Thursday, October 31, 2019
Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination Essay
Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination - Essay Example Taking a controversial approach with respect to reverse his termination in the workplace, this essay will prove persuasively argue that because these programs promote discrimination themselves barely defeatist, and ironically promote the same type of behavior that they seek to eradicate. We now turn to an overview of the reasons for affirmative action and then follow with a rebuttal against reverse discrimination in the work force. As mentioned above, discrimination in the workforce affects different types of people from all walks of life. Women have faced historical discrimination for years and the Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 was established to tackle the issues associated with wage-based discrimination. Due to the prevalence of sexism today, women still continue to earn less than their male counterparts. With respect to age, older workers face a variety of challenges in the labor force and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 seeks to protect people who are 40 years of age and older from discrimination. Looking at people disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 sought to ensure the full employability of people disabilities in modern society. With respect to visible minorities in the United States, the US federal government began its attempts at combating discrimination in the early 1960s. During this period, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 to i mplement â€Å"affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." (The American Presidency Project, 2009). This was arguably the most important piece of legislation to pave the way for affirmative action in the United States. While the government has legislated many policies to tackle discrimination at work, these programs are inherently discriminatory themselves and promote exactly the type of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Events Management- Evaluate the current level of understanding of Essay
Events Management- Evaluate the current level of understanding of Events Impact and Events Stakeholder Management and how it integrates into the Events Management Process (EMP) - Essay Example One example can be Thredbo Jazz Festival which continues for three days. This community festival entertains people with popular Australian jazz music, good food and wine. This festival helps to bring extra revenue in the region (Thredbo Jazz Festival, n.d.). One example of an academic event in Netherlands is the Holst Memorial Lecture held on 29 November 2012. It was organized by Philips Research and the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. The social purpose of the event was to bring together scientists, research students and professionals from different institutions (Holst Memorial Lecture 2012, n.d.). In small towns, events and festivals help to develop the economy as major part of local revenue is garnered from the employment and tourists that are part of such events. The Peter Anderson Arts Festival which was first started over 30 years ago has been a huge source of income for downtown Ocean Springs. This festival attracts 100,000 people annually in a community which has only over 18,000 residents (Carter & Zieren, 2012). Events can have social impacts on communities as they offer people outlets for various activities. Events and festivals are reflections of the ideological values of the community and this helps in establishing the image of the local community. Through such events people of a community find opportunities to strengthen relationships with one another (Tassiopoulos & Johnson, 2009, pp.76-77). The environmental impacts of events can be both positive and negative. Events can create environmental awareness in the community. The transport and communication system gets improved as a result of events and this leads to urban transformation. But, events can also pollute the air and water by littering and carbon dioxide emissions from excessive travelling. Also, events use considerable resources like water and lights thus putting pressure on the local resources (Heitmann & David, 2010, p.187). The triple bottom line (TBL) which
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Examining Prejudice and Discrimination in Singapore
Examining Prejudice and Discrimination in Singapore In this essay, we will be explaining and giving the definitions of prejudice and discrimination. Also, we will go in depth and elaborate about the various kinds of discrimination in todays society such as gender, disability, size, looks, monetary, status, education, sexual and racial discrimination. After which, we will give solutions and ways to reduce racial discrimination in Singapore. Finally we will end with a round up of conclusion. Prejudice and discrimination is a rising issue in todays society. According to, prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. To be prejudiced is to have a cultural mindset and that is relied on negative or unpleasant stereotypes about individuals or groups because of their ethnic, religious, racial or cultural background. To discriminate is to have an active denial of desired goal from a certain group of people. The group can be based on sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, or even class. More recently, disadvantaged groups now also include those based on gender, age, and physical disabilities. Prejudice and discrimination are very common at both the individual and societal levels. Any attempt to eradicate or solve the problem of prejudice and discrimination must thus deal with prevailing beliefs or ideologies, and social structure. Gender- There are many types of discrimination. Gender discrimination, also known as sexism is very common. In most societies, women have been viewed as the weaker sex who is in constant need of protection from the rough world. Women are more delicate by nature compared to men, and are often victims of physical, emotional and psychological abuse. Gender discrimination does not only apply in communities and sometimes families but also a lot of times in workplaces. In Chinese Culture, boys are more wanted than girls as they can pass down the family name. According to BBC news, around a million girl fetuses are aborted and tens of thousands of girl babies are abandoned in China, every year. A boy will bring status and he will also continue the family line. Families also throw big celebrations for baby boys while neglecting the less-wanted girls. The preference for boys is tied up in the Confucian belief that male heirs are necessary to carry on the family name and take care of the family spirit s. A Chinese family worries that if there is no son no one will look after them and keep them company in the afterlife. Confucius once said, There are three ways of being disloyal to your ancestors. Not carrying on the family name is the worse. In early Japan, there is large gender discrimination. They have a saying that goes men as breadwinners and women as homemakers. Even after Japan introduced the Equal Employment Opportunity Law in 1985, which prohibited discrimination against women in employment and urged employers to treat women equally in terms of recruitment, job assignment and promotion. But, they are still the last to be rehired in a full-time job. Japanese women are also expected to quit their job if they have children. Even if companies are facing a shortage of workers, they had no plan to try to hire more women. Women have to work twice as hard as man to advance their careers because of the prejudices within Japanese companies. Their university education is roughly the same as those without an upper secondary education. In 1997, statistics show that Japanese women hold only 9.3% of professional positions, compared to 44.3% in the United States. Womens income is only 45%of mens even though they make up 64% of J apan industry. Females appear to be less strongly oriented toward personal terminal values than men, but more strongly oriented toward moral means. Also in sports, especially soccer, where female officials/referees are slowly introduced to the male side of the game are being discriminated. One such example was Andy Gray, a former footballer, popular football pundit and commentator. He was British television channel Sky Sports main pundit since 1992. However, he was fired after he was found to made sexist comments and made offensive gestures to a female co-presenter. He had commented, Can you believe that? A female linesman. Women dont know the offside rule. in which his fellow presenter, Richard Keys replied, Course they dont. Somebody better get down there and explain. during a post-match show when they thought they were off air. In another show, he was caught on camera( in which it was edited out later on) tugging his pants and asking his female co-presenter Charlotte Jackson to tuck the microphone into his pants. ( In Singapore today, Gender discrimination while still existent, is less obvious. Disability Besides the various types of discriminations stated above, there is also a discrimination against the disabled people. Having a disability means that a person has a physical or mental impairment. This in turn has a substantial and long-term negative effect on ones ability to carry out normal everyday activities. Disability discrimination occurs when one is treated less favorably because of their disability as compared to someone without a disability. This is known as direct discrimination. There are cases in which people with some form of disability are treated differently, or are victimized. People who are not disabled laugh at the disabled because of the way they walk or talk. These people gang up and make fun of the disabled. They belittle them, and feel satisfied with themselves. The disabled are not able to do anything about it because there are too many people treating them that way. There is also indirect discrimination where everyone is treated equally, but by treating everyo ne equally, the disabled is put to a disadvantage. This is more subtle and may also be unintentional. An example would be when there are stairs to enter a building but a person with a disability might not be able to use the stairs and may need a ramp. Size/looks Being of a different size or looking different may also be a form of prejudice and discrimination. Often during first meetings, people are judged on first impressions, and first impressions are all about the visuals. Many a time people are discriminated against just because they are too fat, too skinny or not good looking enough. Society has set a standard where everyone wants an ideal body and face. This is known as the golden ratio. The ratio of (foot to navel): (navel to head) is the golden ratio of the human body. A persons face has to be symmetrical and have nice proportions to be considered good looking. There is a reason why plastic surgeries are in demand. While applying for jobs, people are required to attach photos of themselves. More often than not, the people who are better looking tend to get the job as compared to those who are less good looking. Then there is the case of body size. People tend to make remarks about fat people and fat jokes. An example would be Yo Mama So Fat jokes, which is very common. Even though different cultures have a preference for people of different sizes, everyone in general prefer slim to fat. Monetary/financially- Financial discrimination is when people look down on others that they are poorer than them. This will affect them if they want to find a job, get a rent or buy an apartment. People tend to look at the appearance to analyze whether you are rich or you are poor. For example, salesman will normally look for people that are trendier from those who wear clothes that seem old and tear. Service staff of well-known brand in some regions might not serve or even come up to you if they think that you have no money to pay if they let you try. So, what is the point to spend so much time to serve you? In United States, there is a case that they are discriminating against the blind people by refusing to make money readable for them as they think there do not have the need. They dont go out a lot, there does not have many chance for them to use the notes. Even for the device that is specially made for them to differentiate the money is expensive. At the end, blind people have to folding their bills in different positions to tell them apart. ( Financial discrimination also involved the low-waged workers. In a way that large number were paid lesser than the minimum wage that they should get and they had worked overtime without pay. When they get injured in the work place, they had to pay the bills themselves instead of having compensation from their company. ( Status/Education For status discrimination, most of this happens in the work place. We can see lot of who butter up status that up high and despise those who have low status than them. Everybody wants to get to a higher place. For these people that have status discrimination in mind, they normally think that this is a short cut and time saving way. For lower status in the society, they are always afraid of offending the people of the higher status. This is because they cant afford to spend the money to fight cases with them. We can also see employer refuse to hire people that have foreign name, speaks with accent, from another country or even locals who does not have a high level certificate. Competition is getting higher and higher in the work place. Nowadays, it is the certificate of education that decides the fate of status in society. Without a certificate, you will get no jobs. In Singapore, there are several foreign domestic worker abuse cases. Many do not know how to speak English and many doesnt know where to seek for help. There are also many cases about children bring their parents to old folks homes and do not care about them anymore, or old folks being abuse because they are a burden to the family. Sexual discrimination (gay/sexual orientation) People often get confused between gender discrimination and sexual discrimination. While gender discrimination is biased opinions about the female/male gender, sexual discrimination is about their sexual orientation. In society today, talking about homosexuality is still an uncomfortable and touchy topic. While it has progressed from the past where homosexuality was illegal and you could be hanged for admitting that you were a homosexual, it has now been legally acceptable to pronounce yourself one. However this does not stop the community around you to form perceptions and opinions about you. The 2 main places where Sexual discrimination is most evident are in schools and the workplace. In the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), homosexuals and effeminate men are managed according to the dictates of a manpower directive issued. Probably its most well know classification is Category 302, a medical code given to servicemen who are homosexuals, transvestites, paedophiles, etc. homosexuals are further classified into those with effeminate behaviour and those without effeminate behaviour. This form of discrimination persists despite the fact that homosexuality was depathologised by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, and homosexuality is not regarded as a psychiatric condition by the local medical profession. More so, the categorization of homosexuality with transvestism and paedophilia by the SAF further backs up the publics wrong impression that it is abnormal. During the enlistment for Nation Service, any self-declared or discovered servicemen who are homosexual are immediately referred and sent to the Psychological Medicine Branch of the Headquarters of Medical Services for a thorough psychiatric assessment. After which, each of their parents are to come in for an interview. Once they are catagorised as a homosexual, they are instantly medically downgraded to a Public Employment Status of C (PES C), regardless of their level of fitness, and put through modified Basic Military Training. After Basic Military Training, they are deployed into a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents. ( In Singapore, while being homosexual is legal, same-sex marriage is not, and any acts of indecency between two people of the same sex, will have you charged. Singapore being a diverse nation, which encourages harmony between different race, religion and background does not have as many Sexual discrimination cases as compared to America. In fact, according to BBC News on 16 May 2009, there was an event help by to commemorate love in all forms and between people of every orientation. The event was for Singaporeans in general to affirm our respect for diversity and the freedom to love, regardless of sexual orientation. Figure : 2,500 pink-attired supporters of gay rights, in a Singapore park. We recognize that many Singaporeans are conservative so we planned an inclusive event that would reach all Singaporeans, straight and gay, organizer Mr Soh says. Racial Racial discrimination is the discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race, also known as Racism. Where most countries do not condone Racism, it is still exists and has become a stereotype in society today. In the US, many laws forbid racial discrimination, and a number of these are directly derived from Title VII in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. The first of these acts makes manifest that employers cannot refuse to hire qualified employees based on race or skin color, and they cant do other things like harass them for race, refuse promotions, or pay them at lower rates. The 1991 Civil Rights Act defines some ways that people who have experienced racial discrimination can sue. Till today, racial discriminations still exist, especially in workplaces where largely foreign workers are employed (mostly Chinese nationals, Bangladeshis and Indian nationals). Faced with language barriers and already lowly paid, they still have to follow orders and listen to vulgarities being thrown at them by their local employers and superiors. The same can be said for domestic helpers, where there are numerous reports of physical (and sometimes sexual) abuses by their employers and agencies. Solutions that can be used to reduce prejudice and discrimination in Singapore Education It not right to judge someone base on his or her race. They might look different from others but they are still human. In order to make people minimize discrimination, it is better to start from the younger generation because they are the future. First step is to take down the Special Assistance Plan( a programme that is catered to students who achieved the top 10% of the Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE)) school system (Aaron, 2006). This school system concentrate on Chinese education as there are so many Chinese students and that most of these schools has rich Chinese traditions and history (eg, Hwa Chong Institution). Therefore, how can the racism be reduced in schools like this. Furthermore, government schools should also include religious subject in their system. In addition, universities should also organize some events that relates to intercultural exchanges. This will give an opportunity for students of any nationality to study different cultures. Workplace The company should take racially and culturally staff (Strategies for Reducing Racism, 2001). It is not only for worker and for employee but also apply for management or director. Talk to different people from different cultural and try to figure out what is problem that they have meet. By doing this, the organization will know what they need to do to improve better working environment for their employees. Moreover, try to put different pictures of multicultural so none will feel isolate. Furthermore, there should be a special team to solve any racial problem in the workplace. This group can also come up with some activities for employees so everybody can get closer to each other. Race In Singapore alone, the government has implemented racial harmony. It was in 1964, that Singapore went through 2 five-day periods of racial riots. First in 21st July and second was in 2nd September. The minority of Malays in Singapore had thought that they would benefit from the special rights for Malays that was part of the 1957 Federation of Malaya Constitution when Singapore merged with Malaya. However, it was not part of the agreement of the merger that the special rights were applicable for the Malays in Singapore as well, causing unrest among the Singapore Malays. Reason being that then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had wanted equal rights for all Singapore citizens, regardless of race. The riots that broke out in the 2 dates resulted in lives lost and many injured. ( And so, on 21st July, which was also the date that the first racial riot broke out in 1964, is celebrated as Racial Harmony Day, in which inter-racial harmony is emphasized and celebrated in schools which students are allowed and also encouraged to dress up in traditional costumes of races other than their own. As most Singaporeans stays in HDB flats, the government have also implemented certain racial quotas for certain flats so that there is a balance between races in a neighbourhood. For instance, certain flats are only allowed to be bought by a certain race. If so happens that the owner of the flat wishes to sell the flat, the buyer would have to be of the same race as the previous owner so that there is always a balance in the races within the area. Because of this rule, there are many cases whereby neighbours of different races have inter-cultural exchanges during festive periods. Like how an Indian neighbor share their homemade delicacies with their Chinese neighbour and vice versa. Locality Welcome new people no matter where they come from, give them some flower or small gift with nice saying such as It is nice to meet you; I hope you will enjoy living here. In this way, everybody will act equally with each other and there will be no prejudice or racism. Another way is that some family can even put the sign with the writing All race are welcome here. By doing this, the new people will feel just like at home. Individual People do not have to make a group in order to reduce racism. People can minimize discrimination by themselves. Just be nice and be polite to everybody. Be brave to stand up again racial discrimination, read book or research about racism on the internet. Talk to those who still a victim of discrimination so people will understand more about this issue. Media As Racial Harmony Day is only emphasized in schools, it can also be spread through the media like radio, television, movies, etc, so that both young and old can be more educated about the importance of racial harmony. Having Racial Harmony Day in school is not enough as the younger generations could still be influenced by others around them especially family members and neighbours. Even though the older generations might have grown up with different races in the older kampong days, there still might be possibility that they have prejudices against other races due to conflicts that might have happened in the past. Conclusion After looking at prejudice and racial discrimination in Singapore, there is still a lot to be done even though it is a multi-racial society as it is still very much a predicament in Singapore. Through our solutions such as more inter-cultural exchanges outside of schools where the government is only implementing the racial harmony idealism, in my opinion, racial harmony must still be educated to each and everyone regardless of age so that everyone knows the importance of racial harmony. Bibilogy
Friday, October 25, 2019
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Teachers Essays
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Imagine your life without a proper education. Without the proper education you could properly provide for yourself or your family. All students are born with a different nature, however; the reason for their education remains the same. The purpose of education is to provide a foundation for students. Many methods of teaching and methods of discipline are used in the classroom. There are also many areas of curriculum that are important in the elementary level. Education provides the necessary grounds to succeed in our country today. Students’ intelligence levels vary drastically from student to student. However, their dispositions are identical at birth. All children are born with the ability to be a wonderful and loving person. Our society has the power to change the caring dispositions of our children. This is why many of our children live difficult lives; the world has made them mean or evil. This is described as having a relative nature, meaning that a child is constructed and dependent upon person, place, or time. Not all children have the ability to become one of our countries doctors or lawyers, but all of them are born with capability of living a joyful and happy life. The overall purpose of education is to prepare students for challenges that life brings to them. Challenges such as applying for a job, providing for a family, and managing a business. Education is important because it provides a solid background for the child to begin a healthy and happy life. As a teacher I hope to give my students the confidence to continue with their education. I also hope to provide a good educational foundation so that my students are well prepared as they do continue their education. I hope that my students acquire self – confidence. I hope that my students have the drive and the compassion to further their education. I also hope that my children understand that education is necessary in order to live a successful life. There are many ethics that a teacher must follow inside and outside of the classroom.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Employer Liability for Employee Torts Under the Theory of Negligent Hiring Essay
The manager of an apartment complex used the key to one of the apartments to enter the tenant’s apartment during his off duty time and rape the occupant. ABC Apartment Company owns the property and hired the manager. An investigation after the fact turned up evidence the manager had a criminal record which ABC failed to discover during the interview process. The tenant is suing ABC Apartment Company for compensatory and punitive damages. The following will discuss the possible legal theories upon which the tenant may seek recovery in a civil court of law and how likely the tenant may be to receive an award of compensatory and possibly punitive damages.The idea of vicarious liability has existed for centuries, predating even English common law in the 16th century. Vicarious liability was common in primitive law wherein â€Å"owners†were held responsible for the negligence of servants, slaves, inanimate objects and wives. Blumenreich, 1993). To phrase it plainly, a person is responsible for the actions of those people with whom that person may have a master and servant relationship. The Restatement (Second) of Agency, (Restatement (Second) of Agency  §Ã‚ §215-267 (1958)) outlines the doctrine of respondeat superior as it pertains to a principal and his or her agent, such as an employer and an employee. Under respondeat superior, a principal may be vicariously liable for torts committed by an agent of the principle. The liability may arise when the agent’s act is committed within the scope of employment and in furtherance of the principal’s business, or when the agent’s act is ratified by the principal. (cited in Lindemann and Kadue, 1992) When applying the Restatement (Second) of Agency to the facts of the of the third party tenant’s rape at the hands of the apartment manager hired by ABC Apartments, it becomes clear why the doctrine of respondeat superior is doomed to fail in a civil court of law. The apartment manager entered the premises and raped the victim in off hours. A reasonable person may conclude that entering the leased premises of a tenant and committing criminal acts against that tenant is not within the scope of employment for the manager and decidedly not in furtherance of the business of ABC Apartments. A reasonable person could also conclude ABC Apartments did not give the manager consent or instruction to unlawfully enter and physically assault the tenants of the apartments. The act of raping the tenant was motivated completely by the apartment manager’s own personal desire. Unless the apartment manager had been specifically instructed by ABC Apartments to rape the tenant, no purpose to serve ABC Apartment’s interest existed. Finally, the manager was hired to oversee the operation of the apartment complex for ABC, not to physically assault and rape the tenants. The theory of negligent hiring addresses employers who do not take reasonable care in hiring their potential employees for a job (FindLaw, 2004). In his legal treatise entitled Employment Screening, Rex K. Larson points out most states recognize a cause of action for negligent hiring, although, no real uniform elements have been adopted as of yet by the multiple state and federal courts. (cited in Creed. T. , 2007) However, a similarity in exactly how to define negligent hiring does exist. In the case of Garcia v. Duffy, 492 So. 2nd 435 (1986), the Florida Supreme Court defined negligent hiring in the following manner: Negligent hiring occurs when, prior to the time the employee is actually hired, the employer knew or should have known of the employee’s unfitness, and the issue of liability focuses upon the adequacy of the employer’s pre-employment investigation into the employee’s background. (cited in Sinclair-Bernadino, 2006. ) In Pennsylvania, Coath v. Jones, 277 Pa. Super. 79, 419 A. 2d 1249 (1980), follows the Restatement (Second) of Torts stating: Negligent hiring cases focus on what duty is owed by the employer to a third party when an employee commits a crime or other bad act †¦the consensus is that an employer may be found negligent if he knew or should have known that an employee had a propensity for conduct that would harm a third person. †(cited in LaPasta, 2006) The Minnesota Supreme Court in Ponticas v. K. M. S. Invs. , 331 N. W. 2d 907, 911 (Minn. 983) offered an opinion which can be characterized as a majority test for the doctrine of negligent hiring: Liability is predicated on the negligence of an employer in placing a person with known propensities, or propensities which should have been discovered by reasonable investigation, in an employment position in which, because of the circumstances of the employment, it should have been foreseeable that the hired individual posed a threat of injury to others. (cited in Creed, 2007) The commonality of all the above-quoted opinions revolves around holding employers responsible for hiring employees who harm third parties when an adequate background check would have prevented such a person from being hired for the job in the first place. In the law review article, Note, Minnesota Developments: Employer Liability for the Criminal Acts of Employees Under Negligent Hiring Theory: Ponticas v. K. M. S. Investments, 68 Minn L. Rev. 1303, 1304-05 (1984), Cindy M. Haerle draws upon the Ponticas opinion of the Minnesota Supreme Court to identify six basic elements of negligent hiring : (1) the tort-feasor was the employer of the defendant; (2) the employee was unfit for employment; (3) the employer knew or should have known the employee was unfit; (4) the plaintiff (claimant) was injured by the employee’s tortious act; (5) the employer owed a duty of care to the plaintiff; and (6) the hiring of the employee was the proximate cause of the plaintiff’s injuries. cited in Creed, 2007). Assuming the courts of the state in which the tenant who became the rape victim of the manager utilize elements such as the above in determining an employer’s liability under a negligent hiring theory, it becomes clear ABC will be held liable for the acts of the manager. The manager was the employee of ABC at the time he committed the rape. The manager had a previous criminal record that ABC failed to discover during the hiring process. Because a criminal background check would have revealed the manager’s past to ABC, they would or should have known the manager was unfit to perform a job in which access to all the tenants’ apartments was readily available. The tenant was clearly injured, both physically and mentally, by the tortious act of the manager. ABC clearly owes a duty to their tenants to insure their employees are fit for the jobs they are hired to do. Failure to investigate the manager’s background is a clear breach of that duty. Finally, had ABC not hired the manager, access to the keys of the tenants’ apartments would not have been available to him and, of course, he would not have been able to enter the tenant’s apartment and commit the crime of rape. Now that is has been established the tenant will succeed under the theory of negligent hiring, the issue of damages must be addressed. Black’s Law Dictionary defines compensatory damages as â€Å"such as will compensate the injured party for the injury sustained. †(Nolan, p. 390, 1990). Black’s Law Dictionary defined punitive damages as damages awarded on an â€Å"increased scale†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦that of punishing the defendant or of setting an example for similar wrongdoers. †(id). In the Florida case of Tallahassee Furniture v. Harrison, a company was successfully sued under the theory of negligent hiring and the plaintiff was awarded $1. 9 million in compensatory damages and $600,000. 00 in punitive damages. (Arvey, et al. , p. 1, 2001) A Massachusetts jury ordered the Trusted Health Resources and Visiting Nurses Association of Boston to pay $26. million in combined compensatory and punitive damages to the family of a murdered quadriplegic after the family successfully sued under the theory of negligent hiring. (Anderson, 1998). A clear indication issues from these decisions indicating courts are willing to allow for the award of punitive damages on top of compensatory damages. Based upon this information, under the theory of negligent hiring it seems likely that the tenant will be successful in a civil lawsuit and will be able to recover both compensatory and punitive damages of a significant nature. The nature of employment law is ever changing and the theory of negligent hiring seems to be an ever expanding area of the law. The idea of a third party recovering for the torts of an employee seems almost to be a return toward the primitive law mentioned in Mr. Blumenreich’s article wherein the master was responsible for all actions of his chattel, or persons in their charge. (Blumenreich,1993. )
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis Paper
Through the Doors of High School Bullying – something that happens every day in high schools, but yet people do not always acknowledge what goes on. According to the article Bully Facts & Statistics, 56% of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school. Bullying exceedingly affects a person. Whether it comes to a stop or not, the person harassed will never have the same mentality. In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, a plane crashes on a deserted island and all that remains is a group of boys. No adults – young boys all alone.Throughout the novel the children have leadership roles and rules in order for their continued existence. The experience a person has while on the island is how they reach their goal – survival. Lord of the Flies is a classic because it is seen as a metaphor for high school in this contemporary era because of the struggle for power that is showed through the setting, the characters, and the symbols. Goldi ng uses the scar on the island as a part of the setting to relate to high school. No matter if the boys abscond from the island, the mark will still exist similar to a student’s reputation in high school.The scar in the novel is the scene where the plane crash emerges. This is the characteristics of the scar after the crash: â€Å"The undergrowth of the side of the scar was shaken and a multitude of raindrops fell pattering†(7). A scar literally means leaving a mark on something. The popular crowd in high school ensures an easier time of leaving a positive impact on the school, because they have additional power over the other students. This is an example of students struggling for power. Besides the popular crowd, everyone else has a hard time of gaining their power and making an impact on the school.A person will never forget about their experience in high school just like the boys will never overlook the effects of the plane crash that happened in Lord of the Flies on the island. From the novel Lord of the Flies, Piggy’s characteristics remain not all that different from high school students. Early on in the novel, when Piggy and Ralph first meet, Piggy states, ‘†I don’t care what they call me,†he said confidentially, ‘â€Å"so long as they don’t call me what they used to call me at school†’ (11). Piggy’s declaration refers to how he accustomed to be treated back home.Piggy’s heavyset body and nerdy glasses causes constant harassment directed towards him. Contrary, high school students remain not all that different. Whether in high school or Lord of the Flies, name calling can really get to a person. The students that get picked on constantly are the ones that struggle the most at gaining power. The students that pick on others are the ones that contain the most power. On the island, a social stance takes place. Ralph and Jack are the leaders while the litluns follow th em. Piggy remains the outcast. In schools the bullies, usually the jocks, tend to pick on the nerds.Although Piggy was known as the outcast, he had brains. â€Å"But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains. Ralph was a specialist in thought now, and could recognize thought in another (78). †Piggy was smarter than most of the others; that was part of the reason of why he stood out. Similarly, high school students judge to quickly. Again, that is a big part of why bullying takes place at school. Because Piggy is smarter than the others, it causes him to struggle the most for power. He is seen differently than the others and judged for it.Furthermore, possessions parallel materialistic possessions of people in high school. In the novel, the conch is used as an important object to the boys. Towards the end of the book when Roger rolls a boulder on Piggy, â€Å"The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and c eased to exist†(181). In Lord of the Flies, the conch symbolizes power. The conch represents order; it keeps the boys in line. Similar to high school, the conch represents power like students’ possessions. By having expensive clothes, it symbolizes richness, coolness, and popularity.Ralph a leader in the novel, uses the conch to gain his power. But Ralph eventually loses his power. â€Å"The space under the palm trees was full of noise and movement. Ralph was on his feet too, shouting for quiet, but no one heard him. All at once the crowd swayed toward the island and was gone – following Jack (38). †This is like high school because everyone fights for their power. Ralph represents society and in order for them to maintain their societal image; Ralph guides the boys by making rules. The conch calls the group to meetings and remains exceedingly important to the boys – especially Ralph.After giving the boys false information for a period of time, the boys turn to Jack as their leader instead of Ralph. Therefore, Lord of the Flies is a classic because it persists as a metaphor for high school in this contemporary era because of the struggle for power showed through the setting, the characters, and the symbols. In Lord of the Flies people have to deal with bullying every day. All because of the social groups that take place and the power that comes along with it. Always remember – bullying will proceed to exist in high schools but if a person does not let it bother them then it will not be as affective.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Ccna
OSPF Terminology Neighbor – A neighbor refers to a connected (adjacent) router that is running an OSPF process with the adjacent interface assigned to the same area. Neighbors are found by Hello packets. Adjacency - An adjacency refers to the logical connection between a router and its corresponding designated routers and backup designed routers. Link – In OSPF, a link refers to a network of a router interface assigned to any given network. Within OSPF, link is synonymous with interface. Interface – An interface is a physical interface on a router. When an interface is added to the OSPF process, it is considered by OSPF as a link. If an interface is up than a link is up. Link State Advisement – (LSA) is an OSPF data packet containing link state and routing information that is shared among OSPF routers. Designated router – (DR) is only used when the OSPF router is connected to a broadcast (multi-access) network. Backup Designated router – (BDR) is a hot standby for the DR on broadcast links. OSPF areas – OSPF areas are similar to EIGRP Autonomous Systems. Areas are used to establish a hierarchical network. It uses four types of areas. Area boarder router – (ABR) is a router that has multiple area assignments. An interface may belong to only one area. If a router has multiple interfaces and if any of these interfaces belong to different areas, the router is considered ABR. Autonomous system boundary router – (ASBR) is a router with an interface connected to an external network or a different AS. An external network or AS refers to an interface belonging to a different routing protocol. Non-broadcast multi-access – (NMBA) networks are networks such as Frame Relay, X.25, and ATM. This type of network allows for multi-access but has no broadcast ability like Ethernet. Broadcast (Multi-access) – Networks such as Ethernet allow multiple access as well as provide broadcast ability. Point-to-Point – This t... Free Essays on Ccna Free Essays on Ccna OSPF Terminology Neighbor – A neighbor refers to a connected (adjacent) router that is running an OSPF process with the adjacent interface assigned to the same area. Neighbors are found by Hello packets. Adjacency - An adjacency refers to the logical connection between a router and its corresponding designated routers and backup designed routers. Link – In OSPF, a link refers to a network of a router interface assigned to any given network. Within OSPF, link is synonymous with interface. Interface – An interface is a physical interface on a router. When an interface is added to the OSPF process, it is considered by OSPF as a link. If an interface is up than a link is up. Link State Advisement – (LSA) is an OSPF data packet containing link state and routing information that is shared among OSPF routers. Designated router – (DR) is only used when the OSPF router is connected to a broadcast (multi-access) network. Backup Designated router – (BDR) is a hot standby for the DR on broadcast links. OSPF areas – OSPF areas are similar to EIGRP Autonomous Systems. Areas are used to establish a hierarchical network. It uses four types of areas. Area boarder router – (ABR) is a router that has multiple area assignments. An interface may belong to only one area. If a router has multiple interfaces and if any of these interfaces belong to different areas, the router is considered ABR. Autonomous system boundary router – (ASBR) is a router with an interface connected to an external network or a different AS. An external network or AS refers to an interface belonging to a different routing protocol. Non-broadcast multi-access – (NMBA) networks are networks such as Frame Relay, X.25, and ATM. This type of network allows for multi-access but has no broadcast ability like Ethernet. Broadcast (Multi-access) – Networks such as Ethernet allow multiple access as well as provide broadcast ability. Point-to-Point – This t...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A company’s ethical climate Essay Example
A company’s ethical climate Essay Example A company’s ethical climate Essay A company’s ethical climate Essay When we say ethical climate, it refers to the unified way of thinking of a certain group of people regarding moral, societal and cultural issues. This is the totality of their perspectives and insights on various things or issues. It is â€Å"the way [they] do it,†to sum up the definition of ethical climate. Through the advances of a leader or a manager, a company is able to achieve a certain ethical climate that would be the basis of how they run their work. It is important to develop such ethical climate so that unity between the employees could be promoted. If everyone goes by the ethical climate, the company will more or less be a unified unit when it comes to ethical issues.However, some companies often don’t achieve ethical climate because of several aspects. These are the factors that can hinder a company or an organization to obtain an ethical climate. They are considered to be obstacles, and needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. These obstacles involv e issues between employees themselves. An example would be the pressures to conform to the company’s â€Å"standards.†These standards are not set by the company themselves but arises from the way other employees â€Å"do things.†Another obstacle would be in the form of company/managers-employees relations. An example would be on the evaluations and rewards, where most employees aim hard to achieve, often working as an individual instead of cooperating with a team. Another is fragmentation and deference to authority. Some employees view highly of themselves which would lead to separations and factions.No matter what the cost, a company should strive hard to achieve an ethical climate. This would assure them of a better future as a successful organization. The key is to cooperate not only with co-employees but also to the superiors. If you are able to reach a conglomeration of ideas, then it is highly possible that an ethical climate would be achieved. All it ta kes is for all parties to do their share, and they will all reap the fruits of their cooperation.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Benefits of Cycling
Bicycling has been a long-time hobby which produces both long and short-term benefits. Its an enjoyable activity which involves being outdoors and away from the less beneficial pursuits such as television, computer and the refrigerator. Its a vigorous interest that not just the young and healthy can participate but kids as young as toddlers and the elderly as well. In addition, provided they have the proper equipment, disabled person can too. Cycling fits into a persons lifestyle easier than many other physical activities because it can be used practically, to go from one place to another unlike, say, swimming which is fun but much more limited by the time of year and availability. Its easier on the bodys joints than jogging while getting from point A to point B much quicker and with less effort. Chief among its numerous benefits, cycling is good for health, both physical and mental as well as good for the environment. One of the main health benefits of cycling is that it strengthens the heart, develops endurance and improves circulation which reduces the risks from coronary heart illnesses, one of the major causes of death. Gaining endurance also lowers the chances of contracting some types of cancers and diabetes. Muscles are strengthened and toned from cycling particularly those located below the waistline such as the thighs, buttocks and legs. Many of those who have weakened or injured joints and cannot run to stay in shape turn to cycling to help keep them active because it is a lower impact exercise. Maintaining a proper body weight is not just good for the ego but benefits health in several, well documented ways. A cyclist burns a great deal of calories especially if they are riding a good distance or at a moderate to fast pace. Cycling also has the benefit of increasing a persons metabolism, their inner engine, even after the ride is finished. Reducing body weight lessens the strain of joints making cycling a duel benefit for those who suffer from weakened knees. Weight loss, like improved cardiovascular function, lowers the risk for strokes and heart ailments. Another duel benefit is that cycling strengthens the immune system which, like reducing the chances coronary heart illnesses, lowers the risk of contracting certain cancers. Eye-hand coordination is greatly enhanced by cycling. Stabilizing the bodys weight while moving both legs in a circular motion and using both hands to steer the bike enhance coordination skills. Improving coordination improves agility, athleticism and reaction time, useful in everyday tasks, especially helpful as a person ages. Speaking of, cycling increases a persons lifespan via the health benefits previously mentioned. Its a fun way to get healthy and stay healthy while adding years to your life. (Markham, 2011). Another health benefit of cycling is improved mental health. Any type of exercise nourishes and builds the brain. Peddling a bicycle not only enhances the amount of blood flowing through the heart and muscles but the brain as well. The more blood that is pumped through the brain the more effectively it functions. As a person peddles it forces additional nerve cells to discharge which increases the formation of proteins and other compounds. This action encourages new brain cells to form. Cycling can double or even triple the number of neutrons produced, actually building brain function. Additionally, exercise encourages the activity of neurotransmitters increasing the efficiency of communication between both old and newly formed brain cells. Think of it as building a 4G network to replace the old 3G by taking a relaxing ride through the country or by getting to school or work on your bicycle. Enhancing and developing brain cells while improving the communication lines between them is increasingly vital as we age because as we grow older the brain contracts and those lines of communication naturally grow weaker. Bicycling protects and restores the brain and to no ones surprise, a larger, better connected brain functions better. Adults who exercise display sharper memory skills, higher concentration levels, more fluid thinking, and greater problem-solving ability than those who are sedentary. (Yeager, 2014). Cycling acts to improve environmental health too particularly if one rides a bike to commute to and from school and/or work. It reduces a persons carbon footprint and has been characterized as a green method of transport especially when compared to driving a fossil fuel burning car for all means of getting around town. Bicycles dont spew air pollutants and reduce the nations dependence on fossil fuels. According to the U.S. Census nearly half live closer than five miles from their place of employment. Total emissions would be reduced by more than five percent, a substantial amount, if those people rode a bike to work instead of driving their car. Vehicles produce nearly one-third of all carbon dioxide and 80 percent of all carbon monoxide emitted into the air each year. Shorter trips are proportionately worse due to engine warm-up factored into the equation. Cycling to work when practical would make a big difference in the reduction of the gasses creating climate change. Cyclists, ge nerally speaking, are in better physical condition than motorists who tend to be more obese which means cyclists use fewer energy resources in a range of areas such as food production and transportation. (Bicycle Buying, 2015) The benefits of cycling are numerous not just for the person peddling but for the environment therefore society as a whole too. Its a heart health hobby that enhances brain activity and reduces carbon gas release. Its also a fun outdoor activity which stimulates the senses which are dulled by staying indoors too close to the television and refrigerator. Unlike both swimming and running, cyclists can enjoy a conversation with a fellow rider. Cycling is easier on the joints than running and can be enjoyed all seasons unlike swimming. All-in-all cycling is a beneficial physical activity and hobby.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Clara Barton Second Draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Clara Barton Second Draft - Essay Example Barton became involved with dealing with wounded soldiers behind the lines during the American Civil War, firstly distributing supplies and later searching for the fallen of the Union army. In 1864, thanks to her tireless efforts on the battlefield, Barton was promoted to superintendent of nurses. Her role in assisting casualties was of extreme importance, as Tooker underlines. He underlines that ‘volunteers, such as Barton, provided an invaluable service early in the war until larger charitable organizations, such as the U.S. Sanitary Commission, were able to assist the Union Army on providing basic necessities, sanitation and medical support for the troops’. (Tooker, 2007 p.220) After the war ended, as a result of her work and her determination to see the official list of the dead (copied in secret by a soldier – Dorence Atwater – and known as the ‘Atwater list’) published, she became known as the Angel of the Battle field. To recover from her exertions during the war, Barton travelled to Switzerland in 1869 for a peaceful break in Europe. However, when the Franco-Prussian war broke out in 1870, Barton once again took to the battlefield to help the injured, working with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Egglestone (2003: p.172) describes Barton’s activities in this period; ‘she followed German troops into Strasbourg after [a] 30-day siege and remained there for six months whilst setting up relief programs for the sick and wounded’. Upon returning to the US in 1973, Barton was determined to establish a similar organisation in her own country. However it took seven long years for her to persuade the American establishment that such an organisation was needed. Many Americans believed that their country would never again face a war as bloody as the Civil War, but Barton managed to gain recognition for the organisation by arguing that it could be useful not just in war time, but also in
Globalizing and localizing factors OR Uppsala model of firm Essay
Globalizing and localizing factors OR Uppsala model of firm internationalization - Essay Example Added to that the purchasing power dazzled one and all and Multinationals of all hues went headlong to get a piece of the action. It has been ascertained that both India and China are quite similar and are perusing similar liberalization policies. Culturally too there is affinity and therefore investing in China will be a wise move. Liberalization of the economy and a bent towards industrialization in a hurry offered huge opportunities for expansion. As of now as many as 320,000 foreign ventures have come up on mainland China, and they are growing by the day. China is the second largest recipient of Foreign Direct Investments that have crossed 400 billion dollars. Investments have come in from all quarters of the world, mainly from the USA. It would be prudent for us to take advantage of the situation and make a move in the Chinese market now by setting up a manufacturing unit in one of the SEZ’s as a FIE. As a growing garment exporter to the world with an annul turnover of over Rs 5000 crores, equivalent to $ 1.25 billion the Pearl Group of India is faced with a dilemma of competition from China. With the onset of a quota free regime US and European countries are free to buy their requirements from any country of the world and China as a source of cheap labour as well as due to its effective control on the Yuan has emerged as a strong contender against export of Indian garments. As the company plans to add to manufacturing capacity to meet growing demand, it is actively considering converting this threat into an opportunity. There are 2 options. First Option is to add to capacity in India. Second option is to set up a manufacturing unit in one of China’s special economic zones and make it another exporting hub taking advantage of their labour and currency factors. In the past China followed a foreign exchange policy similar to India. Exporters were required to surrender 100% of their foreign earning to the Central Bank and could not use this
What is the Roman Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
What is the Roman Republic - Essay Example This class of people controlled nearly all religious offices plus issued partum auctoritas (final assent) to some of the decisions passed by the Roman assemblies. The rich had more influence on politics at that time. However, in staying in a Roman Republic and still subjected to injustice just like the eras of Kings, the poorer Roman citizens were not happy with how the current government became ran. Due to unfair distribution of land and debts, the plebians (poorer Roman citizens) became prompted to form their own assemblies and withdraw from certain city-states. The plebians principal demands remained debt relief plus equitable distribution of conquered territory to Roman citizens. In 287 B.C., wealthier, land rich plebians managed to achieve political equality to the patricians with the Conflict of orders in place. Hence, there was a rebirth of the political system consisting of plebians and patricians, a power-sharing partnership which remained up to the late 1st century B.C. The Republic had a government running it. The government had three main parts: The consuls, the assemblies and the senate. Rome managed to grow and become a metroplolis consisting of a capital city and vast conquered territory. Roman Republic had provinciae (administered territories) outside Italy like Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, and many others. As the new government acquired more wealth, so did the Roman citizens benefit. The Republic had a strong Army in place responsible for winning many battles and acquiring new territories. With Roman soldiers winning more battles and getting rewarded more, they became more loyal to their generals than the state. During the same period, Rome became increasingly plagued by many slave uprisings since they were the majority and covered most lands. Between 135-71B.C., there were 3 ‘servile wars’ that involved slaves against the Roman state. The worst of them was the third and was under the command of Spartacus, a gladiator. Furthermore, in 91 BC, social war broke out over dissent between Rome and Italy. Italy often contributed men in Rome’s military campaigns but received no rewards for their help contributed to the social wars. This led to them breaking away from Rome and becoming independent. Romans started also to wage wars with their previous allies too, like Jugurtha. In 111BC to 104 BC, the Jugurthine war became fought between Jugurtha of North Africa and Rome. Jugurtha became finally captured through treachery instead of a battle. In addition, we also had the wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians. The second Punic war involved Hannibal, a Carthaginian that attacked Rome. This had much impact on the Romans since they could not defeat Hannibal for 15 years. The Rome mastered and improved their military warfare after endless attempts in fighting with the great commander. It became the tactful help of a Roman, Scipio Africanus, that attackeds Carthege capital leading to the defeat of Hannibal in the battle of Zama. Internal unrest reached its peak as evidenced by two civil wars caused by Lucius Cornelius Sulla, a consul in the beginning of 82 BC. The Roman army led by Sulla overthrew the Republic and paved way to the founding of the Roman Empire. The new wealth generated social break down and led to political turmoil, which eventually led to collapse of the Republic. In fact, they had issue of people trying to kill those in power in order to overthrow them. For instance, the first Catiline’s conspiracy occurred when Catiline intended to slaughter the new counsels on the day of election and name himself as head of office. In addition, Tiberius Gracchus got killed due to his stand to pass a law that would leave the rich
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Benefits and Disadvantages of Fast Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Benefits and Disadvantages of Fast Food - Essay Example Further, fast food is beneficial in terms of bridging the gap created by a constantly changing food culture. In the world today, busy schedules for people have contributed to the issue of food being of less importance in individual’s daily interactions. The fast foods bridge the gap by enabling interactions while eating at the fast food joints (Ellen and Spur 2004, p.65). More companies are shifting into the business of fast food products because of the convenience and the ever increasing number of working class population with limited time to prepare homemade food. In addition, according to BIS Shrapnel(2003) more companies have increased their advertisements related to offering customers with more convenient and quicker way of eating without consuming time and money as highlighted in figure 1(appendix). Conversely, fast food contributes to a number of health problems or conditions that include heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. This type of food is unhealthy as a re sult of containing high cholesterol, fats and calories which, has been identified as the main risk factor contributing to obesity. In a country such as Korea for example, the high prevalence rate for obesity is as a result of consuming fast foods (Bryant and Dundes, 2008, p.328). On the other hand, in a country like Australia, more individuals are critical on the idea of consuming fast-food as evident from the public outburst in regard to the cricket team being sponsored by a fast-food company (Bellisle et al 2004, p.178). The negative of fast effects related to fast food and health, has led to a number of research on health conditions like obesity and consuming fast foods. According to Bellisle et al. (2004, p.180), the increased number of fast food locations and in... This paper approves that , fast food is beneficial in terms of bridging the gap created by a constantly changing food culture. In the world today, busy schedules for people have contributed to the issue of food being of less importance in individual’s daily interactions. The fast foods bridge the gap by enabling interactions while eating at the fast food joints. More companies are shifting into the business of fast food products because of the convenience and the ever increasing number of working class population with limited time to prepare homemade food. Conversely, fast food contributes to a number of health problems or conditions that include heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. This type of food is unhealthy as a result of containing high cholesterol, fats and calories which, has been identified as the main risk factor contributing to obesity. This essay makes a conclusion that eating patterns across the world continues to change with more people being attracted to fast food because of its convenience. However, individuals while consuming fast food needs to consider serious health issues related to the consumption of fast food currently identified as a major contributor to obesity. On the other hand, fast food companies need to provide their customers with healthier options or choices for fast food products. While fast food is beneficial to customers in terms of providing a quicker means of eating, consumers need to adopt a moderate habit in terms of consuming fast foods.
Financial Reporting Question & Answers Assignment
Financial Reporting Question & Answers - Assignment Example It eliminates all the alternatives associated with financial reporting. There are various benefits of standardization: Standardization of accounting rules enable multinational firms in developed nations to create significant employment opportunities in the job market. Professionals in accounting and other fields find it easy to relocate to other countries as a result of globalization for there is a common language in preparation of financial reports and accounts. For instance, countries such as Hungary and India forward their accounting duties to companies based in developed countries (Iatridis 2010). These firms spend less time trying to be in line with a country’s accounting policy and strict regulations as most of the rules are adopted from International Accounting Standards. Moreover, adaptation of globalized standardized accounting standards has made it easier for firms to centralize their training in accounting and increase the number of financial care centers. Transpare ncy of unified financial standards has a boost in division of labor in the global market thus it enables smaller investors to invest in other countries. Standardization of accounting standards promotes innovation. These standards give rise to new markets and products hence, creating a significant enhancement for innovations (Hesser, 2006). Consequently, innovation result to improved sales. Minus these standards, there would be poor quality products that might limit the boosting of innovation since the remnants of the stock could not be transferable to other places. Furthermore, unified standards enlarge the scale of inventive products thus in absences of the standardized standards, these products are hardly obtained. In developed nations, the International Accounting standards assists to converge the systems of accounting and reports made available for investors. This would support global financial investments and innovations (Hal, Henock 2007). Standardized accounting standards enh ance the ability for firms to forecast profits. This is a reliable opportunity for investors because the transaction cost goes down when specific national accounting regulations disappear. Companies cut on the costs of external auditing and employment of experts for the purposes of global comparison reports. International Accounting standards initiate stiff competition in auditing that reduces the inescapable costs for auditing. Unified accounting standards reduce the costs of capital. Most domestic investors run their businesses within their countries since financial reports are prepared in line with the known worldwide accounting standards that could be easily interpreted. For international investors, the most preferred financial reports should be made using the international standards and not the domestic ones. This reduces the cost of investing in foreign countries since there is no variation in rules of accounting and cost of creating financial reports. Therefore, standardized accounting standards lower the cost of capital because investors are in agreement with lower returns from business securities and a decrease in investment risk. Who has to comply with accounting standards? Accounting standards refer to specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements. This implies that those who have to comply with the accounting stand
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Monetary Behavior as Created by the Federal Reserve Essay
The Monetary Behavior as Created by the Federal Reserve - Essay Example e instances, the value can be significantly higher, or even lower, than the dollar amount denoted on the paper, all due to the acts of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve also has the responsibility for the behavior of the dollar on the global exchange market, alongside the bigger picture of controlling how much currency is printed and in circulation at any one time (Federal Reserve Publications Committee, 2005). Any action taken by the Federal Reserve in regards to these factors can in some way, shape, or form, influence and controls the behavior of the US dollar. The Federal Reserve has the power, and has always had the power since its creation, to control the amount of funds in its regional banks throughout the United States. By the Federal Reserve requiring any Federal Reserve banks to keep reserves on hand to handle unexpected outflows as well as meet the demands for the daily operations, it was believed that stability in the behavior and value of a dollar would result (Fed eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco). These reserves, however, also play an important part in how the Federal Reserve controls the behavior of a US dollar throughout the nation and the world. From day to day, the amount of reserves a bank wants to hold may change in accordance with its daily transactions. Therefore, when a bank finds that it needs additional reserves on a short-term basis, it can borrow them from other banks that happen to have more reserves than they need (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). The interest rate associated with this overnight borrowing of reserves is called the federal funds rate, which adjusts to balance the supply of and demand for reserves. The U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) sets a target for the federal funds rate, and keeps the rate on... The Federal Reserve has the power, and has always had the power since its creation, to control the amount of funds in its regional banks throughout the United States. By the Federal Reserve requiring any Federal Reserve banks to keep reserves on hand to handle unexpected outflows as well as meet the demands for the daily operations, it was believed that stability in the behavior and value of a dollar would result (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). These reserves, however, also play an important part in how the Federal Reserve controls the behavior of a US dollar throughout the nation and the world. From day to day, the amount of reserves a bank wants to hold may change in accordance with its daily transactions. Therefore, when a bank finds that it needs additional reserves on a short-term basis, it can borrow them from other banks that happen to have more reserves than they need (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). The interest rate associated with this overnight borrowing of reserves is called the federal funds rate, which adjusts to balance the supply of and demand for reserves. The U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) sets a target for the federal funds rate, and keeps the rate on target by increasing and decreasing bank reserves through transactions such as the buying and selling of U.S. Treasuries (Federal Reserve, 2011). This is all done in accordance with the long-term goals of monetary policy as stated above.
Financial Reporting Question & Answers Assignment
Financial Reporting Question & Answers - Assignment Example It eliminates all the alternatives associated with financial reporting. There are various benefits of standardization: Standardization of accounting rules enable multinational firms in developed nations to create significant employment opportunities in the job market. Professionals in accounting and other fields find it easy to relocate to other countries as a result of globalization for there is a common language in preparation of financial reports and accounts. For instance, countries such as Hungary and India forward their accounting duties to companies based in developed countries (Iatridis 2010). These firms spend less time trying to be in line with a country’s accounting policy and strict regulations as most of the rules are adopted from International Accounting Standards. Moreover, adaptation of globalized standardized accounting standards has made it easier for firms to centralize their training in accounting and increase the number of financial care centers. Transpare ncy of unified financial standards has a boost in division of labor in the global market thus it enables smaller investors to invest in other countries. Standardization of accounting standards promotes innovation. These standards give rise to new markets and products hence, creating a significant enhancement for innovations (Hesser, 2006). Consequently, innovation result to improved sales. Minus these standards, there would be poor quality products that might limit the boosting of innovation since the remnants of the stock could not be transferable to other places. Furthermore, unified standards enlarge the scale of inventive products thus in absences of the standardized standards, these products are hardly obtained. In developed nations, the International Accounting standards assists to converge the systems of accounting and reports made available for investors. This would support global financial investments and innovations (Hal, Henock 2007). Standardized accounting standards enh ance the ability for firms to forecast profits. This is a reliable opportunity for investors because the transaction cost goes down when specific national accounting regulations disappear. Companies cut on the costs of external auditing and employment of experts for the purposes of global comparison reports. International Accounting standards initiate stiff competition in auditing that reduces the inescapable costs for auditing. Unified accounting standards reduce the costs of capital. Most domestic investors run their businesses within their countries since financial reports are prepared in line with the known worldwide accounting standards that could be easily interpreted. For international investors, the most preferred financial reports should be made using the international standards and not the domestic ones. This reduces the cost of investing in foreign countries since there is no variation in rules of accounting and cost of creating financial reports. Therefore, standardized accounting standards lower the cost of capital because investors are in agreement with lower returns from business securities and a decrease in investment risk. Who has to comply with accounting standards? Accounting standards refer to specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements. This implies that those who have to comply with the accounting stand
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Food is culture, culture is food Essay Example for Free
Food is culture, culture is food Essay A majority of people really do care about their health when they choose foods to eat. They always think: The food they eat must gives their bodies the information and materials they need to function properly. If they dont get the right information, their metabolic processes suffer and their health declines. http://www. takingcharge. csh. umn. edu/explore-healing-practices/food-medicine/how-does-food-impact-health Espcially in Vietnam, most of people always use five fundamental taste elements when they’re cooking. For Vietnamese people, salt is used as the connection between the worlds of the living and the dead. Cooking and eating play an extremely important role in Vietnamese culture. The word an (eat) is included in a great number of proverbs and has a large range of semantic extensions. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vietnamese_cuisine#Cultural_importance Vietnamese cuisine is reflective of the Vietnamese lifestyle from the preparation to how the food is served. Going through long phases of war and political conflicts, as well as cultural shifts, the vast majority of the Vietnamese people have been living in poverty. Therefore, the ingredients for Vietnamese food are often very inexpensive but nonetheless, the way they are cooked together to create a yin – yang balance make the food simple in look but rich in flavor. Due to economic condition, maximizing the use of ingredients to save money has become a tradition in Vietnamese cooking. http://en. WHAT DOES FOOD IS CULTURE, CULTURE IS FOOD MEAN TO YOU? In every country, there’s always have their icons or foods which is symbolize for their country image. Espcially food, in my opinion, food is one of the thing which can be introduced to foreigners about the country’s culture much easier than the other things such as clothes, souvernirs†¦ And a lot of countries have shown their culture through the way they cook food, through the way they eat and through the way they use ingredient for their cooking.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Looking At The Exploitation Of Women To Men English Literature Essay
Looking At The Exploitation Of Women To Men English Literature Essay Selden states that, Rhys presents the idea of a woman as an imprisoned victim oppressed by the standards and ideals prevailing in the patriarchal, phallogecentric society dominated by the male form of logos, language (selden139). Rhys female protagonist is the victim of domination and humiliation due to the system of patriarchal and colonial oppression which is prevalent in England and Jamaica. In Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys reveals patriarchal power as dominating and unhealthy. These patriarchal power structures are present in economic, legal, family and educational systems in Rhyss novel. This patriarchal power affects the lives of all the characters in Rhyss novel because they all belong to a patriarchal society. This is the story of Antoinettes Cosway who is isolated by her Victorian husband who locked her up and drives her mad. She is left alone by her husband in the patriarchal society and become helpless and trapped like a ship struck in Sargasso Sea by the British. Through her portrayal of female characters in her novel, Rhys exposes how women are legally and financially dependent on men around them. When we consider the situation of Antoinettes mother, Annette, who is economically dependent upon men, we can at once notice that in patriarchal society economic inequality exist. When Annettes first husband died, she thinks that her second marriage is the chance for her to escape from her life at Coulibri where she is rejected by blacks because of her Creole heritage and may be able to retrieve status among her peers. Maria olaussen states that, Annette signifies the gender ideology in the patriarchal economic system, since she need to be provided for by men. She uses her beauty as her only means to compete with other women in search for English protection and economic support (Olausen103). When Wide Sargasso Sea was written it was that time when marriage was considered as a mean to get economic support. Antoinette is not able to free herself from Rochesters brutality and cruelty because she has no financial independence. All of the money was given to her husband, Mr. Rochester when she married him. In Victorian times, there was a law that women could not held property in their names, even if they inherited that property from their parents. It was still in the custody of their husbands. Patriarchal law prohibits women from inheriting money if there is a son in the family, the inheritance runs in the male line. Mr. Masons son, Richard Mason, represents patriarchal law, since, he after his fathers death, become the lawful provider and protector of Antoinette. He makes her decisions and arranges her marriage to Mr. Rochester, without consent (olaussen108-9). The feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, who wrote in 1972 about patriarchal education systems in Vindications of the Rights of women, questioned why only men were prepared for professions and not women. She believed that, this was the reason for womens needs for marriage; they had to marry in order to be economically supported (wollstonecraft150). But Jean Rhys in Wide Sargasso Sea denies Wollstonecraft theories in one aspect, that marriage with Antoinette is necessary for Mr. Rochester because he will not inherit from his father as he is the youngest son in the family. By marrying Antoinette, he saves her wealth and in this way she becomes completely economically dependent upon Mr. Rochester. In the patriarchal family structures of Victorian era, father has authority over his wife and his children. Women and children are legally and economically dependent upon their fathers or husbands. Mr. Rochester uses his patriarchal power to drive Antoinette crazy. She is dependent upon him because of the patriarchal power structures in society (both legally and economically) and therefore, it is not possible for her to leave Mr. Rochester. In Wide Sargasso Sea, marriage increases the wealth of men by allowing them power to possess their wives inheritance. If we critically examine the condition of Annette and Antoinette womanhood is similar to a kind of child like dependence on the nearest men. In fact, it is the dependence that contributes to the tragic end of both Annette and Antoinette. Both women marry white English men in the hopes of assuaging their fears as vulnerable outsiders, but both men betray and abandon them. As Teresa OConnor puts it, the level of betrayal ranges from the cultural and historical implicit in the relationship between blacks and whites to the familical and filial levels. In Wide Sargasso Sea, it appears that the one quality of Antoinette that best express her through out the novel is her dependency in others. From her friendship with Tia, to her marriage with Rochester, Antoinette is just in search for happiness. After the burning down of her house by the slaves in part one, Antoinette has no one in her life, and she is all alone. Her brother Perrie dies and her mother gets mad, therefore, she marries Rochester because she wants to feel safe again. She needs someone to protect her from the ill-treatment that her mother experiences through out her life as a single woman. You are safe, Id say. Shed like that-to be told you are safe. Or Id touch her gently and touch her tears (pg.78). These lines from Mr. Rochester shows that Antoinette wants to be feel safe and secure. Since Rhys is a West-Indian, she wants to reveal a truth about the limit of literary standards that supposes a shared white heritage in its audience. She draws an unflattering picture of patriarchal society in the characterization of Mr. Mason. When Annette describes the troubles of her sisters married life to and specially describes her husbands oppressive and dominating behavior to Mr. Mason, his answer to Annette was, thats her story. I dont believe it. He successfully and unsympathetically silences the Creole womens voice. Rhys wanted to give voice to this silent woman and raise this silent women voice in her novel Wide Sargasso Sea. In patriarchal society the man is the superior and educated being. Mr. Rochester gets irritated by Antoinette when he tries to teach her about England and she denies the beauty of industrialized England in comparison with West Indies. Is it true, she said, that England is like a dream? Well, I answered annoyed, that is precisely how your beautiful island seems to me, quite unreal and like a dream. But how can rivers and mountains and the sea be unreal? And how can millions of people, their houses and their streets be unreal? More easily, she said, much more easily. Yes a big city must be like a dream (pg67) Mr. Rochester feels embarrassment in accepting his wifes superior knowledge about the West Indies, as he is completely a Victorian, patriarchal Englishman. Antoinette tries to teach about the nature and life of West Indies because he is a new comer in her island. But Mr. Rochester is that kind of a person who believes that to be taught by a woman is a sign of weakness and inferiority. He belongs to that category of men who wants to maintain their superiority over women. This is the reason that Mr. Rochester opposes his wifes concepts about England and West Indies. The patriarchal educational system of the 18th century was criticized by Mary Wollstonecraft, who wrote that men preserved womens innocence by keeping them ignorant (131). If she was a child she was not a stupid child but an obstinate one. She often questioned me about England and listened attentively to my answers, but I was certain that nothing I said made much difference. Her mind was already made up. Some romantic novel, a star remark never forgotten, a sketch, a picture, a song, a waltz, some note of music, and her ideas were fixed. About England and about Europe. I could not change them and probably nothing would. Reality might discontent her, bewilder her, hurt her, but it would not be reality. It would be only a mistake, a misfortune, a wrong path taken, her fixed ideas would never change. Nothing that I told her influenced her at all (pg78). This statement shows that Antoinettes resistance in his attempt to educate her annoys him. He feels that he can not influence her thoughts and ideas. Thus, he is scared to accept his lack of knowledge because it would lead to his loss of control over her. Teresa F. O Connor explains that Mr. Rochester, who comes from the male-identified England, is protected by Antoinette when he lives in her female identified West Indies. I agree with Teresa F. O Connor that their roles are reversed and that Mr. Rochester is afraid of finding himself in a female role in a female world (148-49). Personal tragedies which are founded in patriarchal societies are expressed through dramatization, imagery and characterization right from the opening pages. All the characters in Wide Sargasso Sea are imprisoned in patriarchal social structure and it lead to their tragic end. In suggesting, the common working of fascism, racism and bourgeois patriarchy, the persecutory power of the modern religion of intolerance (carr12). Rhys echoes Virginia Woolf, who argued in Three Guineas that, patriarchy, racism, pomposity, militarism, economic exploitation, autocracy and fascism are all part of the same process (carr51). Rhys reveals the hidden working of patriarchy by explaining how both Antoinette and Rochester are trapped and conditioned by the dominant patriarchal law. The marriage of Antoinette and Rochester is set in the patriarchal world. If we read Wide Sargasso Sea on deeper level we can see that Rochesters marriage to Antoinette is parallel to a business contract. His statement that, I will trust you if you trust me? Would appear to demonstrate that he does not want to give the unconditional security and love which she desires. However, by uttering the line, is it a bargain? It gives us a clue that what are the real motives of Rochester for marrying Antoinette. Everyone knows that Bargain is an economic term and it does not exist in the marriage of two people. But this marriage is like a bargain for Rochester, because he is able to gain wealth which he desired for and Antoinette is able to feel safe after all the sufferings which she faces in part one of the Wide Sargasso Sea. Rhys portrays Rochester as a person who implies the patriarchal set of laws (sexism, colonialism, the English law and the law which the patriarchal society imposes and which creates sanity and insanity) that trapped Antoinette Cosway. Both the female characters Annette and Antoinette are sexually exploited in this patriarchal world. Men in the patriarchal society can be seen as tyrants having every right to deprive women from their innocence. They demoralized womens sexuality and innocence in the same way as falcon hunts its prey. As Rhys writes, the men did as they liked. The women-never. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Rhys illustrates that men consider women as a pieces of sexual pleasure. They take women for granted and consider them as a life less creature, not having feelings and emotions like a doll. The most important episode in the novel is the scene of Antoinettes mother with the black man. It also contains the motifs of race and sex which are central in the novel. As Antoinette says in the text remembering the helplessness and pain of her mother, I remember the dress she was wearing-an evening dress cut very low, and she was barefooted. There was a fat black man with a glass of rum in his hand. He said drink it and you will forget. She drank it without stopping. I saw his mouth fasten on hers and she went all soft and limp in his arms and he laughed. This incident happened when Annette was under the take care of black couple. After the burning down of her house and death of her son Perrie she starts exhibiting the signs of emotionally unbalanced woman. Therefore, Mr. Mason assigned black couple to take care of her. This scene depicts the subjugation of women by male authority in a patriarchal world. This scene has also its roots grounded in racial conflicts. The mothers dreadful condition is clearly the result of revenge on the owners of Coulibri by the black slaves. After the emancipation act black slaves wants to take revenge on their ex-slaves owners because of the brutal treatment which they receive from the hands of white people. In Victorian society, men treat women cruelly. They think women are only there for them to provide sexual pleasures. Antoinette and Rochesters marriage can be seen in this perspective. Mr. Rochester only appreciates Antoinette for her external beauty. I wonder why I never realized how beautiful she was. This statement shows that Mr. Rochester is only sexually attracted towards his wife. He has only a sexual lust for her and this yearn does not show a true feeling of love for her. Even Mr. Rochester confesses this kind of feeling for her wife. He states, I did not love her. I was thirsty for her, but that is not love. I felt very little tenderness for her, she was a stranger to me, a stranger who did not think or feel as I did (pg78). According to Howells, Rochester belongs to that patriarchal world where women are luxury items to be bought, enjoyed and discarded. Through out the novel, Mr. Rochester is consistently shown as being hostile, cruel and unloving towards her wife. Christophine tells Antoinette, that he is hard as a board. He belongs to that patriarchal world where men substitutes love with sex and domination. He wants to break Antoinette up like an aggressive warrior. As Christophine keeps repeating to him, all you want is to break her up (126). In all of Rhyss works sexuality is the most important theme. It was mostly due to the idea that men dominate women in all aspects. They want control and repress womens sexually. And Rochester here is not only shown as a patriarchal husband but he is also shown as a Victorian who believes that women sexuality should be repressed. Here Rhys illustrates that men want to link women with death, just for the reason to control and suppress them. They kill women to repress them and here Rochester does the same thing to Antoinette. Die then! Die! I watched her die many times. In my way, not in hers. In sunlight, in shadow, by moonlight, by candle light. In the long afternoons, when the house was empty. Only the sun was there to keep us company (Rhys pg.77). Angier indicate Rhyss idea about men and love, men rob love with sex (Angier543). In the Victorian patriarchal society, men think about sex equivalent to love. They believed that feeling of love and sex is alike. Therefore, when Antoinette offers herself to love her, Rochester replies her only with sexual desires because has no feeling of love for her. He is cold in his feelings of love for Antoinette and therefore, he is emotionally a stone. This shows Mr. Rochesters patriarchal and unloving attitude towards her which kills Antoinette emotionally and she transforms into a Zombie, a living dead, in Voodoo or Obeah. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Mr. Rochester has been shown as the ultimate in patriarchal tyranny, but other male characters in this novel also exhibit deep-rooted feelings of misogyny, including Mr. Mason and Daniel. Rhys undoubtedly laments these men who deprived all of the female characters in this novel from their agency. Conventional aspects are traditionally associated with women, such as having propensity to mental illness, or being illogical, frivolous, depended, decorative, subordinate, scheming, manipulative, weak, jealous, gossiping, vulnerable and deceitful. Marriage of Antoinette and Rochester is marked with suspicion, betrayal and misunderstanding right from the beginning of their marriage. When Mr. Rochester receives the letter from Antoinettes half brother, Daniel Cosway, in which Daniel has written about Antoinettes mad mother and her drunkard father, he is not surprised. And when he came to know about Antoinettes love affair with her cousin Sandy, he became more aggressive and cruel towards her. The feeling of jealousy takes control of him. Thus the issue of trust is play out between Rochester and Antoinettes relationship. Although Mr. Rochester is only concerned with material success as Christophine says to Rochester, Everybody know that you marry her for her money and you take it all. And then you want to break her up, because you jealous of her (pg125). This statement reveals the fact that Rochester married Antoinette only for her money and does not love her. But still he wants to possess her in order to show his patriarchal power over her. He believes that she belongs to him and is therefore not allowed to leave him and love someone else. I tell you she loves no one, anyone. I could not touch her. Expecting as the hurricane will touch that tree-and break it. You say I did? No. that was loves fierce play. Now Ill do it. She ill not laugh in the sun again. Shell not dress up and smile at herself in that damnable looking glass. So pleased, so satisfied. Vain, silly creature. Made for loving? Yes, but shell have no lover, for I dont want her and shell see no other (Rhys 136). Though, Mr. Rochester feel hatred towards Antoinette, he still feels that she belongs to him. He does not want Antoinette to lead an independent life, because it would result in loosing his patriarchal power and dominance over his wife. Therefore, he refuses to let her leave him. Despite the fact that Mr. Rochester married Antoinette only for her money, he still feels that he is attracted towards her wifes exotic beauty and the beauty of her island. He does not want to fall for their charms and magnificence and thus he denies the attraction he feels towards the island and his wife. I hated the mountains and the hills, the rivers and the rains. I hated the sunsets of whatever color, I hated its beauty and its magic and the secret I would never know. I hated its indifference and the cruelty which was part of its loveliness. Above all I hated her. For she belonged to the magic and the loveliness. She had left me thirsty and all my life would be thirst and longing for what I had lost before I found it (Rhys). This quotation describes Mr. Rochester as a colonizer. As an Englishman, he wants to colonize both his wife and her island. His strict Victorian breeding and patriarchal values makes him obsessed with control and dominance. He does not want to fall love with her wife and her island, even though he is attracted towards them, because of the fact that he wants to maintain his patriarchal power to control and dominate them. Thus, by acting blindly to the attractions he feels towards his wife and her island, he condemns Antoinette and her world and in this way he tries to protect himself. All the sufferings and miseries which Antoinette suffers through out her life are due to the fact that in Victorian patriarchal society women were considered to be the source to bring sexual pleasures to their husbands. Men treat women in the same manner as somebody treat the servant or an animal. Women in Victorian societies are thought to be weak, helpless creatures that are unable to think for themselves. Men believed that it was the law of bible that males are superior to females, therefore they have a right to treat them as they like.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Compare Only the wall by Matthew Sweeney and Mirror by Sylvia Plath. :: English Literature
Compare Only the wall by Matthew Sweeney and Mirror by Sylvia Plath. Poem Comparison. I am going to compare two poems "Only the wall" by Matthew Sweeney and "Mirror" by Sylvia Plath. Both poems are similar as they both use personification. The poem "Only the wall" has the wall, which is personified as the wall is seeing what is happening, but cannot tell anyone. The poem "Mirror" has the mirror, which is personified, as the poem shows what the mirror sees. The poem mirror is about a mirror and a woman who is obsessed with the mirror. The mirror says it does not lie it just tells the truth. "I am not cruel only truthful" This tells you the mirror does not lie it shows the truth even though it might hurt and that it cannot judge how someone looks. In the second stanza the mirror begins to feel sorry for the woman. "I see her back and reflect it faithfully. She rewards me with tears and an agnation of the hands." This tells you how the mirror sees the woman's ugly face everyday and how the mirror sees the woman upset with the way she looks. The mirror is also upset, as it does not mean to upset her, but it can only show the truth. The mood of the poem is sad. "In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman rises towards her day after day, like a terrible fish." This tells how sad she is especially when she goes to the mirror and sees how her beauty has died away. The way the poem has been structured is the first stanza is about the mirror and the second stanza is about the woman. The poet's idea is trying to make us think about how people care so much about how they look. "I am important to her. She comes and goes. Each morning her face replaces the darkness." This tells us that the woman is maybe upset with the way she looks and how the mirror is really important because she wishes that she could be young and pretty again. Overall I think this poem was sad as it made me feel sorry for the woman. Also at first I found it hard to understand. The second poem has a different subject to the first poem. The first poem is about a woman looking in the mirror and the second poem is about a wall watching three bullies bullying a boy. For example: "The first day only the wall saw the bully trip the new boy" This line tells us that on the new boys fist day only the wall saw
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Analysis of The Sport of the Gods by Paul Essay -- The Sport of the Go
Analysis of The Sport of the Gods by Paul The book "The Sport of the Gods" by Paul is about an African American servant named Berry Hamilton who lived with Fannie and two kids, a son named Joe and daughter named Kit. They lived in a little cottage that sat in the back of the mansion of his employer Maurice Oakley. Berry had been a butler for Mr. Oakley for twenty years. Berry was a loyal and hard working man for Mr. Oakley. Mr. Oakley treated him with so much respect and gave him so much that Berry felt that he had no choice but to serve him the way he did. Mr. Oakley could always depend on Berry Hamilton, until the day that Francis Oakley noticed that he hadn't locked up the drawer where he hide his money. When he opened the drawer, praying that no one had took the money, to his surprise it was gone. Francis told his brother Maurice and after the party was over and everyone was gone they called a detective to find the missing money. While walking around the room the detective noticed Berry's cottage out of the window. He sa id that it was a possibility that Berry was the thief. Mr. Oakley couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always trusted Berry and thought that he would never steal from him, especially after all that he had done for him. The next day the detective was at Mr. Oakley's home waiting to speak with him about his case of the missing money. The detective reported that the same day the money was missing Berry had deposited over eight hundred dollars, the...
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