Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Midterm Unit 5 Criminology Essay - 1417 Words
Running head: Unit 5 Project Unit 5 Midterm Essay CJ 102-03: Criminology 1 Kaplan University Professor: Ellen Smith Chupik August 31, 2012 A recent policy was implemented by Jackson Tennessee’s Police Department, and Family Service’s dealing with the problem of child endangerment. Any household that has any documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offense committed by the parents, guardian, grandparent, or babysitter, the child/children will be placed in the care of the state or foster care services, until it is proven that the offender has undergone any or all of the following, and has been offense free for a period of no less than six-months. The offender can choose†¦show more content†¦Again this is a perfect example of the social learning theory. No parent should want their child and or children exposed to drugs for any reason whatsoever. If the parents have friends who come over and use drugs in the house where the children are, then that is just as bad as the parents doing it themselves. A parent’s job is to protect their children at all times r egardless. I feel this is a good program, because it protects the children from being around things that can be harmful to them, and it will keep them from being raised in a bad environment. If a child is in a bad situation at home and they are taken out then it can in the long run help the child from making some major mistakes in their life. So this would be a major positive impact with the use of this program. Removing child/children from their parents can have a bad impact because; the child may rebel and or possibly go into shock from being separated from their parents. No one can say for a fact as to how a child would react being separated from their parents, because everyone reacts to different situations in different ways. No matter how bad things are at home when it really comes down to it, a child and or children will always want to remain with their parents unless they are being beaten themselves, and even then they still may want to stay with them. This would be the negat ive impact of using this program. If a child and or children areShow MoreRelatedThe Rational Choice Theory1728 Words  | 7 PagesLa’Shante Samuels Kaplan University, CJ102 Criminology Unit Five Midterm Project The Rational Choice theory approach has been used by social and political scientists to put some type of meaning of why humans behave in a certain way. In recent years, rational choice theory has been widely used in other disciplines such as sociology, political science, and anthropology. It has gained influence in politics and sociology over the past thirty years. This choice theory stressed the role of knowledgeableRead MoreChild Endangerment Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesIs it necessary to remove a child from their home? Unit 5: Reading Week - Midterm Essay  Louissy Burns-Taylor CJ102-07: Criminology I Professor Elycia Daniel November 16, 2010 Is it necessary to remove a child from their home? A recent policy was implemented by Anytown’s Department of Job and Family Services regarding the issue of child endangerment. Any household that has one or more documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offenses committedRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagesto use material from this text or product, submit a request online at http://www.thomsonrights.com. Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to thomsonrights@thomson.com. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 10 09 08 07 ExamView  ® and ExamView Pro  ® are registered trademarks of FSCreations, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation used herein under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple
Monday, December 16, 2019
Progressive Era Free Essays
The role and responsibilities of the federal government changed drastically during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. Rapid changes after the Civil War brought on a need for economic, social and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government took a very hands-off approach and had little involvement in, and little care for the welfare of the American people. We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Era or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government became more involved and responsive to the public and implemented many revisions and reforms. The Progressive Era was a time of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of the federal government evolved. Reform was necessary because of the changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought on many changes, an important one being growth in the number and scope of work in factories. Factories and mechanization caused a need for less skilled workers, which in turn resulted in lower labor costs, lower wages, longer hours and appalling working conditions. Labor Unions were formed as a result of these conditions in order to protect the working class and put pressure on employers. During the Progressive Era, the federal government created labor laws, trade regulations and instituted other various measures in order to protect the public. The federal government also protected the rights of laborers to organize unions and became involved in the mediation of labor disputes in order to prevent riots from occurring. The regulation of utilities and railroads was used to protect the public welfare from the abuses of large corporations. The federal government also began to regulate large businesses and monopolies. It accepted large-scale corporations as an essential part of the economy but also embraced the need to regulate them. Trusts were also of great concern to the federal government. The Federal Trade Commission was instituted in order to protect the public from additional abuses of large corporations. The federal government also promoted the public’s support of the war. Through voluntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the public in support of the war effort. The federal government made political changes on a national level with the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the direct election of U. S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the Nineteenth Amendment prohibited any U. S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism was at an all time high. It became a time of economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity came household appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and advertising were in the forefront. While consumption prompted the economy in a forward direction, other economic issues arose throughout the country. Agriculture and mining were not prospering. The steel and textile industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in order to maintain product demand and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer onfidence led to over-speculation in stocks. This inevitably led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which in turn marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 during the depth of the Great Depression. He launched the New Deal as a solution for bringing the United States out of the Great Depression. The New Deal changed the role of the government by expanding its involvement in social and economic affairs. The goa l of the New Deal was to provide the â€Å"3 R’s†: relief, recovery and reform. The federal government worked to provide relief for the masses of unemployed, recovery of the depressed economy and reform of the financial system. Reforms were highlighted in a variety of acts that were passed. During the first 100 days of Roosevelt’s administration, more legislation was passed than under any previous president. The Federal Emergency Relief Act established funding and programs for relief and provided grants to the states to help people with food and shelter. The Civilian Conservation Corps Act granted the government the ability to pay young men to build bridges, roads and dams and plant 17 million dollars in new forests. The Agricultural Adjustment Act paid farmers not to plant crops so that the surpluses would not drive down prices. The National Industrial Recovery Act created the first minimum wage and marked the first time that the government intervened in business. The Works Projects Administration allowed the government to create over 250,000 projects and paid people to complete them. The Social Security Act created a pension for people over 65 years of age. All of these reform programs provided employment and direct payments to individuals and improved the economy. The federal government worked diligently to bring the United States out of the Great Depression during the New Deal and in doing so, the relationship between the government and the people changed significantly. The government took on a greater role in the everyday lives of people. As you can see, the role and responsibilities of the federal government changed considerably during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. The new hands-on approach of the government allowed for political, social and economic reforms during the 20th century. How to cite Progressive Era, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Wilkerson Company Essay Sample free essay sample
Everything you need is in the instance and in the demands provided below. I will non supply any interim feedback on this instance so delight make non direct me any preliminary analysis to look into whether you are â€Å"on path. †Address the issues/questions provided below in your instance study. The format of the write up can be either in the signifier of elaborate replies to each of the inquiries at a lower place or as a comprehensive. smooth-flowing instance analysis. No page bounds and you can include any figure of exhibits. Please submit the instance through the ELearning assignment bead box tool. One entry per group is adequate. I have observed in the yesteryear that the best studies are from those groups where all the group members work on the full undertaking and non those that divide up the work by delegating a few inquiries to each member and cobbling together a study. We will write a custom essay sample on Wilkerson Company Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Plagiarism of any signifier will be capable to penalties/sanctions described under the academic codification of behavior subdivision in the course of study. Issues/Questions: 1. What is the competitory state of affairs faced by Wilkerson? 2. Given some of the evident jobs with Wilkerson’s cost system. should executives abandon overhead assignment to merchandises wholly by following a part border attack in which fabricating operating expense is treated as a period disbursal? Why or why non? 3. How does Wilkerson’s bing cost system run? Develop a diagram to demo how costs flow from mill disbursal accounts to merchandises. 4. Develop and plot an activity-based cost ( ABC ) theoretical account utilizing the information in the instance. 5. Estimate the ABC-based cost and profitableness of Wilkerson’s three merchandise lines by gauging the assorted activity cost driver rates utilizing the fabricating overhead sum and existent entire use informations of the assorted activity cost drivers in March 2000 provided in Exhibit 4. Why are these costs and net incomes different from the merchandise costs reported in Exhibit 2? What causes any displacements in cost and profitableness? 6. Repeat the ABC cost and profitableness analysis in ( 5 ) by gauging the assorted activity cost driver rates utilizing the March 2000 fabricating overhead sum ( because the heavy demand was handled without any production holds or usage of overtime ) and the â€Å"heavy demand†capacity information provided in the really last sentence of the instance in page 3. Which of these. in your sentiment. more accurately captures the ingestion of mill resources by Wilkerson’s merchandises? 7. Estimate the entire operating expense applied to the three merchandises. severally. under ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) . Why are they different? How do you construe the difference in this entire applied operating expense? 8. How can Wilkerson’s direction squad use the information from the activity analysis of operating expense disbursals for cost decrease and cost control intents? 9. What are the restrictions of the ABC system used at Wilkerson? How do you believe it can be improved? 10. Wilkerson has been counterbalancing sales representatives with committees on their gross gross revenues volumes ( less returns ) . Parker wonders whether the company should alter this inducement system. What is your recommendation? If you feel that you have to do extra premises for the intents of your analysis please advert them explicitly in your write-up. Of class. premises that result in disregarding relevant and of import information provided in the instance may take to wrong illations. The instance analysis will affect an apprehension and application of Activity-based Costing ( ABC ) and Activity-based Management ( ABM ) . Hopefully. the instance will assist you understand how a basic cognition of direction accounting constructs can help decision-makers in fabricating organisations in bettering profitableness.
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