 AUGUST 2011 Freehold Land Motor Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation – Motor Vehicle Sales Rent Administration Salaries Advertising Expenses Telephone lEIectricity Purchases Stationery Bank overdraft Capital Debtors Creditors Inventory Accrued Rent Depreciation – Motor Vehicles Closing Inventory Opening Inventory Doubtful debts Provision for Doubtful debts TRIAL BALANCE Debit (RM) 400,000 600,000 253,600 240,000†² 96,000 59,600 18,600 340,000 22,400 15,200 30,000 2,075,400 Credit (RM) 240,000 832,000 142,000 760,000 101,400 2,075,400 ADJUSTED ENTRIES Debit Credit (RM) (RM) 72,000 (b) 1,200 (a) 28,300 (d) 30,000 (e) 1,200 (a) 72,000 (b) 28,300 (d) 30,000 (e) 760 (f) 760 (f) 132,260 132,260 H I ADJUSTED TRIAL BALANCE Debit (RM) 400,000 600,000 254,800 240,000 96,000 59,600 18,600 340,000 2,400 15,200 28,300 72,000 30,000 760 2,177,660 Credit (RM) 312,000 832,000 142,000 760,000 101,400 1,200 28,300 760 2,177,660 Figure 1 6. The following statements are correct about the data inserted in cell D10, EXCEPT a. it represents accrued rent for the period b. it will be transferred to the balance sheet under current asset c. it will be shown in cell H10 as an addition to the bal ance in cell B10 d. failure to take into account the amount will be resulted on overstating the net profit. 7. Based on the Figure 1 above, what is the best formula for cell H6? a. =IF(0 Enter the date range 1/01/2011 to 31/01/2011 -; Click Display. c. Report -; Accounts -; Select Transaction Journal from Index to Reports -; Customize †¢Ã‚ » Enter the date range 01/01/2011 to 31/01/2011 -; Click Display. d. Click the Accounts icon at the main Command centre, and click Transaction Journal. 15. button is used to generate report in various format such as PDF , Email and Fax. a. Print b. Send To c. Customize d. Close 16. Which option cannot be found in Banking Command Centre? a. Spend Money b. Receive Money c. Reconcile Accounts d. Bank Statement 17. Which of the following statements are CORRECT? . If the company's financial year starts on 1 September 2011 and ends on 31 August, 2012, its current financial year is 2012. ii. The report that enables you to view stock movements for ea ch item is Item List (Summary), iii. The Banking Command Centre cannot be used to record money received for invoices created via Sales Command Centre, iv. An invoice can be changed to a quote or an order. a. i and iii. b. ii and iv. c. i, ii and iii. d. i, ii and iv. 18. In the event that a refund to customer is required in relation to the Credit Note issued, click the Pay Refund button at the . a. Bank Register. b. Sales Register's Returns and Debits Tab window. c. Sales Register's Returns and Credits Tab window. d. Settle Returns and Credits Tab window.  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 19. Which of the following account has the correct prefix number in MYOB? Account Name Account Number a. Inventory 2-4000 b. Owner's Equity 8-0000 c. Bank Charges 6-5555 d Other Expenses 7-1000 20. The following options are available to build the accounts list in MYOB, EXCEPT a. start with one of the list provided by MYOB. b. import a list of accounts from the company's accountant. . build own account from scratch. d. export from other company's account list. (Total: 20 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 8 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 PARTB Answer ALL questions. QUESTION 1 The following questions are based on Figure 4 below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 23 †¢SO 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A B Reducinq Balance Method Machine Straiqht 1 – WDR 1704 YEAR 20O6 2007 2008 200S 2010 2011 Line Method Motor Vehicles – YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201 1 DEPRECIATION EXPENSES 26,297. 06 17,076. 59 11,089 07 ,200 94 4,676. 09 3,036. 52 SAB 2317 DEPRECIATION EXPENSES 1 5. 800. 00 5,800. 00 5,800 00 5. 800. 00 5,800. 00 5,800 00 C ! Asset Name Date of Purchase Purchase Cost (RM) Salvage Value (RM) Useful Life { years ) D E ALIF HAIKAL BHD Schedule of Depreciation Machine 1 – WDR 1704 01/01/2008 75,000. 00 1,000. 00 10 Methods of Depreciation Reducing Balance Method ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 26,297. 06 43,373. 65 54,462 72 61,663. 66 66,339. 75 69,376. 27 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 5,800. 00 11,600. 00 17,400. 00 23,20000 29,000. 00 34,800. 00 35% NET BOOK VALUE 48,702. 94 31,626. 35 20,537. 28 3,336. 34 8,660. 25 5,623. 73 NET BOOK VALUE 54,200. 00 48,400 00 42,600 00 36,800. 00 31,000. 00 25,200 00 F Motor Vehicles – SAB 2317 12/02/2006 60,000. 00 2,000. 00 10 Straight Line Method a) b) c) Figure 4 List two (2) differences between the depreciation methods used by Alif Haikal Bhd? (2 marks) State the formula used in each of the following cells: i. E11. ii. D19. iii. B32. (6 marks) Describe the steps to format the number in cells B32 through D37 to two (2) decimal places with the thousand separator. (2 marks) (Total: 10 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 9 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 QUESTION 2 The following questions are based on Figure 5 below: 1 1 . 2 ‘ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3? , Ol i B ;'-. :.. . †¢ . – , . . . C ! D THOMAS BIN JINIS CORPORATION BERHAD PROJECTED CASHFLOW STATEMENT Estimated Revenue Projected Sales Less: Estimated Expenses Other Fixed Cost Depreciation Variable Cost Total Expenses Projected Income Before Tax Less:Corporation Tax (28%) Estimated Project Net Income Net Cash Flow Estimated Project Net Income Add Back Depreciation Total Cash Flow PAYBACK METHOD PERIOD: END OF YEAR 1 END OF YEAR 2 END OF YEAR 3 END OF YEAR 4 I.. . †¦ I Year 1 800,000. 0 130,000. 0 170,000. 0 200,000. 0 500,000. 0 300,000. 0 84,000. 0 216,000. 0 216,000. 0 170,000. 0 386,000. 0 ANNUAL CASH FLOW 386,000 415,664 410,538 418,170 E ; PROJECT NAME PROJECT COST Depreciation Rate Year 2 880,000. 0 140,000. 0 170,000. 0 228,800. 0 538,800. 0 341,200. 0 95,536. 0 245,664. 0 245,664. 0 170,000. 0 415,664. 0 ACCUMULATED CASHFLOWS 386,000 801,664 1,212,202 1,630,371 Year 3 896,000. 0 150,000. 0 170,000. 0 241,920. 0 561,920. 0 334,080. 0 93,542. 4 240,537. 6 240,537. 6 170,000. 410,537. 6 SELECTED PERIOD  »Ã‚ » F XX-2011 850,000 20% Year4 944,000. 0 165,000. 0 170,000. 0 264,320. 0 599,320. 0 344,680. 0 96,510. 4 248,169. 6 248,169. 6 170,000. 0 418,169. 6 Figure 5 a) List the formula for each of the following cells: C14. i. C17. ii. C21. v. C23. (6 marks) b) c) What does the symbol  »  » in cell E30 means? (2 marks) If the company expects a maximum payback pe riod of 3 years, should the company accept the project? Explain your decision. (2 marks) (Total: 10 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 10 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 QUESTION 3 Question 3 is based on Figure 6 below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 3? a) A B ! CBDSDNBHD ADJUSTED TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 SEPTEMBER 2011 Land & Building ;Accum. Dep. Land & Buidling Furniture & Fittings Accum Dep . F Insurance .Advertising Rent Telephone Salaries Capital ‘. Sales Bank Loan Cash in Hand Creditors Debtors Depreciation Prepaid Rent Insurances Owing Cost of Good Sold Total DEBIT RM 288,000 180,000 25,400 26,000 10,000 1,480 2,000 4,200 500 18,000 12,000 1,600 19,840 589,020 CREDIT RM 72,000 46,000 259,300 26,240 58,000 22,280 5,200 589,020 WORKINGS TOTAL FIXED ASSETS (NBV) TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES CBD SDN BHD FINANCIAL RATIO REPORT AS AT 31 SEPTEMBER 2011 PROFITABILITY RATIOS GROSS PROFIT RATIO NET LOSS RATIO EFFICIENCY RATIOS: 350,000 24,300 76,880 27,480 84. 28% 23. 38% DEBTORS TURNOVER OPERATING EXPENSES RATIO LIQUIDITY RATIOS CURRENT ASSETS RATI OS : ACID TEST RATIO 52 DAYS 60. 90% I 0. 8B TIMES LVALUE! TIMES Figure 6 State the formula to calculate the amount in the following cells: ii. iii. iv. B27. H12. H35. H22. b) What does the symbol # VALUE! n cell H37 mean? (8 marks) (2 marks) (Total: 10 marks)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 11 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 PARTC Answer ALL questions. QUESTION 1 Question 1 is based on Figure 7 below: Sales – New Item INVOICE Customer Shb to I Ship Backorder Salesperson Commen Ship Via Promsed Date †¢i Re Invoice De jumal Mernc enal Source livery Status :fl Item Number . . .ill Description Terms Invoice tt: Date: Customer PO tt: Price . Pisc% Subtotal Freight Tax Total Amount : Paid Today Payment Method Balance Due Total fi? Tax Inclusive Job Tax :†¢: J „J
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Ethical Responsibility in Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethical Responsibility in Technology - Essay Example The agent is required to act in the best interests of the principal while performing what is required of him. But in most instances, the principal is unable measure the behavior of the agent and control the outcome of the contract, which puts him at a disadvantage vis--vis the agent. (Eisenhardt, 1989). Problems arise when there exists a conflict between the interests of the principal and the agent, which is the case in most contractual relationships. In general terms fiduciary duty is the obligation of a person to act in the best interests of another. In case of a principal and agent, it is the fiduciary duty of the agent to act in the best interests of the principal. This duty includes due diligence and due care by the agent in performing his services for the principal. "A fiduciary duty is an obligation to act in the best interest of another party." (Breach of Fiduciary Duty Law and Legal Definition, 2007). It has been stated the relationship between an agent and principal and the fiduciary duties of an agent. The principals in this instance are the future customers of Vista software who bought 'vista compatible' machines on the promise of Microsoft.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
What happens here, Stays here Las Vegas Campaign Essay
What happens here, Stays here Las Vegas Campaign - Essay Example epresents a tremendous revenue stream for the city of Las Vegas, requiring the city to put forth sizeable effort at attracting mass quantities of consumers to its nightlife and recreational facilities. Las Vegas, as a unique American destination, maintains a significant strategic advantage over traditional product brands, as the business does not have to rely on measuring market share against competitors. There are few destinations with the same quality of spectacle and recreation provided by the entire city of Las Vegas, thus the city can focus solely on its product features, benefits and services as a unique travel destination. Though other cities across the country require tourism dollars, Vegas is in a class by itself for adult entertainment. The marketing focus is also to encourage international consumers to visit the city as part of Las Vegas’ marketing focus (Fowler, B.1). Up until only recently, Las Vegas had been positioned as a family destination, with previous marketing efforts focusing on the theme park varieties and water-park recreation provided by the city to lure family revenue dollars. One notable author describes the previous Las Vegas marketing campaign, focused on family, as a conglomerate of â€Å"T-shirt packs of doughnut inhalers roaming the casinos like livestock†(Anderson, 1). This represented a marketing focus where the targeted consumer was the family demographic, potentially creating conflict between the more adult-oriented consumer who looked at Vegas as an escape for adult entertainment and exciting, casino recreation. The shift in marketing focus from family-oriented to a more risquà © campaign illustrates a total change in target market focus. Las Vegas marketers also maintain a very mass advertising philosophy where individual target consumers are not the focus, but appeals to the mass consumer audience comprised of business professionals, young adults, and any other age or background demographic available in the United States.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Computer Sciences and Information Technology. User Experience Essay
Computer Sciences and Information Technology. User Experience - Essay Example In this regards, the paper contains description and purpose of website development, the intended audience of the website along with weaknesses and strengths of the website in respect of their usage by diverse users. Some users may not agree that this website is easy to use and users have difficult experiences with its interface, this study looks at every element of interaction and usability factors (Cornell University Library, 2012). In order to get information regarding their experiences of using the website, the users are given a website usability form to be filled so that the website of the Phone4u can be evaluated. The paper presents the recommendations to the company for improving several aspects of the website to reach the targeted audience, trust development on the visitors and customers, moreover, guidance to increase the web traffic (Dumas, 2008, p37). The usability test is one of the essential steps in the evaluation of the user’s likeness and dislike-ness while usin g the Phone4u’s website. This will require acquisition of user opinions and to present analysis of the information to guide the decision on the areas of improvement. Since most of the features are observable qualitative attributes, this study will have to convert them into quantitative variables for ease of data analysis. 1.2. Background In the evaluation of the website, the focus is how to improve the usability by adding features that are more relevant and functional keeping in view the targeted audience of the website. This can be done by evaluating the website and improving the weaknesses indicating by the analysis. The amendments to the website of the Phone4u should be made as per the recommendations of the users (Valacich, Joey & Hoffer, 2009, p67). At the same time, it is important to consider the fact that some users do not welcome changes so easily and may prefer to remain in the previous version of the website rather than the new one with improved features (Kendall & Kendall 2011, p58). The evaluation will lead to the decision making for the new version of the website based on the information from user response. The statistics will be gathered as comments from various participants. The participants’ views reflect the present trend and the actual real world events that are of interest to this website. The study uses the structure of information flow as shown in the figure below, with the system the user and the feedback mechanism. Figure 1: Information Flow between System, Users and Feedback mechanism 1.3. Study Problem/Question This study seeks to answer one (1) major question having various sub parts. The first question is â€Å"Whether the website of the Phones4u is easy to use for the targeted audience of the website?†In order to have the answer of the first question of this study, the users have to answer the various questions as described by the Jokab Neilsen. The sub questions (parts) include: â€Å"the visibility of the s ystem, Match between system and the real world, User control and freedom, Consistency and standards, Error prevention, Recognition rather than recall, Flexibility and efficiency of use, Aesthetic and minimalist design, Help users recognize, Help and documentation, diagnose and recover from errors. Basically, these are the guidelines provided by the Jakob Neilson for evaluating the usability of the website†(Selvaraj, 2011). All these questions will be answered by the selected participants. 2. Aims The aim of this study is to explore the usability issues in the
Productivity Software Usability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Productivity Software Usability - Research Paper Example The invention of computer brought a revolution. Initially, there were very few companies that were providing productivity software, whereas those software were difficult to use and could not perform advanced and complicated jobs. With the advancement in technology and invention of faster computers, the number of productivity software increased to a great extent and the existing one kept improving. Keeping in view the needs and convenience of business and individual users, companies kept introducing different varieties of these software. This fierce competition between software companies has brought revolutionary changes in the way people use computer. Now, there are thousands of software that can perform hundreds of thousands of jobs with great ease and convenience. One of the most famous productivity software suits is â€Å"Microsoft Office†. It is the market leader, used by majority of companies globally. It comes with a word processor (Word), a presentation developing software (PowerPoint), a website developing software (FrontPage), a database software (Access), a data calculation, analysis and visualizing software (Excel), brochures, flyers, business cards, etc creator and editor (Publisher), email client (Outlook), information sharing software (OneNote) and others. Since Microsoft Office is a comprehensive suite of productivity software, I will use it as an example in explaining the usability of productivity software. After that, I would be discussing more usability of these software by mentioning other examples. A word processor is a software that helps in typing anything be it a latter, legal document, report, dissertation, etc. Microsoft Word can be taken as an example. It can format a document according to your need, automatically corrects typing mistakes, helps in correcting the spelling, and puts reference for you and can
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Global Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Global Marketing - Assignment Example Financial services sector has been experiencing rapid growth in recent times especially after tariff barriers have progressively been broken down with more and more nations joining the World Trade Organization. Egypt and Russia are two countries that vary widely not only in terms of economic prosperity but also in terms of prevailing culture. While the per capita GDP of Egypt is $ 6,200 (Central Intelligence Agency: Egypt Economy 2011) that of Russia is $15900 (Central Intelligence Agency: Russia Economy 2011). When analyzed through GE Matrix, both Egypt and Russia presented markets that would be highly attractive given the medium strength of Bats Bank as a business unit. (12manage 2011) While Egypt is the holder of proud legacy of a bygone glorious civilization, the present condition of the country is not that glorious and its main importance in world commerce and industry is in its guardianship of Suez Canal. But the positive aspect of Egyptian economy is its stable agriculture and large concentration of population along both sides of the Nile River that practically bisects the country. However, the high levels of public debt leave very little opportunity for Egyptian Government to invest large amounts in industry. Hence, the scope of other financiers entering the market is rather rosy. And, this is true irrespective of the current political turmoil that the nation is going through. Russia has finally been able to come out of the trauma of disintegration of Soviet Union and its loss of global superpower status. Free market mechanism has gradually taken a firm grip on Russian economy right from the advent of Perestroika a decade and a half ago and the political and economic stability of the country presents a very attractive opportunity for doing business there. Also, there is a dearth of finance in the market and financial services companies could do very well to bridge this gap. Any company entering Russian markets must take extreme care not to violate the s tatutory requirements of doing business in that country as any violation of local laws usually leads to exemplary penalty. 1.1 The motivation to do this research Globalization has become the norm of today’s industry and commerce. Business entities are finding it imperative that in order to survive and prosper in this age of cutthroat competition; they must cross national boundaries and mark their presence in foreign markets (Kay 1995). Foreign markets, though a treasure trove of opportunities, also present many issues and problems that need to be solved in a novel manner as business environments in these foreign shores need not be identical to those prevailing in the mother country. The primary motivation to do this research has been a desire to identify the process that a business entity must adopt to ensure that its global foray is a success. In the course of enquiry, differences in cultures and levels of economic prosperity between nations have been given a special importa nce as that only would enable one to properly understand and appreciate the multi-layered nuances and intricacies of global marketing. Financial services have an intimate relation with the culture and political climate of a country and cannot be described simply as the end result of a series of cold calculations of interest rates and principal
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Global Trade - Essay Example Consequently, fair trade has not developed in Third World countries, such as those of Africa and Latin America. Globalization is a post-World War II phenomenon that evolved based on the need to identify ways to promote economic progress among newly independent countries that used to be colonies. According to Piasecki and Wolnicki (2004), "After the second World War, there was widespread interest among economists in finding solutions to the poverty and underdevelopment left behind by the disintegrating colonial system" (par. 3). Experiments with planned economies in the 1950s and 1960s were met with only limited success, and frequent failure, in the developing world. "Until the 1980s, a score of developing nations experimented with non-market theories and concepts, but with rather limited success. Brazil, India experienced a few years of non-sustainable growth in the 1960s. Unfortunately, none of these countries could match the successes of those that chose the mixed economy and the market system in 1990s" (par. 8). By the 1980s, it became apparent that Third World development lagged and there was a need for a new approach. "By the 1980s, against many prominent economists' expectations, development had not materialized in the Third World - with the exception of the Gulf nations. Even in countries such as Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, where significant growth was observed, employment gains were generally unsatisfactory. Everywhere else in the developing world inequality and poverty grew. In addition, inflow of capital and Western consumption standards challenged traditional sectors and the existing power structures. As a result, tensions between modernizers and Islamic traditionalists heightened" (par. 9). In other parts of the world, the 1980s also brought a realization that economic development approaches had not been adequate. The 1980s came to be known as Latin America's "lost decade," in which there was "mounting debt, inflation, and negative growth" throughout much of the region (par. 15). A consensus began to grow around the idea that "a free market and open economy supported development far better than any form of protectionism and state interventionism." A new model of global capitalism, spearheaded by America, began to take hold in the 1990s in the hopes of reversing the economic stagnation in the Third World that had marked the decades since World War II. A theory began to take hold that opening up economies, spurring international investment, and knocking down trade barriers would produce a rising economic tide that would benefit both the developed and the developing world. It was hoped that multinational corporations let loose to pursue their profits across political boundaries would be the engine that spurred a new era of global economic growth. The new economic model was based on "tough fiscal and monetary policy, deregulation, foreign trade and capital flow liberalization, elimination of government subsidies, moderate taxation, liberalization of interest rates, maintenance of low inflation, and so forth. The proponents of these comprehensive liberal reforms strongly believed that the 'miracle of the market' would eventually so lve the problems endemic to underdevelopment. A special role in this process
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Benefit of Management Information System Research Paper
The Benefit of Management Information System - Research Paper Example Informational system software’s corresponds to the needs of the end users and promises to be central to all future application systems. It enhances the information’s management to select diverse applications from the market in regard to the needs and cost appropriately while offering the guarantees and capacities to interlock with the global system. Dr S.shajahan (2004). Basing on informational researchers and practitioners; the requirements to curtail emergent technological risks has been a contentious point. Informational accessibility, confidentiality and integrity have been viewed as an integral aspect, nevertheless, the development of protective measures against a potential threat such as viruses, hackers and system failures have been the primary concern. One of the major challenges that management and precisely information technology managers face is keeping track of management information systems and optimizing the benefits of information technology derived from meeting current processing demand and strategic processing demands. Information technology is difficult to determine what systems to invest in. The question that lingers is whether to invest in information technology solutions that are currently needed or invest in information technology solutions that cater to the future needs of the organization. Technology is fast moving and management systems have evolved over the years from performing basic payroll tasks to complex tasks such as providing information regarding sales, inventory and decision making processes.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Example a Level Psychology Experiment Essay Example for Free
Example a Level Psychology Experiment Essay Hypothesis – there will be a significant positive relationship between the scores on a memory test and scored on a test to predict your chance of being a millionaire Null Hypothesis – there will be no significant relationship between scores on a memory test and scores on a test measuring the chances of becoming a millionaire and any relationship is due to chance Method: Design – the method of the experiment was a correlational study; this was used in order to see whether there was a relationship between the scores on a memory test and scores on a millionaire test. The experiment used co variables, which were the score on the memory test and score on the millionaire test. Controls – in order ensure the test was reliable the extraneous variables needed to be controlled. Standardised instructions were used as a control to give all participants the same instructions during the experiment, which meant that the experimenter did not affect the communication of the instructions by changing them for each participant which reduces the amount on experimenter bias. A further control that was used was using anonymous data by assigning each participant a number to record that data on a table, rather than using individual’s names. Participants – the target population for the experiment were young people in the Gosport area of each gender. The sampling method was an opportunity sample of 10 students aged 17-18 both males and females (2 males and 8 females) at Bay House Sixth Form from an A Level Psychology class and the researcher was a Psychology teacher at Bay House Sixth Form. Apparatus and Materials – the materials used for the experiment were a list of 34 words created by the researcher that were projected onto the board, paper and pens provided for the participants to record the number of words they remembered, a watch to time the one minute period of remembering and writing down the words, an online questionnaire to measure likelihood of becoming a millionaire at Procedure – the participants were firstly given an explanation of the research and what the study would entail for them. They were them given the equipment they required to complete the memory test whilst remaining anonymous and were given standardise instructions by the researcher of how to complete the test and the rules of the research. The participants were then shown the list of 34 words to memorise by projecting the list on the board and where given one minute to memorise as many words as possible. The words were then hidden and the researcher projected instructions to the participants to write down all the words they remembered and they were given one minute to do so. The number of words memorised were recorded by the researcher by assigning each participant with a number and they stated out loud their score. The participants were then asked to move to a computer room to complete an online survey to test their likelihood of becoming a millionaire, after they completed the questionnaire the participants had to record their score next to their memory score on a board. The participants were then debriefed by the researcher. Ethics – there were few ethical issues in the experiment as informed consent was gained by the researcher to ensure the participants were given instructions and the aim of the research. Therefore, there was no deception in the research and so the integrity of the study was intact during the memory and millionaire tests. Furthermore, all the participants were over 16 and so there was no need for the researcher to obtain parental consent for the study. Participants were also given the right to withdraw before and during the research, therefore the participants were not pressured to take part or complete the study if they were not comfortable with the terms of the research or what the data was being used for. However, there may be ethical issues regarding the wellbeing of the participants during the research as the study may have caused stress or anxiety in the participants when completing the memory or millionaire tests because they may feel the pressure to do well in each test, although the research was anonymous and so this may have reduced the amount of stress caused by the study. Scatter Graph for Data: The scatter graph shows that there is a weak negative correlation between memory test scores and millionaire test scores, which means that it does not necessrily prove our hypothesis that there will be a significant postive relationship between the two co variables. Therefore, the hypothesis needs to be rejected and the null hypothesis can be accepted as the null hypotehsis reflects what our results show on the scatter graph. The graph can also help identify outliers, as the partipant that scored significantly higher on the memory test and lower on this millionaire test could be regarded as an outlier as it does not follow the pattern of the other data found from the research. Evaluation: Design – the design that was used in this research was correlational, which is good as allows us to identify if there is a relationship between two co variables as well as allowing research to be conducted that cannot be done in a lab experiment as is would not be viable. However, correlational studies do not show cause and effect between the two co variables and so it cannot be stated that having a good memory will cause a person to become a millionaire in the future as it could just as easily be that being a millionaire causes a person to have a good memory. Sample – the sample that as used in this study was very small, as only 10 people took part in the research; also the participants were psychology students. Therefore due to the small sample and the specific type of participant the results may not be able to be generalised to the wider population. Furthermore, gender may have been an issue with the sample as there were only 2 males, whereas there were 8 females, therefore there was not an equal mix of each gender and so the results cannot be generalised. Tests – the tests that were used in the study were a memory test created by the researcher and an online questionnaire to predict that chance that the participants would have of becoming a millionaire. The memory test was good as it used standardised instructions, meaning that the test was more reliable as the same instructions were shown to all participants at the same time, which reduces the amount on researcher bias and means that participants can query any confusion they have. Moreover, the standardise instructions mean that there is high control in the research and so the results are reliable. The millionaire test may have had some issues as the closed questions that were used may have not provided an applicable answer, resulting in participants answering questions incorrectly which may have an effect on the results.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Principles Of Implementing Duty Essay Example for Free
Principles Of Implementing Duty Essay 1. Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role Duty of care is a requirement that a person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a persons actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence 2. Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals Duty of care contributes to the safeguarding of individuals because as a social care worker you are responsible to; Recognise physical, emotional and psychological needs of individuals by understanding what is required for health and well-being, to observe and record ‘indicators’ of differences and changes and to show empathy and support. Anticipate danger and manage risks by carrying out assessments, avoiding hazards and carrying out health and safety checks Intervene and support in the event of illness and injury by carrying out first aid, seek help or advice, communicate with health professionals and relatives and report to appropriate authority 3. Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights Sometimes individuals may want to do something which could be a risk to their Health and safety. As a care assistant you have a duty of care to that person and you must do all that you can to keep them safe but you also have a duty to respect the individual’s rights and choice, so you have a dilemma. It could be that the individual no longer wishes to use her walking frame, but her care plan states that she needs it to move from place to place and you are to ensure you encourage its use. In this scenario you could carry out a risk assessment to ensure that it is managed as safely as possible. You would need to explain the risks involved to the individual and make sure they understand. You could come to a compromise, to use a stick for a while instead, to see how they managed, then monitor the situation. All this should be documented including any risk assessment carried out. If the individual still insists on walking unaided you should get them to sign to say they are aware of the risks involved. 4. Describe how to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual’s rights and the duty of care There are many ways to manage risks associated with conflicts and dilemmas: Allowing individuals to explore with guidance, Making individuals aware of potential hazards and dangers, Allowing individuals to acquire life skills through learning how to cope with risky situations, Staff ignorance, Parents are a risk to staff if reported to social services. 5. Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas Colleagues the person’s family and friends GP Care professionals Advocates Union official Regulators 6. Describe how to respond to complaints listening to the complaint giving the complainant time and respect recording the information reporting to a senior member of staff accessing the Complaints Policy ensuring the complainant has access to the Complaints Policy ensuring the complainant knows what will happen next. Responding to complaints, whether made by a parent or a staff colleague, you should always keep professional and listen to what the person has to say. You should keep calm and by being respectful and apologising when necessary which helps to diffuse potential conflict. Complaints need to be resolved as quickly as possible and constructively to avoid creating a bad atmosphere for all those involved. When responding to a complaint, it is important to listen to the other person’s point of view. You should avoid making personal comments and focus on the facts throughout. Always apologise if you are wrong and explain how you will resolve the situation. 7. Explain the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints The Complaints policy is a recorded and documented procedure that is available. The complainant is listened to and respected. The Complaints Policy is time-based and the complaint is dealt with in a documented time-frame. Complaints are normally dealt with by nominated members of staff. The procedure is clear If a member of staff or a parent wishes to make a complaint they should discuss their complaint with the setting leader first where most complaints can be resolved quickly. If the parent or member of staff is not happy with the outcome they should then put their complaint in writing to the setting leader who can then pass the details onto the owner or chairperson of a committee run setting. The setting will look into the complaint and once they have come to a conclusion the setting leader can arrange a meeting with the person who made the complaint to discuss the outcome. If the person is still not happy with the outcome they can ask for a further meeting with the setting leader and the owner or chairperson where they can also invite a representative. They can then all meet up to try and come to a conclusion. Everything at this meeting will be noted and recorded. If the complaint can still not be resolved at this meeting then a further meeting can be made where an external mediato r is invited.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Validity of Electronic Contracts in the UK
Validity of Electronic Contracts in the UK REGULATIONS AND CASE ANALYSIS ON THE VALIDITY OF ELECTRONIC CONTRACTS IN UNITED KINGDOM[1] The validity of Electronic Contracts in United Kingdom Legal background of UK legislations on Electronic contracts In the late 1990s, the lack of a legal foundation for e-commerce has caused many European countries to separately enact electronic signature law.[2]Such a trend has raised a concern to the EU as a whole for the differences there might be.[3]In addressing the issue, the EU has come up with the Directive on a Community Framework for Electronic Signatures (EU E-Signatures Directive).[4]The Directive requires implementation by all member states by July 19, 2001.[5]The Directive mainly deals with, inter alia, the recognition of electronic signature, technological neutrality, and international harmonization.[6] As a result, the Electronic Communications Act 2000 (ECA) and the Electronic Signatures Regulations 2002 (ESR) are the implementation of the EU Directive. 2. Electronic Communications Act 2000 During the history of English contract law, it has addressed and reconciled the validity issue of signature on the basis of their forms. Several forms of signatures were given legal validity such as initials, marks, seals or printed name.[7] When it comes to electronic signatures, UK maintained their perspective as to relying on the function performed by the signature method in determining its legality; this approach is called the technology neutral approach.[8] The ECA heavily inherits of this technology neutral approach. The ECA focuses on three main issues: (i) the validity of electronic signatures, (ii) the validity of electronic records in transactions, and (iii) the legality of public key cryptography.[9] Section 8 and 9 of the ECA removes the barrier between electronic documents and their paper counterparts. As such, electronic records are given legal validity on a case-by-case basis. The act also authorizes the Secretary of State to enact secondary legislations.[10] 3. Electronic Signatures Regulations 2002 The ESR came into force on March 8, 2002.[11]The main focus of the ESR is to implement certain provision of the EU E-Signatures Directive, especially the one concerning Cryptography Service Providers, including liability and data protection.[12] The ESR and the EU E-Signatures Directive share the same definition for electronic signature. Under the ESR, a legal person can be a signatory. The two legislations also share the same two types of signature, which is basic and advanced signature. Since UK contract law does not distinguish the notion of handwritten signature, theres no need for the ESR to specifically recognize the validity of an electronic signature as an alternative for the handwritten ones. However, various [U.K.] legislative acts have generally recognized [sic] that an e-signature is a valid form of signature in the specific context concerned.[13] Data messages under UK legislations Definition of data messages under UK legislations Under English legislation, data messages was addressed under the name of electronic communication. Section 15 of the Electronic Communication Act 2000 defines electronic communication as follows: A communication transmitted (whether from one person to another, from one device to another or from a person to a device or vice versa)- By means of a telecommunication system (within the meaning of the Telecommunication Act 1984); or By other means but while in an electronic form This broad definition covers all kinds of communication transmitted through a device to a telecommunication network, including a telephone, fax, computer or laptop. Regarding electronic contracting, the EDI might be the oldest form of computer-based electronic contracting.[14] Origin of data messages under UK legislations In England and Wales, it is also difficult to determine when and where the electronic communications are sent from. English legislation requires some physical manifestation of the subject matter, or the parties intent. Its not much important to search for the time of place where the electronic communication generated, but several legal aspects relied on these two factors. Electronic communications, in their nature, are intangible to the outer world, unless stored of physically manifested by electronic equipment. Even if the electronic data is stored in the device, it can be easily deleted or modified without leaving any trace of the interference. This is a major issue of evidential value of electronic data, for example, as to the existence of a contract or a contractual term. Evidential validity of data messages under UK legislations Electronic evidence has been subjected to special legislation in England for many years. The admissibility of data message in England was governed by a lot of rules, much more than those of traditional paper evidence. Section 5 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 provides that a computer-produced document shall be admissible as evidence, provided that the proponent can demonstrate its authenticity. The person who wishes to submit electronic evidence must establish that: The document was prepared during a period over which the computer regularly stored or processed information; Over the relevant period of time, information of this type was regularly supplied to the computer; The computer was operating properly; and The information contained in the statement reproduces information supplied to the computer.[15] Without any of the above conditions, the electronic evidence would not be admissible. On the part of the proponent, not only he must prove the authenticity of the evidence, but also its reliability, often times by acquiring a certificate signed by a person responsible for the operation of the computer.[16] Time and place of data messages under UK legislations Time of data message under UK legislations In England and Wales, as well as many other countries, the courts face with a difficult issue of which rule between the dispatch rule and the receipt rule should be apply in certain cases. In fact, the solution for a previous case does not necessarily solve the problem in a new situation. Time of dispatch Some argued that the dispatch rule (originated from the postal rule) should be applied in those cases dealing with e-mail communication, but not to online transactions.[17] The reason for this is because they observed that e-mail communications share many feature with the old-time postal communication, for example, after the sender hit the sending button, he or she has very little control over what would happen to the message, or not at all. In other words, he did all he could in messaging the other party. Of course there might be some delay or problem as the two parties often do not communicate simultaneously. It was suggested that a modified postal rule should be used to deal with the formation of nowadays electronic communications. Time of receipt Should the court apply the receipt rule for contractual formation, the crucial issue would be the time of receipt of that piece of communication. In fact, one would find a lot of identifiable point along the communication process that would fit the receipt category.[18] The Electronic Commerce Directive of UK does not deal with the contractual acceptance but it does shed light on the time of receipt of a message. Article 11 of the Directive provides for the situation where an order was placed with a service provider and that service provider must acknowledge the receipt of that order. The order and acknowledgement of receipt are deemed to be received when the parties to whom they are addressed are able to access them.[19] The phrase able to access them was the subject of various debates. It is believed that the phrase was imported directly from regulation 11(2)(a) of the EC Directive and according to the Guidance for Business, when the message is capable of being accessed by the recipient it will be deemed received, which doesnt explain anything as to this interpretation.[20] For instance, if a data message is sent in the middle of the night, it must be deemed capable of being accessed, but is it reasonable to require a consumer to check a message in the middle of the night? In most of the case, after dispatching, no one would expect that message to be received at that time of the day. Place of data messages under UK legislations According to the general rule, the formation place of an electronic contract would the one where acceptance was communicated to the party making the offer. In specific situations, the place of acceptance was the place where the party making the offer received the acceptance. As a matter of facts, courts must look into details of the circumstance to decide which rule should be applied. Electronic signatures under UK legislations The ECA broadly defines electronic signature as so much of anything in electronic form that is incorporated into or otherwise logically associated with any electronic communication or electronic data and purports to be so incorporated or associated for the purpose of being used in establishing the authenticity of the communication or data, the integrity of the communication or data, or both.[21] From the above definition, an electronic signature can be broken into three elements, namely (i) so much of anything in electronic form, (ii) incorporation or logical association, and (iii) purports to be used by the individual creating it to sign.[22] The first requirement of an electronic contract is the electronic form. This is such a broad provision so as to make sure that new concepts that are yet to be invented would be covered by the definition. The second requirement of an electronic signature is the incorporation of logical association with an electronic communication or electronic data. The signature could be deemed incorporated or logically associated by the way it is created. For example, in the process of creating a digital signature, the software could take part of the plaintext and create a message authentication code, which allows a recipient to check whether the message has been altered. As a matter of fact, the authentication code is separated from the message but at the same time incorporated into it. Another instance is where a biometric measurement is attached to a message. In this case, the biometric measurement would only function when it is associated with the message. There are many other ways to produce an electronic signature but the same principle is applied to all of them, even though the function of the electronic signature may vary from case to case. The third element of an electronic signature is the intent of authenticity[23] by the signatory in creating the electronic signature. There are cases where the person who the signature purports to be was not the one who actually caused it to be affixed to the data. In those instances, the electronic signature failed the third requirement. In terms of the admissibility of electronic signatures required by the EU E-Signatures Directive, the definition of electronic signature in the ECA is said to be too broad.[24]Understandably, the ECA looks to make room for technological innovation; therefore the definition was intentionally left unspecific.[25]However, the ECA should ensure the analogous binding characteristic of an electronic contract as a handwritten one, i.e. section 7 (3) of the ECA should not allowed authenticity and integrity to be separated by going beyond the interpretation of advanced electronic signatures.[26]It is similar to having a signature on a piece of paper on an unsigned contract and telling that the contract is signed. Moreover, section 7(3) also allows separate the data and the communication, which raise an issue of the non-repudiation characteristic which requires the integrity of both the data and the communication. Analysis on some significant cases of Electronic Contracts in United Kingdom Case 1: Golden Ocean Group Limited v. Salgaocar Mining Industries PVT Ltd. and another [2012] EWCA Civ 265 This English case shed some light on the enforceability of a contract of guarantee where a series of documents have been duly authenticated by electronic signature of the guarantor. The facts of the case The plaintiff of this case, Golden Ocean Group Ltd (Golden Ocean), was a shipping company. The defendant was Salgaocar Mining Industries PVT Ltd (SMI). In early 2008, in reply to Golden Oceans offer to charter SMI a vessel, SMI nominated Trustworth Shipping Pte Ltd (Trustworth), a related company. The negotiations were conducted via email on the basis that Trustworth fully guaranteed by SMI. Golden Ocean later claimed that Trustworth had repudiated the charter and that it was guaranteed by SMI. The defendants argued that the email chain was insufficient to create a binding guarantee according to the Statute of Frauds. Legal issue The issue of this case was whether the email chain constituted a binding guarantee or not. Judgment of the court The court rendered a judgment for the plaintiff, agreeing that Golden Ocean had a well arguable case that the document was in writing and did not contradict the Statute of Frauds. As such, the court set forth the following reasons: First, the judge rejected the argument that the agreement between the parties was not in writing according to the Statute of Frauds. The phrase fully guaranteed by [SMI] can only be interpreted in the way that the charter party was guaranteed by SMI, instead of to be guaranteed as the case may be. Neither did the judge accept the idea that there should be some limitation to the number of documents to be permissible in the case of writing. The court emphasized that it was highly desirable that the law gives effect to the communications which are more than clearly than many negotiations between men of business, the sequence of offer, counter offer, and final acceptance by which, classically, the law determines whether a contract has been made. Regarding the signature issue, the court concluded that the contract was signed by way of the electronically printed signature of the person who sent them and it sufficed the test of a valid signature according to the Statute of Frauds. Case 2: Hall v Cognos Ltd Industrial Tribunal Case No.1803325/97 The facts of the case Hall was employed by Cognos as a sales executive. Under the employment contract, Halls expenditures incurred for travel, accommodation and other reasonable cost would be covered by Cognos, under the condition that it would not exceed 6 months. Hall failed to submit the claim within 6 months so he asked Sarah McGoun and Keith Schroeder, his line manager, whether these expired claimed was okay for him to get his recovery. The reply was Yes, it is OK. They communicated through a series of emails. Hall later submitted his request but Cognos refused to accept any payment. Legal issue The issue of this case was whether emails can suffice the writing test and be considered as signed once theyre printed out. Judgment of the court The court rejected the claim for Cognos that because the emails were not in writing and signed, they didnt have any effect. Instead, the judge concluded that emails were in writing and signed once they were printed out. [1] In the UK, there are three different legal territories: England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. For the purpose of this chapter, the UK law or English law represents the law in England and Wales. [2] Anthony Burke, EU and Irish Internet Law: An Overview, 13 INTL L. PRACTICUM, Autumn 2000, at 107, 113-15 [3] Mariam A. Parmentier, Electronic Signatures, 6 COLUM. J. EUR. L. 251, 252 (2000) [4] Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community Framework for Electronic Signatures [1999] OJ L13/12, 19.1.2000. [5] Id., Art. 13 [6] Jacqueline Klosek, EU Telecom Ministers Approve Electronic Signatures Directive, 4 CYBERSPACE LAW. 12 (2000). [7] Mincoff, M., An Overview of Electronic and Digital Signature Legislation and Regulation in the United States: Silanis Technology, 1999 [8] Reed, C., What is a Signature?, Journal of Information, Law and Technology,2000 [9] Murray, J., Public Key Infrastructure Digital Signatures and Systematic Risk, Journal of Information, Law and Technology.2003 [10] Id. [11] Interdisciplinary Centre for Law Info. Tech., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Study for the European Commission: The Legal and Market Aspects of Electronic Signatures, 215-16 (2003). [12] Id. at 215 [13] Xxx Interdisciplinary Centre for Law Info. Tech., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Study for the European Commission: The Legal and Market Aspects of Electronic Signatures, 215-16 (2003) [14] The most mature form of electronic contracting is electronic data exchange (EDI), which permits trading partners to exchange commercial documents electronically. Baum, M.S. Perritt, H., Electronic Contracting, Publishing and EDI Law, Wiley Law Publications: New York, 1991, at 2 [15] Section 5(2) of the Civil Evidence Act [16] Ibid., Section 5(4) [17]See Murray, A.D., Entering Into Contracts Electronically: The Real W.W.W., in Edwards, L. Waelde, C. (eds) Law and the Internet: A Framework for Electronic Commerce 2nd ed. (Hart: Portland, Oregon, 2000) at 26 and Downing, S. Harrington, J., The Postal Rule in Electronic Commerce: A Reconsideration, (2000) 5 (2) Communications Law 43 [18] For example, the point at which an e-mail arrives at his service providers server or the point at which the e-mail is downloaded to the recipients computer [19] Article 11 of the Electronic Commerce Directive [20] Guidance for Business on the Regulations 5.29 (a) [21] Section 7 (2) of the ECA [22] See Stephen Mason, Electronic Signatures in Law, 4th edition, 2016, at 171 [23] Section 15 (2) of the ECA provides for 3 tests to determine the authenticity of a communication or data, which are: whether the communication or data comes from a particular person or other source; whether it is accurately timed and dated; whether it is intended to have legal effect. [24] Section 7 of the ECA [25] Section 7 (2) of the ECA [26] This may be to satisfy Article 5(2) of the Directive that requires that electronic signatures are not denied legal effectiveness and admissibility as evidence.
Charlie Chaplin Essays -- Charlie Chaplin Essay
Sir Charles Chaplin’s speech from the 1940 motion picture called The Great Dictator was extremely hard-hitting and inspirational. It did very well to get the message across. His speech was a cry for help on behalf of many civilians, demanding a much needed change in the world back in the 1940s. He briefly touched on the intensity of the problem and what it could become in the future if no action would be taken. In doing so, he maintained respect with the audience; rather than talking down to them, he put himself onto their level without being too familiar. Very boldly, Chaplin effectively expressed to the people that it is our responsibility as humans to make the world a better place because its fate is determined by our influence. Right off the bat, Chaplin conveys his humility. In his speech, he makes it clear that he was not trying to be a dictator, such as Hitler. Rather, he wanted to show that he was just like them, a plain man who desired change in the world. Through his speech, it is apparent that Chaplin is the mediator, but not in a high place. His first two words, quietly uttered, are, â€Å"I’m sorry,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The Great Dictator 1940). As opposed to a president trying to win an election, saying these two words at the very beginning of a speech immediately bring Chaplin to the people’s level, even though he is the speaker and the demander of peace. I found this very effective because it is refreshing for me to see humility in such a powerful speech. It does not show that he wants to be worshipped. These two words immediately give him respect because it shows remorse, and in turn, the people will be more open to his words. It comforted me to see that he was not arrogant. He later goes on to say, â€Å"I s... powerful because it encourages the audience to really see the problem, and without action taken by each individual, the problem will remain. Chaplin’s strategies paired with his powerful passionate voice helped him to successfully win the hearts of many and get through to his targeted audience. Works Cited>.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Victims Rights: Why Do Laws Protect the Criminal More than the Victim?
The criminal laws of the United States are more intent on protecting the rights of criminals than penalizing them. Today’s inmates live better off than most American citizens who are often working two jobs just to meet paying their taxes. A criminal can literally get away with murder because of a technicality, police can barely interrogate suspects without the suspects’ lawyers stating some legal issues that prevent further investigations. It almost seems that the very people who do not respect the law are above it. A criminal is obviously an individual who commits a crime, but what is crime? A crime is any act or omission of an act in violation of a public law. Though most laws are common throughout America, some laws are also established by local and state governments as well. Criminal laws and penalties vary from state to state. Crimes include both felonies and misdemeanors. Felonies are serious crimes like murder or rape and are punishable by imprisonment for a year or more. The consequence for felonies such as murder and treason can be the death penalty. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes like petty theft or speeding and are punishable by less than a year in prison. Fines are also punishments of both misdemeanors and felonies. The fine’s amount is determined by the seriousness of the case. However, no act is a crime unless it has been stated as such by an American law or statute. Why do criminals have rights in the first place? The laws of the United States were created to protect the rights of all individuals, even the ones that break the laws. Many of these laws are made in order to uphold the rights established in the Bill of Rights. When the United States was still developing, many states refused ... ...t to aid their client. Lawyers are by no means evil. They are simply doing their job. Unfortunately, the majority of them do it very well. And so long as criminals break the law, there will be lawyers to fight for them and defend them. It is very interesting to see that even though when someone breaks the law in the United States, they will still be protected by that very law. Even as one violates the rights of others, the law will make sure that their rights are protected. It almost seems that has more rights by breaking the law instead of following it. Police are prevented from using extreme force against them and lawyers are at the ready to serve these criminals. Criminals have forfeited their rights when they have violated the rights of others. Why should the law be so intent on protecting their rights, when they have no intent on following the law?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Abilities vs. Disabilities :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Further Inside "The Center" - Abilities vs. Disabilities The Center for the Work in Barstow, CA, conceived and run by Byron Katie, was a place where people from all over the world could come and learn how to view life differently from before. Through the process of inquiry, also known as The Work, everyday folks could turn normally unpleasant experiences into opportunities, and painful ideas into insights. The result was a small culture, full of people who moved peacefully and joyously through their lives no matter what was going on around them. Tremendous flexibility to change with changing circumstances was a natural outcropping of this new way of thinking and viewing adversity. People well versed in The Work could quickly ascertain what their circumstances were, and move in accordance with the reality of their situation. As the situation changed, their movements would change with it. From the outside it appeared that there was little continuity in what these people were doing, for plans would change at a moment's notice. Katie would move faster than anyone I know. This process had the appearance of "Katie is not consistent." But in truth she was staying absolutely consistent, consistent with doing what was best at the given time with the changing circumstances. She "changed her mind" as fast as circumstances changed. She would make plans and share them with the staff. Then it was the staff's job to bring them to fruition. But as a situation changed, Katie's plan would change with it, and the staff's actions would change accordingly. An example that comes to mind, which illustrates this point, was when we had a mailing to get out. We had a list of hundreds of names of people interested in the Work, and Katie was to make an appearance somewhere. We were to send out the announcement of her date, time and location. We worked up the postcard style announcement, printed up hundreds of copies, printed out the address labels of recipients, and got the labels on the postcards and had nearly all of them stamped. This process took a few days with many volunteers helping out. When we were nearly all done with the project, word came down that her plans had changed. She was not going there after all. We had about five people working on the project when we got the news. We were to throw away those postcards and start on something similar reflecting her new plans.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Compare ‘The Soldier’ written by Rupert Brooke and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ written by Wilfred Owen
Lately we have studied two poems that were written during the time of World War One. They were ‘The Soldier' written by Rupert Brooke and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth' written by Wilfred Owen. Both of these poets were soldiers involved in fighting during World War One. ‘The Soldier' is an uplifting and optimistic poem looking at the positive side of dying for your country when going to war. I think the poet Rupert Brooke wrote the poem to send home to his family to reassure them if he died it would be peacefully and not in pain. In the first stanza Brooke is saying that if he dies while away in this foreign country, that he'll leave a part of England there. The following quotation is an example that he is English through-and-through: â€Å"A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam.†He was born and brought up with a certain kind of English lifestyle and culture. He then goes on to describe the flowers and winding paths making us think of England as idyllic and peaceful. He uses personification in the first line of the quote. It compares England to a woman giving birth to a child and bringing it up. In the second stanza Brooke describes England as a country of no evil and that he will remember it forever, he'll always have happy memories from the past when he lived in England. Some of the best memories being times he's spent with the people he loved. The final line in stanza two is: â€Å"In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.†This conveys that England has shaped him into who he is and he is proud of it. ‘The Soldier' is a sonnet. A sonnet is a 14-line poem used to express personal feelings. His choice of words describe his personal feelings as well. These words all add reassurance to the poet's relatives that if he dies, it will be peaceful. Examples of the words used to describe the peacefulness are: â€Å"blest, dream, gentleness, peace and heaven†. One of the main features that the poet uses in this in this poem is repetition. The most widely used word that the poet uses repeatedly is ‘England' and ‘English' adding to the patriotism and significance that England has to him it isn't just a place it represents a culture and a set of values as well. The structure of the poem is that it has two verses and 14 lines in total. The rhyming scheme is- A B A B C D C D – E F G E F G Each letter represents a line, two lines with the same letter means that it rhymes. Brooke uses alliteration, the consonant that is being repeated is an ‘f', it is a soft sound yet again showing calmness and peacefulness: â€Å"That there's some corner of a foreign field That is forever England.†Other alliteration such as: â€Å"Her sights and sounds†, â€Å"Dream happy as day†, And, laughter, learnt of friends†. All these show how the poet feels about the possibility of his death. He is optimistic and knows he is prepared to die fighting for his country. The other poem ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth' written by Wilfred Owen is also a sonnet. ‘Doomed youth' mean all those young men to be sent to war and on the front are destined to die. In the poem the poet expresses his views on what should happen to these people when they die. They all should be given a funeral and a proper send off, even those on the battlefield. You can tell this because throughout the poem he mentions funerals and church services. The first stanza suggests the horror of death and how they compare these men to animals †For those who die as cattle.†There deaths have been brutal and violent. The first stanza demonstrate this, it is full of noise and violence to show the pandemonium of the battle compared to the funeral they would have had at home and how it differs: â€Å"No prayers, bells, nor any voice of mourning save the choirs†The second stanza is more peaceful and shows the grief of the relatives when they find out what's happened and in the second stanza it looks at the kind of send off they would have had if they had been at home. It uses words such as ‘candles', ‘hands of boys', ‘their pall', ‘holy glimmers of goodbyes' and ‘flowers' all things that are related to a church service. The final line of this poem depicts the morning of the soldier's relatives: â€Å"And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.†When a death occurred during this period the families who had lost people they loved, closed the blinds to show their sadness and to keep the rest of the world out. In this case the consonant being repeated is ‘D'. D is a harsh sound stressing the relatives coping with losing a loved one. This poem is also a sonnet it shows personal feeling of what the poet though about not getting a proper send off. The rhyming scheme is- A B A B C D C D – E F F E G G The poem ends with a rhyming couplet that means the last two lines rhyme. In the first stanza the poet uses onomatopoeia to demonstrate the sound on the battlefield: â€Å"Only the stuttering rifles rapid rattle†It is also an example of alliteration. This poem is against war and the inappropriate way these men have lost their lives. The general mood of he poem is anger and sadness. Anger because the young men died unnecessarily without having much of a life and sadness because all these people are dying needlessly and others are mourning because of this. ‘The Soldier' and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth' are both sonnets with two stanza and 14 lines but both poem are completely different in their take of the same situation.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Principles of supporting change in a business environment Essay
Unit four: Principles of supporting change in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: MARIUS LUCIAN DAN Section 1 – Understand why change happens in a business environment 1. Explain why change happens in a business environment. You should include at least three reasons in your answer. In today business world the only things that is consistent is â€Å"change†. Change is natural and essential in a business. The change can came from inside or from outside the business. When external driving forces influence the business we have reactive changes and when internal forces affects the business we call them proactive changes. External driving forces are those kind of things, situation, events that occur outside of the company and are by and large beyond of the control of the business. Examples of external driving forces are: financial crises, changing government lows and regulations, political interference, competitions etc. Examples of internal driving forces which can create proactive changes are: upgrading the office software, introducing new technology, launching a new product on the market etc. The reasons for change can be: political (changes in government and government policy); economic (economic growth, interest rates, level of unemployment); social (changes such as ageing population, cultural issues such as attitudes to work, health, religion); technological; legal; environmental (effects of global warming, concerns over protecting the environment). Whatever are internal or external forces, one thing is certain: the change will occur. A business must adapt to all this changes, be flexible and willing to respond to them in appropriate way. Without change your internal/external customers will not stay satisfied with the service/s they receive; the company will not be able to meet its targets/objectives and consequently for some companies there will no longer be the need for the business to exist. Section 2 – Understand the purpose of supporting change in a business environment 1. Identify the main reasons for reviewing working methods, products and / or services in a business environment. The reason of reviewing working methods, products and services, is to ensure that the business will develop and to aid the organisation’s continuous improvement, which enhances the organisation’s competitive position, allowing it to adapt to change when needed. In a business environment nothing remains the same and therefore it is likely that there will be continual review of its working methods, products or services to ensure that they are still be suitable and efficient. A company will want to review its services and products, so that it keeps up to date with the expectations of its customers. This will ensure the company to be competitive and/or meet its targets/objectives. A change to a service or product offered by the company could mean that related procedures need to be reviewed to ensure they are still relevant. In most businesses there is a continual process of reviewing the working methods or services and making changes to improve them, followed by a review of this changes and then making further amendments as needed. 2. When a business is going through change: a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. Some people adapt to change very well and others don’t. Where as some people thrive on the challenge of something new, others may worry about it and can become very negative. If team members feel valued and well supported during a change, they are more likely to adapt quickly and be more open to accept what need to be done. Good communication can really help people accept a change more easily and quicker. The person implementing a change will hopefully give everyone plenty of info and also get everyone involved as a team to help make decisions Training and time are also important support measures that people will need to adapt during a change. Not everyone will be able to change over night. They may take time to learn how to complete something new and also need training to be able to do so. Other ways of supporting the team can be: mentoring, coaching, giving and receiving constructive feedback as well as advice on employment issues and pay and conditions. All this support can be provided through different methods, like one-to-one sessions, delegating work tasks, work shadowing, job sharing, team briefings and trade union meetings. b) Explain the benefits of working with others. Working with others really helps to keep a positive outlook to changes. Working together as a team will provide the support and collective knowledge which will help when change may become more challenging. As mentioned before, people often adapt to change better if there is a strong informal input. It is important to remember that to support and work with colleagues effectively you will need to keep a positive outlook. Moaning and continual criticism of what you are doing will not support others at all. Working with others can have a lot of benefits like: finding out what is happening and what is going to change, as well as sharing workloads, learning and experience. By encouraging others to develop their knowledge and skills, as well as maintaining a personal network of contacts, helps to motivate each other. Section 3 – Understand how to respond to change in a business environment 1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with): a) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in working methods. A positive response to changes in working methods is important, so as to support not only the company but also colleagues in adapting to this changes. In my current position working as a care officer, the use of a Diary Handover sheet was introduced, to improve better communication between staff, as well as better documentation of events/issues that occurred each day. Prior to this, staff passed noted to each other, which could easily get lost and did not document clearly each day’s occurrences for management to follow. This forced me and my colleagues to record occurrences in formal way. If I opposed the change, colleagues and management would not find relevant information from my shift and could create confusion and waste their time in investigating occurrences which not recorded. b) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in products or services. If I did not respond positively to new products or services, it could to lead to conflict with managers trying to improve the service or product and be perceived by customers in a negative light. It could also create delays and create confusion amongst colleagues, if the change did not move forward. c) Identify ways of responding positively to change. The first positive action you can take is to look at the way you view change. Think of the change as an opportunity to gain new skills, improve your working procedures and even achieve career progression. Also, have willingness to learn new skills and procedures and to teach others. Attend any training available with a positive attitude, the more knowledge you have the easier you will find doing something new. Support colleagues if they are struggling, this is a great opportunity to demonstrate different skills to your colleagues. Don’t get drawn into negative conversations, this will not make you or others feel good about the situation. Think of ways to move forward, seek support from a manager or colleague if you think you need it. Even now my company is at the risk of being closed down because the county council wants to save money and cut social services, I went today to a training about Translating and interpreting languages and cultures in working with people from different backgrounds. And that’s because must go on and I want to keep myself positive and constructive. Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Margaret Atwood Essay
I came across the quote â€Å"Context is all; or is it ripeness? One or the other†[1] when reading Margaret Atwood’s novel â€Å"The Handmaid’s Tale†for English. I didn’t give it much attention, because since I was 12, I had come to the conclusion that there was no such thing as a â€Å"fact†and every thought depended on other factors for it to be true. However in this essay I’m going to see if my original assumption was true or if there is a way to reach a truth through different branches of knowledge. I’m going to take the definition of â€Å"truth†from the dictionary, solely to have a base for which to compare the rest of the essay to; â€Å"A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle†[2].Which means that that there are facts that are backed by evidence, such as; it is 14:24 (at the time of writing). However in this case we can apply Atwood’s ‘context is all’, and change it to â€Å"context is location†, as this scenario isn’t necessarily true, seeing that in Sydney the time is 22:25, therefore the truth can be considered relative. Relativism is a doctrine where there is no absolute truth; that truth is always relative to some particular frame of reference, such as a language or a culture[3]. Which brings up a paradox as if someone were to say â€Å"context is irrelevant†meaning the truth would remain a truth in every situation, it would contradict themselves, as that statement would be relative depending on the context. Francis Bacon’s Empiricism or otherwise known perception, is the process of arriving at the truth through sense experience.[4] People use their five senses to arrive at a truth, however depending on the context, the exact same senses can make that truth false. An example that happens to me frequently is; when I look at a shirt, to me it looks black, but then when I put it under a stronger light and look at it carefully it often turns out to be dark blue. It doesn’t mean the senses are â€Å"faulty†or can’t be trusted, but the observation; truth, arrived from the use of perception, isn’t congruent when the context is changed. Another very bizarre example that happened to me last year when I bought my new phone; is before purchasing it, I didn’t know of anybody that had one, but as soon as I had it in my pocket I started realising that a lot of people around me had it as well. Language is the use of characters, symbols, images and sounds as a means of communicating a message.[5] We assume that language is a truth, as we have a general consensus of the different characters, symbols, images and sounds in language. However once again the truth is challenged with the â€Å"context is all†axiom, where in certain cases the truth behind language doesn’t stand. My father told me the following example; when Vice-President Richard Nixon, at the end of the 1950’s was visiting Colombia, he used the commonly known â€Å"OK†hand sign, denoted with a circle formed by the thumb and the first finger, with the remaining three fingers outstretched, to which the Colombian people, thought they were being called assholes. Rene Descartes’ Rationalism is the use of reason, be it inductive or deductive to logically arrive at the truth.[6] Descartes used reason to arrive at his famous; ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’, I think therefore I am.[7] He was asking the question â€Å"How do I know I exist ?†and he deduced by no more than reason that it all boiled down to; I doubt that I exist, therefore I think, ergo I am. When I first heard this deduction, it seemed to me that it was flawless. However I remember looking around the room I was in at the time; I realised that objects such as the chairs, tables and even trees to an extent, couldn’t deduce their existence like Descartes did, therefore according to his deduction they wouldn’t exist. Once again I came to the conclusion that context will undermine truth.
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